【期刊名称】《剑南文学(经典阅读)》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)001
【摘要】高职高专口语教学是培养英语应用能力的重要内容,然而因其受到传统英语教学模式及母语的影响,存在一些问题,本文从几个常见的问题着手,旨在探讨如何从实际出发改进高职高专口语教学模式,培养学生学习英语口语的兴趣,提高高职高专英语口语教学水平。%The High Vocational Oral English Teaching is important in cultivating English application abilities. However, by the influence of the tra- ditional English teaching mode and our native language, there are some problems. This article processes a few common problems, and discusses how to improve vocational oral English teaching model. Then we can train students' interesting in oral English, and increase high vocational oral English teaching level.
【关键词】口语教学;应用能力;教学模式 【作者】沈莹
【作者单位】长沙电力职业技术学院经管系,湖南长沙410000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】H319 【相关文献】