SCHOOLCandidate for June 2014Honors: Harvard Club of France ScholarshipActivities: Human Rights Program Clinical Advocacy Project; International Law Society; European
International Law, International Security Law Policy, and Human RightsUNIVERSITY PARIS, ONSORBONNECandidate for in Law2014Honors: Lavoisier Scholarship, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 20102011Activities: London School of Economics and Political Science, Visiting
UniversityUniversity of Paris Exchange Program Award, Spring 2011Concentration: International Law and Sexual ViolenceUNIVERSITY OF STRASBOURG IIIFranceDEA / October 2008Concentration: Private and Public International
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Protection of Human Rights and RapeUNIVERSITY OF PARIS, ONSORBONNEDEUG
()2006Concentration: Private Law with specialization in Judicial CarriersEXPERIENCEUNITED NATIONS, OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTSActivities andProgrammes
SwitzerlandConsultantFall Winter 2009?Researched and drafted country analyses for the 2003 Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women’sPermanent Mission of France to the United Nations, followup report to the Commission on Human Rights. ?Assistedin the follow up research on all factfinding missions since 1994. ?Prepared allegation letters and urgent annual communications report.InternSpring 2009?Drafted report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Special on “Race, Gender and ViolenceAgainst Women” (World Conference Against Racism, Durban, South Africa, 2001). Prepared letters of allegationand urgent appeals. ?Followed the Commission on Human Rights with the Special Rapporteur and providedsummaries of the debates surrounding item 12 on the human rights of women.INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL
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TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIACourt and Management Support Services Section, RegistryThe Hague, NetherlandsSpring 2010?Provided legal advice to the Registrar on the interpretation and application of legal instruments. ?Performed legal researchand authored report on testimonies related to crimes of sexual violence. ?Prepared a General Presentation of theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to the Registry.UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS, HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTSNew York, NYWinter 2009?Reported on debates at the Security Council as well as on interdepartmental and interagency meetings or indepth research and prepared country files on a variety of human rights issues. ?Screened alleged humanrights violations for transmission to the various human rights procedures of the Commission on Human Rights. ?Assistedin the organization of several events.LANGUAGESFrench (native speaker); English (Fluent); Chinese (Intermediate); Italian (Reading knowledge)PERSONALFlute at professional level. Interests include cooking and history (Chinese and African civilizations) 越来越多的人事经理和职业顾
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问在建议:简历制作要“内容为王”,切忌在形式上花太多的功夫。赫敦职业咨询的张建勤女士说,作为进入面试的“敲门砖”,合乎规范的简历格式是值得我们借鉴的。 低分简历“五宗罪”
3、忌主次不分。用简历来介绍自己,比较好的顺序是“个人信息”、“教育背景”、“工作经历”和“自我评价”。 4、忌页面设计。一般来说,段与段之间,用倍的行距就足够了,而页边距最好是2cm。很多应聘者,要不是“太过奢侈”,在简历上“留白”太多、“太过节约”都不太好。 5、忌设计花哨。用太多的字体、字符、加粗和下划线,其实这些都是没有必要的
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