For the aim of direkts?verfahren
申请(专利)号: DE20101037149
专利号: DE102010037149A
1 主分类号: A01C5/06 申请权利人: AMAZONEN-WERKE H.
DREYER GMBH & CO. KG 公开国代码: DE 优先权国家: DE
申请日: 2010-08-25 公开公告日: 2012-03-01
分类号: A01C5/06
发明设计人: HEINZ, PROF. DR.
优先权: 20100825 DE
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
The aim for the directly - and / or
mulchs?verfahren with a hinge body, into whose lower area, a tear-open chisel for the creation of a seed planting furrow in the bottom is arranged, and behind the tear-open chisel material ducts for the opening in the seed planting furrow to be stored material, such as seeds and / or fertilizer. In order to remedy this situation as well as the required pulling force with a good design of the aufreissmeissels to reduce in a simple manner, it is provided, that the lower in the bottom of the seed planting furrow and penetrating the region of the tear-open chisel which continuously decreases as viewed in the direction of travel is formed as a downwardly. 主权项:
Mei?els?schar für das Direkt- und/oder Mulchs?verfahren mit einem Schark?rper, in dessen unteren Be
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For the aim of direkts