Why is it so common to lie to doctors? 为什么许多人喜欢对医生撒谎?
When your doctor asks how often you exercise, do you give her an honest answer? How about when she asks what you've been eating lately? If you've ever stretched the truth, you're not alone.
60 to 80 percent of people surveyed have not been forthcoming with their doctors about information that could be relevant to their health, according to a new study. 一项最新的研究显示,60%至80%的受访者都不愿向医生透露可能与自身健康有关的信息。
Besides fibbing about diet and exercise, more than a third of respondents didn't speak up when they disagreed with their doctor's recommendation. Another common scenario was failing to admit they didn't understand their clinician's instructions. 除了会在饮食和锻炼方面撒个小谎,超过三分之一的受访者在不认同医生的建议时并不会把自己的想法说出来。还有一个常见的现象是,很多人不会承认自己没听懂医生说的话。
When respondents explained why they weren't transparent, most said that they wanted to avoid being judged, and didn't want to be lectured about how bad certain behaviors were. More than half were simply too embarrassed to tell the truth. 大多数受访者表示,他们之所以不愿意说实话,是因为他们不想受到评判,也不想被说教哪些行为有多么不好。超过一半的受访者表示,他们只是觉得说实话很尴尬。
Scientists at Scientists at University of Utah Health and Middlesex Community College led the research study in collaboration with colleagues at University of Michigan and
University of Iowa.
Insights into the doctor-patient relationship came from a national online survey of two populations. One survey captured responses from 2,011 participants who averaged 36 years old. The second was administered to 2,499 participants who were 61 on average. 一项针对两组人群的全国性在线调查队医患关系进行了深入研究。两组人群分别是2011名平均年龄为36岁的受访者和2499名平均年龄为61岁的受访者。
\benign information, and that they would admit to it,\says the study's first author Andrea Levy, Ph.D., MBe, an associate professor in social sciences at Middlesex Community College in Middletown, Connecticut.
The trouble with a patient's dishonesty is that doctors can't offer accurate medical advice when they don't have all the facts.
\are taking their medication, it can have significant implications for their health. Especially if they have a chronic illness,\
利维说:“如果患者隐瞒自己的饮食或用药情况,这可能会对他们的身体健康造成严重影响,尤其是当他们患有某些慢性疾病时。” (全文共309个词)
transparent [tr?ns?p?r?nt] adj. 透明的;显然的;坦率的 lecture [?lekt??r] n. 演讲;讲稿 v. 训诫 withhold [w?e?ho?ld] vt. 保留;隐瞒;抑制