摘 要
射频识别(Radiofrequency identification ,RFID),又称电子标签(E-Tag),是一种利用射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关信息的技术。随着技术的进步,RFID应用领域日益扩大,现已涉及到人们日常生活的各个方面,并将成为未来信息社会建设的一项基础技术。因此,研究、设计和开发RFID系统具有十分重要的理论意义和实际意义。
Radio frequency identification (radio frequency identification, RFID), also known as electronic tags (e-Tag), is an RF signal automatic target recognition and access to relevant information technology. With the advances in technology, RFID applications widening, has been involved in all aspects of people's daily lives, and will become a basic technology of the future information society. Therefore, research, design and development of RFID systems has important theoretical and practical significance.
Discusses the theoretical analysis of radio frequency identification system and card reader to the paper system, many of the key technology of radio frequency identification system, and the design of radio frequency identification reader.
This paper firstly analyzes the basic principle of radio frequency identification technology, the research direction and application. In the full study of RF Card basic principle, technical characteristics, relevant international standards, and then put forward based on STC11F32 single chip RF card reader system design method. The design adopts MFRC522radio frequency read write module in STC11F32under the control of a single-chip microcomputer to realize Mifare card read and write access operations.
The hardware part of the design including the MCU control circuit design, design of the RF module, Antenna circuit design, circuit design of the serial communication, voice prompts and display circuit design, including detailed discussion of the reader software design methods. Software design, including the microcontroller handler, the basic operation of the RF base station chip RC522, Mifare card operating procedures, voice prompts and display part of the program. The paper discussed the request response communication between the software implementation of the reader with Mifare card required, anti-collision, election card, certification, read and write function module principle.
Key words:RFID, reader, IC card, STC11F32, MFRC522
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