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做衣服make clothes 洗衣服wash clothes

Ben的爱好 Ben’s hobby 一些爱好 some hobbies 许多漂亮的邮票many beautiful stamps

出示…给…看show…to… 动物邮票 animal stamps 在花园里 in the garden 做饭 cook food

浇花 water the flowers 相同的爱好 the same hobby

一次电话通话a telephone call

午饭以后 after lunch 呆在床上stay in bed 严重的咳嗽a bad cough 吃药take some medicine 去看医生go to see a doctor 张开你的嘴open your mouth

好好休息have a good rest 打错电话 wrong number 新学期 a new term 星期一上午Monday morning

在星期一上午on Monday morning

她的学生 her students 第一节课the first lesson 欢迎回到学校 welcome back to school

什么科目what subjects 八门课eight subjects 八节课eight lessons 在一周内in a week 立刻,马上at once 他的家人his family 感觉病了feel ill 来自日本from Japan No smoking 禁止吸烟 No littering禁止扔杂物 No parking禁止停车 No eating and drinking 禁止吃喝

keep off the grass不接近草坪

Be quiet保持安静 Do not touch不要摸 climb trees爬树

go to the park去公园 go home回家

have an ice cream吃一个冰激凌

have dinner吃饭 watch TV看电视

play computer games 玩电脑游戏

go to bed睡觉

a lot of \\ a lot大量的;许多

public signs公共标志 on the wall在墙上

stay away from…远离…… walk on the grass在草地上走

he bird’s cage鸟笼 make noise发出噪音 take a walk散步

a ten-yuan note 一张十元的钞票

look around四周看 pick up捡起

a new student in Ben’s class 本班上的一位新学生 go home together一起回家 after school放学以后 talk about谈论有关…… the third of March三月三日

your birthday你的生日 blow out吹灭

as a birthday present作为生日礼物

birthday cake生日蛋糕 come to my birthday party 来参加我的生日聚会 have a birthday party举办生日聚会

a VCD of Japanese cartoons 一张日本卡通光盘 open the door 开门

make a birthday card 做一张生日贺卡 take off脱下

Sports Day运动日

all the students所有的学生 very exciting非常令人兴奋

look for寻找

a running race一场赛跑 let me see让我看看

a moment ago / just now刚才

on the ground在地上 pick them up for me 帮我把它们捡起来

in front of 在……前面 a pair of glasses一副眼镜(单数)

a roll of film一卷胶卷(单数)

three diaries三本日记 a pair of earphones一副耳机(单数)

listen to music 听音乐 yesterday evening 昨天晚上

under the table在桌子下面

close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛

play a game 玩游戏 National Day(国庆日) the National Day holiday(国庆假期)

last week/ last year上个星期/去年

after the holiday(假期后)go to school early(很早上学)/ early – late

in the school playground(在学校操场上)

before class(上课前)/ before – after

a funny cartoon (一部有趣的卡通片)

visit a farm with my family (和我的家人一起参观农场)

on the farm(在农场里) water trees(浇树)

pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)

milk cows(挤牛奶) collect eggs(收集鸡蛋) fruit trees(果树)

pick a lot of oranges摘许多橘子

taste them(品尝它们) go to the farm(去农场) at the weekends(在周末)watch cartoons(看动画片)visit the zoo(参观动物园)play volleyball打排球 clean the house(打扫房子)visit Liu Tao’s grandparents拜访刘涛的祖父母

camping trip(野营旅行) at a camp(在一个营地上)cook a lot of food(做许多食物)

play a lot of games(玩许多游戏)

go camping(去野营) have a good time(玩得很高兴)

come after 在……之后到

New Year's Day 元旦

on New Year's Day 在元旦 at Christmas 在圣诞节 go to parties 去参加聚会 have a big lunch 吃一顿丰盛的午餐

at Spring Festival 在春节 What do people usually do at Spring Festival? 人们通常在春节干什么? visit their relatives and friends 拜访他们的亲戚和朋友

eat lots of delicious food吃许多美味的食物

last Spring Festival 上个春节

of course 当然

my favourite holiday 我最喜爱的节日

in October 在十月

dress up in costumes 用戏服装扮

last Halloween 去年万圣节

eat moon cakes 吃月饼 play with lanterns 玩灯笼 watch the moon赏月 on different holidays 在不同的节日 last year 去年

at Easter 在复活节 listen to him 听他讲 in the grass 在草丛中 a popular holiday 一个流行的节日

in China 在中国

in January or February 在一月或二月

eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 like to play with lanterns喜欢玩灯笼

eat chocolate eggs 吃巧克力蛋

make pumpkin lanterns制作南瓜灯笼

give presents to your friends 把礼物给你的朋友 go to Beijing 去北京 this afternoon 今天下午 play with balloons 玩气球 sing and dance唱歌跳舞 meet Helen in the

playground 在操场上遇见海伦

visit a farm with my parents 和我的父母亲一起参观农场

play with friends 和朋友玩 watch the dragon boat races 观看龙舟比赛

on Christmas Day 在圣诞日 Jim's family 吉姆一家人

in his grandparent's house在他爷爷奶奶的房子里 Christmas trees 圣诞树 the presents under the

Christmas tree 在圣诞树下的礼物

so many 这么多



