【期刊名称】《电子质量》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)001
【摘要】该文提出了一种文本图像水印的新算法。首先将文本中选定嵌入水印的区域视为一个彩色图像,对其进行离散余弦变换(DCT),并将变换系数进行加密排序之后,则经典的乘性水印算法转变为加性算法。将排序之后的DCT系数视为分叉噪声,而水印信号为弱信号,那么利用加性噪声中弱信号榆测理论推导出一种水印检测器来检测水印信号,并对其检测性能进行了理论和实验分析。实验表明这种检测器对于高斯加性噪声、中值滤波、乘性噪音以及低通滤波等多种攻击手段都具有较好的抗攻击能力。%A novel text watermarking algorithm is studied in this paper.First,the discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients for the text image are encrypted by reordering their absolute amplitudes.Then,the classical muttiplicative watermarking becomes an additive algorithm.Suppose the reordered DCT coeffi- cients as the dichotomous noise and the watermark as the weak signal,a watermarking detector is de- signed for detecting the text watermark by the detection theory of weak known signals in additive noise. Experimental results show that this detector has a prominent performance against some common attacks,such as rotating,additive Gaussian noise,median filter,multiplicative noise,cropping and low-pass filter.