A Backward-Looking Optimal Current Lattice
ZHU Wen-Xing
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(050)009
【摘要】An optimal current lattice model with backward-looking effect is proposed to describe the motion of traffic flow on a single lane highway.The behavior of the new model is investigated analytically and numerically.The stability,neutral stability,and instability conditions of the uniform flow are obtained by the use of linear stability theory.The stability of the uniform flow is strengthened effectively by the introduction of the backward-looking effect.The numerical simulations are carried out to verify the validity of the new model.The outcomes of the simulation are corresponding to the linearly analytical results.The analytical and numerical results show that the performance of the new model is better than that of the previous models. 【总页数】4页(753-756) 【关键词】
【作者】ZHU Wen-Xing
【作者单位】Department of Automation,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;School of Control Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,China
A Backward-Looking Optimal Current Lattice Model