非信函类应用文主要包括通知、便条、备忘录、海报、演说词、电子邮件、简历、请示、在职证明、启事、广告等。 一、通知 ★★
通知(Notice)是一种使用范围很广的应用文估,通知的正文包括被通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等。通知主要分为书面通知和口头通知两种。书面通知的语言简洁明了、要求明确;口头通知的语言具有明显的口语特征,通俗易懂。写作部分一般只会考查书面通知。 写通知时应注意以下要点★
(1)标题,即 Notice,常大写为 NOTICE。
(3)发通知的日期通常写在左下角,有时可省略。 (4)通知的语言应简洁明了,不能含糊不清。 实例:
The Student Union has recently agreed to set up a swimming cub.it s aimed at encouraging swimming and forming a college swimming team. During the summer there will be a number of practices and demonstrations, and Mr.Wang, the swimming coach of Wuhan Sports University, has agreed to give us training.
Anyone in the school can join the club by filling in the application form and providing two passport-size photographs by the end of the month. The inaugural meeting will be held in the school gym at 3 p.m. on September 18, 2024.
Don’t miss it!
The Student Union
August 20, 2024
① I’m very happy to inform you that.. 很高兴通知你们……
② Those who would like to go please register at../If interested, please sign up at… 有意愿者/感兴趣者请到……报名。
③ All the League members of the university are requested to attend the meeting. 要求大学里所有的团员参加会议。
④ No asking for leave without special reasons. 没有特殊原因不准请假。
⑤ All those who are interested are warmly welcome. 热烈欢迎所有感兴趣者。
⑥ Anyone who is enthusiastic and willing to dedicate their time to this activity is welcomed. 欢迎任何有热情、愿意花时间参与该活动的人。 ⑦ Please notify the others concerned. 请通知其他相关人员。
⑧ If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact.. 如需进一步了解任何信息,请尽管联系… ⑨ Looking forward to your participation. 期待您的参与。
⑩ This is to notify you that from today to next Sunday, the elevator will be suspended owing to repair.