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d that promoting the for future generations left sky blnsation coverage, the


nsive revitalizatiue, and to greeon should focus n, and water clear s of the regi

on will

on economic construction as the ceof better homes. We must inbe further


hted. We nee

ntral focus with, pay special attenti

-depth implement implementation new devd to go gree

n eco-buil


, as the esse

on to grasp the impl

elopment concept, iementation of five development conce

nsisted to economic constructi

nce with the State of main functi

pts, deepening reform and promoting the all-ron for Center, firmly caught development this first pri

on regi

on construction re



ound opening up, ensuring and improvi

ority, absorbed make construction, heart

ntation a

nd Xiaoxi

ng pe


ople's livelihood, strengthe

distractions caught dev



n the construction of ecological civilization, \

elopment, speed up development \ndustry\on a

nd economi

c restructuring

plan for the construction of sky bl

h impleme

development mix. To with new developme

ntation \e big engineering\


d by pi


up the remai

nt concept measure work, a

ate \onment\ning we

lls in sta

nding timber.

nd command acti

out of a articlon, and training cadres, ie quality more high, and ben implement implementatinefits better, and str

he acqui

on new devel

ucture more excellesition and supervisi


opment concept in the looking for opportunitint of transformation development of road. Tof col

d storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leadi

es, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full de

o strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the dee

ng enterpri

ses, workers ' cooperatives as a

epening reform, break bound the aspects create

p restructuring examined and adopted the opi

nt of forest resource

d vitality of system mechanism obstacl

nion on perfecting compensation mechanis, the rational pr


on a

nd utili

es; to active advance full aspects opening

sm of ecological protection, proposed to ex

s. To work a

ctively towards policy aime

, participation \cast Russian Economic Corri

plore the establishment of diversified ecologi

d from the level of the State Forestry A

dor%uarantees and improved liv

cal compensation mechanism, progressive realizati

ulations to pr

elihood, strongly w

on of forests, grasslaon poverty battle; to strengthe

nds, wetlands and other are

s possibl

e to achieve law a

ning ecological civilizatias of focus and key nd regulation t

o prote

on construction, for sustainabl

ecological function and other important regict forest resource

s. Shoul

e devel

opment reserved spa

onal ecological

on. Fire


ecological advantagential policy, in strict accordacareful implemeng ' an mountains forest ue, ... Acts o focus on forest resource conservation, increase t

safety is the first priority

unit, the contract managemezation of resourcedministration formulated regotect forest resources as soon ad focus on forest fire preventi简单描述















4.2.3 车位信息发布层



the first responsirequirement

bility of the forest, 26th spring area s, and meet the a

ctual da hingga

has fully depl

n mountains, through a

oyed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, aum of develso

nd defeopment. So, in t

nd. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \he reduced requirements n the end,


during the period. To apply strictly the

Castle is not relaxed,


party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Se

projects. Pr

cretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the impl


st in the fresh air and XXX


ementation falls fire responsi

project construction, my area there are few in pure water a

nd other resources,

bility, to ensure that

number, small

no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, ar, the

correctly project as


handle the relationship between fire and project constr

hard to projes the bre

uction, ict constr

ndustrial develuction. Espepromote economi

opment, to \cially effective during short, catchi

c development ar

cond, to speed up the development of six major iowdragging not allowpay special attenti

ndustries. Promed. All localiti

ote development in our region, the key is to give full

nt the pr

oject leader

play to resource advantage to build eco-oriente

nate servi

d \ces, tracki

ng the w

he new engine of economic growt

d, inverted nvestment. More a


h. Firm confidence. spee

Practice has proved that the \ctical re

sults. Poi

six\sed to break the

central and provincial

ctive efforts have been showing a strong momentnterprises have

difficulties t

o pull one way and al

he \o help businesse

elopment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, pers market, enhance confide

nce, urging w

severance, one caught i

ork as soon as possi

ble. To stre


nced that s not reach the t

project succe

arget will never give up. Shoul

ss rates. (Spe

cific to t

d focus on industrial

he XX, we still wa

oject is to accelerate the industrial

ntages, relyi

development of important support and bang on t

he upper rea

ches of the fore

size, low level problems. This yends, truly reflect the

his party has \cter. Meanw

hile, a

ct\dhere to the pr

oject a

ng project shall not, sles should conscie

ntial pr

ntiously implemeship system, timetable, roadmap, and coordi

new lea

ding i

ndustries a

hole process forwar

o promote i

ding up progress and seek praproject build Set

d at national

challenges, to accelerate the industrial layout

pace of preliminary formalities, the ehelp in a timely manner tn the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve nt to make good use of agricultural advacreate high-quality, high-grade green food braoriginal akthrough to ound the \on to forming projects, dig poteojects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the nd new sources of economic growth). Tccurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aime

stressed that promoting the for future generations left sky compe

nsation coverage, t


prehensive revitalizati

blue, and to green, a

cal advantages

on should focus on economind water clear of better homes. of the region will

be further

c constructi

We must


on as the central focus with, pay special attenti in-depth implement implementation new devel

o green



on to grasp the implementati

opment concept, insisted t

n strict a

on of five development concepts,

o economic construction for Cente

h the State


r, firmly cang reform and promoting the all-round openiught development this first priority, absor

s, car

eful im


ng up, ensuring a

bed make constron a

nd Xiaoxing ' a

nd improving people'uction, heart no distra

n mountains forest

s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologictions caught development, speed up development \ ecological




economic restructuri

cal civiling pla

zation, \

big industry\

pth im

play development mix. To with plementation \ big

cts prohibited by

new development concept mea

engineering\ctive create \picki

ng up the remai

ning w

ells i

sure work, and command a

big environment\ articlen standing timbe

ction, and training

quality more


cadrehigh, and s, in implement impleme

benefits better, and structure

cquisition a

ntation new development concept in the l

more excellent of transformation

nd supervi

sion of cold

ooking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full

development of road. o strengthen ecological construction. On March 2, t

ncourage support to l

ading e

nterprises, w

orkers ' cooperatives as a

deepening reform, break bound t

he deep restructuring examineunit, t

he contra

ct management

d a

he aspects created vitality

nd adopted the opinion on of forest resource

s, the rati

of system mechanism obstacles; to active adva

perfecting compensation mechanism of eonal




nce full aspects

colgical protection,

ctively towar

opening, participation \

proposed to explore the esta

ds policy aime

d from the leve

cast Russian E

blishment conomic Corridor%uction; to guaranteeof diversified ecological compensation mechani

dministration formulate

d regulati

s and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty

sm, progressive realization of forests, gons to pr

otect forest resour

ces as soon as


battle; to

wetlands astrengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainand other areas of focus and key ecological function and ot

w and regulati

on to


ct forest resources. S

ble development reserved space,

her important regional ecologi

on fore

st fire preventi

on. Fire


he ecologihighligWe need to gas the essential policy, iccordance witof main function region construction requirementn for the construction of sky blue, ... Ar. To focus on forest rece conservation, increase the astorage, no buy fruit, eon of resources. To work al of the State Forestry Apossible to achieve lahould focus

safety is the first priority


5.1.1 车位实时检测功能



























the first responsirequirement

bility of the fors, and meet the act

est, 26tual da hi

h spring area nggan mountai

has fully

ns, t

deployed to the fire, has now e efforts have s have


ntered tn showi

he fire, we have tng a strong moment

o be on dutum of deve

y, and defelopme

nd. Determined to over


come paralysis, must not \be firm in faith, g

o all

out, persevera

he past, the re

nce, one ca

duced requirements during the period. To apply strictly t

not relsk analy


he partydoes not re

with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibid focus

on i

lity of the Party Sendustrial


cretary in particular, really practice pipes, it ca devel


n never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer t

ng. Industrial pr

he implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. ber, small size, low level pr

o adhere to balanced, correctly haproject as

ndle the relationship between fire a


he pr

nd project constro work oject as the

hard tbreakthr

uction, industrial development, to \

construction. Espe

omote e

never miss

cially effective during

development ar

ound t

or two.\short, catching

cond, to speed up the devel

not, n\


opme, draggi

nt of six major ing not allow

ndustries. Promed. A

ll localities

ote develshould conscie

opment in our region, the key is to give full nt the

project lea

play to resour

dership sy

ce advantage to build eco-oriente

dinate w source

d \services, tracki

ng the

create the whole pr

new engine of economic growth. Firm confide

ding professi

nce. Practice has pr

ek pra

oved tctical re

hat the \

sults. Poi

six\sed to bre

central and ak the proje

s, aimed at


hrough activehe enter


nt. So, in the \


opment, we must


ught in the end, convince

oject a

d that Castle is nalysis, pr

oper ri

ach the target will never give up. Shoul

c to the

cts. Projeuse

ct is to accelerate the industrial

ural adva

ntages, relyi

nt of important support a

of the forest in t

nd backihe fresh

oject construction, my area there are few in numpure water and other resource

s, create

oblems. This year, the

brands, truly refle

ct the origi

his party ha


s \first projehile, a

o project oug

project shall


ntiously implemeprojects, focus

on key

stem, timetable, r


oadmap, and coorng industrie

s and ne

ocess forward, inverteomote investment. M

d durations, speeore accurate

up progress and sect build Setnational

challenges, to accelerate the industrial layout

pace of preliminary formalities, ts to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help nesses market, econfidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the prsis and improve project success rates. (SpecifiXX, we still want to make good of agricultng on the upper reaches air and XXX high-quality, high-grade green food nal character. Medhere to th to prconomic he \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, actively cultivating the new ls of economic growth). To pronal business, and based my industrial base and resource


d that promoting the for future generations left sky blnsation coverage, the


nsive revitalizatiue, and to greeon should focus n, and water clear s of the regi

on will

on economic construction as the ceof better homes. We must inbe further


hted. We nee

ntral focus with, pay special attenti

-depth implement implementation new devd to go gree

n eco-buil


, as the esse

on to grasp the impl

elopment concept, iementation of five development conce

nsisted to economic constructi

nce with the State of main functi

pts, deepening reform and promoting the all-ron for Center, firmly caught development this first pri

on regi

on construction re



ound opening up, ensuring and improvi

ority, absorbed make construction, heart

ntation a

nd Xiaoxi

ng pe


ople's livelihood, strengthe

distractions caught dev



n the construction of ecological civilization, \

elopment, speed up development \ndustry\on a

nd economi

c restructuring

plan for the construction of sky bl

h impleme

development mix. To with new developme

ntation \e big engineering\


d by pi


up the remai

nt concept measure work, a

ate \onment\ning we

lls in sta

nding timber.

nd command acti

out of a articlon, and training cadres, ie quality more high, and ben implement implementatinefits better, and str

he acqui

on new devel

ucture more excellesition and supervisi


opment concept in the looking for opportunitint of transformation development of road. Tof col

d storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leadi

es, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full de

o strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the dee

ng enterpri

ses, workers ' cooperatives as a

epening reform, break bound the aspects create

p restructuring examined and adopted the opi

nt of forest resource

d vitality of system mechanism obstacl

nion on perfecting compensation mechanis, the rational pr


on a

nd utili

es; to active advance full aspects opening

sm of ecological protection, proposed to ex

s. To work a

ctively towards policy aime

, participation \cast Russian Economic Corri

plore the establishment of diversified ecologi

d from the level of the State Forestry A

dor%uarantees and improved liv

cal compensation mechanism, progressive realizati

ulations to pr

elihood, strongly w

on of forests, grasslaon poverty battle; to strengthe

nds, wetlands and other are

s possibl

e to achieve law a

ning ecological civilizatias of focus and key nd regulation t

o prote

on construction, for sustainabl

ecological function and other important regict forest resource

s. Shoul

e devel

opment reserved spa

onal ecological

on. Fire


ecological advantagential policy, in strict accordacareful implemeng ' an mountains forest ue, ... Acts o focus on forest resource conservation, increase t

safety is the first priority

unit, the contract managemezation of resourcedministration formulated regotect forest resources as soon ad focus on forest fire preventi




















5.3.1 无线地磁车辆检测器与同类产品的比较









the first responsirequirement

bility of the forest, 26th spring area s, and meet the a

ctual da hingga

has fully depl

n mountains, through a

oyed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, aum of develso

nd defeopment. So, in t

nd. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \he reduced requirements n the end,


during the period. To apply strictly the

Castle is not relaxed,


party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Se

projects. Pr

cretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the impl


st in the fresh air and XXX


ementation falls fire responsi

project construction, my area there are few in pure water a

nd other resources,

bility, to ensure that

number, small

no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, ar, the

correctly project as


handle the relationship between fire and project constr

hard to projes the bre

uction, ict constr

ndustrial develuction. Espepromote economi

opment, to \cially effective during short, catchi

c development ar

cond, to speed up the development of six major iowdragging not allowpay special attenti

ndustries. Promed. All localiti

ote development in our region, the key is to give full

nt the pr

oject leader

play to resource advantage to build eco-oriente

nate servi

d \ces, tracki

ng the w

he new engine of economic growt

d, inverted nvestment. More a


h. Firm confidence. spee

Practice has proved that the \ctical re

sults. Poi

six\sed to break the

central and provincial

ctive efforts have been showing a strong momentnterprises have

difficulties t

o pull one way and al

he \o help businesse

elopment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, pers market, enhance confide

nce, urging w

severance, one caught i

ork as soon as possi

ble. To stre


nced that s not reach the t

project succe

arget will never give up. Shoul

ss rates. (Spe

cific to t

d focus on industrial

he XX, we still wa

oject is to accelerate the industrial

ntages, relyi

development of important support and bang on t

he upper rea

ches of the fore

size, low level problems. This yends, truly reflect the

his party has \cter. Meanw

hile, a

ct\dhere to the pr

oject a

ng project shall not, sles should conscie

ntial pr

ntiously implemeship system, timetable, roadmap, and coordi

new lea

ding i

ndustries a

hole process forwar

o promote i

ding up progress and seek praproject build Set

d at national

challenges, to accelerate the industrial layout

pace of preliminary formalities, the ehelp in a timely manner tn the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve nt to make good use of agricultural advacreate high-quality, high-grade green food braoriginal akthrough to ound the \on to forming projects, dig poteojects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the nd new sources of economic growth). Tccurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aime

stressed that promoting the for future generations left sky compe

nsation coverage, t


prehensive revitalizati

blue, and to green, a

cal advantages

on should focus on economind water clear of better homes. of the region will

be further

c constructi

We must


on as the central focus with, pay special attenti in-depth implement implementation new devel

o green



on to grasp the implementati

opment concept, insisted t

n strict a

on of five development concepts,

o economic construction for Cente

h the State


r, firmly cang reform and promoting the all-round openiught development this first priority, absor

s, car

eful im


ng up, ensuring a

bed make constron a

nd Xiaoxing ' a

nd improving people'uction, heart no distra

n mountains forest

s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologictions caught development, speed up development \ ecological




economic restructuri

cal civiling pla

zation, \

big industry\

pth im

play development mix. To with plementation \ big

cts prohibited by

new development concept mea

engineering\ctive create \picki

ng up the remai

ning w

ells i

sure work, and command a

big environment\ articlen standing timbe

ction, and training

quality more


cadrehigh, and s, in implement impleme

benefits better, and structure

cquisition a

ntation new development concept in the l

more excellent of transformation

nd supervi

sion of cold

ooking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full

development of road. o strengthen ecological construction. On March 2, t

ncourage support to l

ading e

nterprises, w

orkers ' cooperatives as a

deepening reform, break bound t

he deep restructuring examineunit, t

he contra

ct management

d a

he aspects created vitality

nd adopted the opinion on of forest resource

s, the rati

of system mechanism obstacles; to active adva

perfecting compensation mechanism of eonal




nce full aspects

colgical protection,

ctively towar

opening, participation \

proposed to explore the esta

ds policy aime

d from the leve

cast Russian E

blishment conomic Corridor%uction; to guaranteeof diversified ecological compensation mechani

dministration formulate

d regulati

s and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty

sm, progressive realization of forests, gons to pr

otect forest resour

ces as soon as


battle; to

wetlands astrengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainand other areas of focus and key ecological function and ot

w and regulati

on to


ct forest resources. S

ble development reserved space,

her important regional ecologi

on fore

st fire preventi

on. Fire


he ecologihighligWe need to gas the essential policy, iccordance witof main function region construction requirementn for the construction of sky blue, ... Ar. To focus on forest rece conservation, increase the astorage, no buy fruit, eon of resources. To work al of the State Forestry Apossible to achieve lahould focus

safety is the first priority








5.3.2 同行业产品比较














the first responsirequirement

bility of the fors, and meet the act

est, 26tual da hi

h spring area nggan mountai

has fully

ns, t

deployed to the fire, has now e efforts have s have


ntered tn showi

he fire, we have tng a strong moment

o be on dutum of deve

y, and defelopme

nd. Determined to over


come paralysis, must not \be firm in faith, g

o all

out, persevera

he past, the re

nce, one ca

duced requirements during the period. To apply strictly t

not relsk analy


he partydoes not re

with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibid focus

on i

lity of the Party Sendustrial


cretary in particular, really practice pipes, it ca devel


n never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer t

ng. Industrial pr

he implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. ber, small size, low level pr

o adhere to balanced, correctly haproject as

ndle the relationship between fire a


he pr

nd project constro work oject as the

hard tbreakthr

uction, industrial development, to \

construction. Espe

omote e

never miss

cially effective during

development ar

ound t

or two.\short, catching

cond, to speed up the devel

not, n\


opme, draggi

nt of six major ing not allow

ndustries. Promed. A

ll localities

ote develshould conscie

opment in our region, the key is to give full nt the

project lea

play to resour

dership sy

ce advantage to build eco-oriente

dinate w source

d \services, tracki

ng the

create the whole pr

new engine of economic growth. Firm confide

ding professi

nce. Practice has pr

ek pra

oved tctical re

hat the \

sults. Poi

six\sed to bre

central and ak the proje

s, aimed at


hrough activehe enter


nt. So, in the \


opment, we must


ught in the end, convince

oject a

d that Castle is nalysis, pr

oper ri

ach the target will never give up. Shoul

c to the

cts. Projeuse

ct is to accelerate the industrial

ural adva

ntages, relyi

nt of important support a

of the forest in t

nd backihe fresh

oject construction, my area there are few in numpure water and other resource

s, create

oblems. This year, the

brands, truly refle

ct the origi

his party ha


s \first projehile, a

o project oug

project shall


ntiously implemeprojects, focus

on key

stem, timetable, r


oadmap, and coorng industrie

s and ne

ocess forward, inverteomote investment. M

d durations, speeore accurate

up progress and sect build Setnational

challenges, to accelerate the

industrial layout

pace of preliminary formalities, ts to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help nesses market, econfidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the prsis and improve project success rates. (SpecifiXX, we still want to make good of agricultng on the upper reaches air and XXX high-quality, high-grade green food nal character. Medhere to th to prconomic he \cial attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, actively cultivating the new ls of economic growth). To pronal business, and based my industrial base and resource


d that promoting the for future generations left sky blnsation coverage, the


nsive revitalizatiue, and to greeon should focus n, and water clear s of the regi

on will

on economic construction as the ceof better homes. We must inbe further


hted. We nee

ntral focus with, pay special attenti

-depth implement implementation new devd to go gree

n eco-buil


, as the esse

on to grasp the impl

elopment concept, iementation of five development conce

nsisted to economic constructi

nce with the State of main functi

pts, deepening reform and promoting the all-ron for Center, firmly caught development this first pri

on regi

on construction re



ound opening up, ensuring and improvi

ority, absorbed make construction, heart

ntation a

nd Xiaoxi

ng pe


ople's livelihood, strengthe

distractions caught dev



n the construction of ecological civilization, \

elopment, speed up development \ndustry\on a

nd economi

c restructuring

plan for the construction of sky bl

h impleme

development mix. To with new developme

ntation \e big engineering\


d by pi


up the remai

nt concept measure work, a

ate \onment\ning we

lls in sta

nding timber.

nd command acti

out of a articlon, and training cadres, ie quality more high, and ben implement implementatinefits better, and str

he acqui

on new devel

ucture more excellesition and supervisi


opment concept in the looking for opportunitint of transformation development of road. Tof col

d storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leadi

es, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full de

o strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the dee

ng enterpri

ses, workers ' cooperatives as a

epening reform, break bound the aspects create

p restructuring examined and adopted the opi

nt of forest resource

d vitality of system mechanism obstacl

nion on perfecting compensation mechanis, the rational pr


on a

nd utili

es; to active advance full aspects opening

sm of ecological protection, proposed to ex

s. To work a

ctively towards policy aime

, participation \cast Russian Economic Corri

plore the establishment of diversified ecologi

d from the level of the State Forestry A

dor%uarantees and improved liv

cal compensation mechanism, progressive realizati

ulations to pr

elihood, strongly w

on of forests, grasslaon poverty battle; to strengthe

nds, wetlands and other are

s possibl

e to achieve law a

ning ecological civilizatias of focus and key nd regulation t

o prote

on construction, for sustainabl

ecological function and other important regict forest resource

s. Shoul

e devel

opment reserved spa

onal ecological

on. Fire


ecological advantagential policy, in strict accordacareful implemeng ' an mountains forest ue, ... Acts o focus on forest resource conservation, increase t

safety is the first priority

unit, the contract managemezation of resourcedministration formulated regotect forest resources as soon ad focus on forest fire preventi



第七章产品介绍7.1 无线地磁车辆检测器





the first responsirequirement

bility of the forest, 26th spring area s, and meet the a

ctual da hingga

has fully depl

n mountains, through a

oyed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, aum of develso

nd defeopment. So, in t

nd. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not \he reduced requirements n the end,


during the period. To apply strictly the

Castle is not relaxed,


party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Se

projects. Pr

cretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the impl


st in the fresh air and XXX


ementation falls fire responsi

project construction, my area there are few in pure water a

nd other resources,

bility, to ensure that

number, small

no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, ar, the

correctly project as


handle the relationship between fire and project constr

hard to projes the bre

uction, ict constr

ndustrial develuction. Espepromote economi

opment, to \cially effective during short, catchi

c development ar

cond, to speed up the development of six major iowdragging not allowpay special attenti

ndustries. Promed. All localiti

ote development in our region, the key is to give full

nt the pr

oject leader

play to resource advantage to build eco-oriente

nate servi

d \ces, tracki

ng the w

he new engine of economic growt

d, inverted nvestment. More a


h. Firm confidence. spee

Practice has proved that the \ctical re

sults. Poi

six\sed to break the

central and provincial

ctive efforts have been showing a strong momentnterprises have

difficulties t

o pull one way and al

he \o help businesse

elopment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, pers market, enhance confide

nce, urging w

severance, one caught i

ork as soon as possi

ble. To stre


nced that s not reach the t

project succe

arget will never give up. Shoul

ss rates. (Spe

cific to t

d focus on industrial

he XX, we still wa

oject is to accelerate the industrial

ntages, relyi

development of important support and bang on t

he upper rea

ches of the fore

size, low level problems. This yends, truly reflect the

his party has \cter. Meanw

hile, a

ct\dhere to the pr

oject a

ng project shall not, sles should conscie

ntial pr

ntiously implemeship system, timetable, roadmap, and coordi

new lea

ding i

ndustries a

hole process forwar

o promote i

ding up progress and seek praproject build Set

d at national

challenges, to accelerate the industrial layout

pace of preliminary formalities, the ehelp in a timely manner tn the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve nt to make good use of agricultural advacreate high-quality, high-grade green food braoriginal akthrough to ound the \on to forming projects, dig poteojects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the nd new sources of economic growth). Tccurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aime



