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七年级英语Once upon a time教案

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Module 9 Unit 1 Once upon a time…


1. 行为动词一般过去时、陈述句的肯定、否定形式 2. 能听懂听力素材并依托听力素材复述课文 3. 能用过去时讲故事

重难点:行为动词一般过去时的构成、否定句的形式 教学过程: 课前预习

一、预习词汇 布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉语意思即可。

二、课前朗读 朗读本课新单词、短语等(见课本P159) 三、每日播报 Who’s on duty today? 课上探究

一、新课导入 1. 检查词汇预习

(1)展示my daughter 的动作图片,学生根据图片猜单词: knock,push,enter,count,pick,notice,hurry (2)朗读上述单词 2. 展示新句型

(1)Free talk : This is what my daughter did yesterday导入过去时

(2)展示动词过去时 knocked, pushed, entered, counted, picked, noticed, hurried (3)跟读上述单词及过去时.

(4)总结规律:小组合作,总结规则动词一般过去式的发音规则及变化规则。 3. 专项练习:

(1)写出下列动词的过去式 walk

__________ live___________

pick___________ stop __________

watch_________ push __________

notice_________ hurry__________

(2)朗读上述动词及过去时并巩固一般过去时的变化规则。 (3)看图对话

A: What did she do yesterday? B: She knocked on the door. pushed the door entered the house

counted the bowls picked the flowers/ noticed TV/ hurried to TV 二、听力训练 1.多层听

(1)Listen and Choose A or B

Did the story begin with once upon a time? A Yes, it did. B No, it didn’t 2)Where did Goldilocks live?

A Near the forest. B In the forest. (2)Listen and complete.

This is called “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She lived near the forest. One day she decided to go for a walk. She walked into the forest with herbasket. 2.听后说

Read the short passage, pay attention to the past forms. (三)对话处理 1.读前听

(1)Listen and choose T or F.





house. ( )

There was no one in the house. ( ) There were two bowls on the table. ( ) She finished all the food in the little bowl. ( ) (2)Listen and number the pictures(SB Activity 3). 2.听后读

(1)Read and answer the questions (SB Activity 6). (2)Read and find out the phrases for every picture. And read the phrases.

counted three bowls, entered the house, hurried to the house, knocked on the door, picked some flowers, pushed the door, noticed a little house, was lost. (3)Fill in the forms, and work in pairs.

three liked\\didn’t why bowls the bowl the big bowl didn’t like cold good like biggest didn’t like hot the little bowl liked Work in pairs.

A: Did she like the biggest bowl? B: No, she didn’t. A: Why?

B: Because it was very hot…. 3.读后学 (1)Drill:

She liked the little bowl.(变否定句)

She didn’t like the little bowl. 先引导学生观察有什么变化, 点拨:注意动词过去时还原

She hurried to the house.(变否定句) She didn’t hurry to the house. She walked in the forest.(变否定句) She didn’t walk in the forest.

(1)Language points: 教师精讲,学生造句训练 1)be lost

e.g. She was lost in the forest.

They were lost in the big city. 汉译英:

1. 我昨天在昌邑迷路了。 2. 他们昨天晚上迷路了。 2) knock on (at) sth. e.g. She knocked on the door.

Who is knocking at the window? 汉译英:他敲我的头了. 谁敲我的桌子了?

七年级英语Once upon a time教案


