【期刊名称】《食品与药品》 【年(卷),期】2012(014)002
【摘要】目的 建立测定牧马豆药材不同部位金雀花碱的RP-HPLC的方法.方法 以Agilent C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)为分析柱,乙腈-0.02%醋酸铵-三乙胺(15∶85∶0.02)为流动相,检测波长230 nm,柱温40℃.结果 进样量在0.35~1.75 μg范围,金雀花碱峰面积与浓度呈良好线性关系(r=0.999 9),回收率98.2%(n=6).结论 此法简便、快速、准确,可用于测定该药材中金雀花碱的含量.%Objective To establish a RP-HPLC method for the determination of cytisine in different parts of lanceleaf thermopsis herb. Methods The Agilent C18 column (250 mm×4.6 mm) was used with the mixture of acetonitrile -0.02% CH3COONH4-triethylamine (TEA) (15: 85: 0.02) as the mobile phase. The detection wavelength was set at 230 ran and the column temperature was set at 40℃. Results A good linear relationship between peak area and concentration of cytisine was achieved in the range of 0.35~1.75μg (r=0.9999). The average recovery of cytisine was 98.2% (n=6). Conclusion This method is simple, rapid, accurate and can be used for the determination of cytisine in different parts of lanceleaf thermopsis herb. 【总页数】3页(123-125)