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选修六 Module 2


1.Drivers should be ________ (惩罚) severely for dangerous driving.

2.It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was ________ (看不见的). 3.Please do not ________ (迟疑) to contact me if you have any queries. 4.The ________ (女主角) is played by a famous actress.

5.I'd like you to answer ________ (确定地), “Yes” or “No”. 6.At the shot, the birds immediately flew away in all d________. 7.I'll do everything in my p________ to help him out. 8.We all felt that Wanda's c________ was unjustified. 9.That's a good n________. I like to read it. 10.They have a very happy m________.

答案:1.punished 2.invisible 3.hesitate 4.heroine 5.definitely

6.directions 7.power 8.criticism 9.novel 10.marriage Ⅱ.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

1.There's no room for ________, and please decide quickly. 2.Can you ________ that he will win?

3.Before making the cake, she read the ______ on the packet. 4.She is ________ of a large fortune. 5.The church ________ people's life.

6.The army is determined to ________ all the opposition. 7.Will the car ________ till we reach Shanghai? 8.He ________ me and asked for a light.

9.They had nowhere to stay so I couldn't ________ them ________. 10.When I ________ her, she was leaving the hall.

答案:1.hesitation 2.doubt 3.directions 4.possessed 5.plays an important part in

6.put down 7.hold out 8.came up to 9.turn; away 10.looked around for



She ________ ________ ________ ________ to embrace her daughter. 2.请写在我的账上。

________ ________ ________ to my account, please. 3.在大学里,我积极参加各种活动。

At college, I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ all kinds of activities. 4.毫无疑问,我们会成功的。

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ we will be successful. 5.我迟疑把这么多钱花在衣服上。

I ________ ________ ________ so much money on clothes. 答案:1.held out her arms 2.Put it down 3.took an active part in 4.There is no doubt that 5.hesitate to spend Ⅳ.单项填空

1.If you meet someone you like talking to, don't ________ about going out for dinner or movies.

A.hesitate B.wonder C.bother D.think

答案:A hesitate about doing sth.表示“做某事犹豫不决”。 2.Your work hasn't ________ my expectations. A.come along with B.come up to C.come down on D.come in for

答案:B come up to sth.表示“比得上,达到预期标准”。

3.(2010·扬州中学高三期中)Sichuan Province, ________in southwest China and________an area of 485,000 kilometers with the largest population in China, is one of the largest and most inaccessible provinces in China.

A.located; covered B.locating; covering C.located; covering D.locating; covered

答案:C 考查非谓语动词。句意:四川省位于中国西南,占地四百八十五万平方公里,人口最多,是中国最大最闭塞的省份。第一空be located in“位于”,locate与Sichuan Province构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词;第二空Sichuan Province与cover构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用-ing形式。

4.I turned ________ and looked out of the window. A.out B.off C.over D.away

答案:D turn away转过身去,拒绝;turn out结果是;turn off关闭;turn over打翻,翻阅。句意:我转过身并且向窗外看。故选D。

5.We were short of water but could ________ another day. A.hold out B.hold out for C.hold out on D.hold on

答案:B 句意:我们缺少水但还能维持一天。hold out for another day中,hold out此处意为“维持”,for是介词接时间段表示持续一段时间。A项缺少介词for;C项,“拒绝提供”;D项“等一会,不挂断”,均不合题意。

6.________ I received his letter I went to see him. A.Direct B.Directly C.Directions D.Moment

答案:B 句意:我一收到他的信,就去看他了。空处缺少连词,而directly可充当连词使用相当于as soon as,故答案为B项。D项中若moment前面加the,也是正确选项。

7.The part ________ religion was very great. A.played in B.taken in C.played by D.taken by

答案:C 句意:宗教所起的作用是巨大的。play the part表示起作用,religion是动作的执行者,故答案为C。

8.The English language ________ a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. A.owns B.contains C.holds D.possesses

答案:D possess“占有,拥有”,既可指某人对某物具有所有权和支配权,又可指具有才华、特点、品质、性格等;own“拥有”,强调拥有某物,不能用于抽象含义;contain“包含,容纳”,强调包含于某一事物中;hold握住,持有,强调有力地控制或保持。根据题意选D。

9.—The boy said he could lift the heavy stone. —________ is no doubt about that. A.There B.It C.This D.What

答案:A There is no doubt意为“毫无疑问”,是固定句型。 10.The minister ________ a plan to help the homeless. A.put aside B.put out C.put forward D.put down

答案:C put aside节省,储蓄;put out扑灭,发表;put forward提出,put down写下,

镇压。句意:部长提出了一项帮助无家可归的人的计划。答案为C。 Ⅴ.阅读理解


A voyage to Timbuktu in a flying car may sound like a magical childhood fantasy. But this week a British adventurer will set off from London on an incredible journey through Europe and Africa, traveling by road and air.

With the help of a parachute and a giant fan motor, Neil Laughton plans to fly over the Pyrenees near Andorra, before taking to the skies again to jump across the 14-km Straits of

Gibraltar. Neil Laughton then aims to fly over the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, above the Sahara Desert and, well, wherever else the road runs out.

But forget Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this flying machine is based on proven technology. Designed by a 29-year-old British inventor, the Skycar enables its driver to pilot the vehicle at the

mere touch of a button. The team behind it calls the Skycar the world's first road legal biofuelled (生物燃料的) flying car.

Mr. Laughton's destination is the west African country of Mali and its city of Timbuktu, a place which has had a mystical (神秘的), “middle of nowhere” reputation since the Victorian exploration.

The 42-day expedition will pass 4, 000 miles through France, Spain and Morocco, head into

the Sahara by way of Mauritania and Mali, before returning home via Senegal. He had also hoped to make the 22-mile flight across the English Channel, but that plan was forbidden by civil

aviation officials.

Even Mr. Laughton—who has climbed the highest mountains on seven continents and made a difficult journey at the North Pole—admits his latest “boy's own” adventure is a little strange. He's been dreaming of creating a flying car since childhood.

“The inspiration came from realizing we can drive and we can fly, so why can't we do both? The problem all along has been the wing technology, which we think we've cracked with the Skycar,” he said.

Sadly some areas on his route are not good and so he must be careful.

1.Why does the voyage to Timbuktu in a flying car sound like a magical childhood fantasy? A.It's too far to be realized.

B.It's difficult and full of imagination.

C.It needs to cover a distance of 4,000 miles. D.It is done by the adventurer Neil Laughton.

答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段和最后三段可知,这次的旅行有点像魔力童年幻想,一方面是因为该旅行很难实现,另一方面是因为该旅行富于想象。故答案选B。

2.According to the text, the voyage from London to Timbuktu ________. A.must cross Straits of Gibraltar by ship B.mainly travel through the whole Europe C.will have to carry a parachute with him D.will cover as many as six countries

答案:D 细节判断题。根据文章第五段可知,该次旅途所经过的国家有:法国、西班牙、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、马里、塞内加尔六国。故答案选D。

3.Which of the following is the right order of Neil Laughton's travel? a.Straits of Gibraltar b.The Pyrenees c.Senegal d.The city of Timbuktu e.Mauritania

A.a, b, c, e, d B.d, e, b, a, c C.a, b, e, c, d D.b, a, e, d, c

答案:D 细节理解题。结合第二段和第五段可知,Neil Laughton首先从伦敦开始,经过“the Pyrenees”,穿过“Straits of Gibraltar”,通过摩洛哥的“the Atlas Mountains”,再经过“Mauritania”,到达“Mali”的“city of Timbuktu”,最后是“Senegal”。故答案选D。

4.The author uses “middle of nowhere” to show ________. A.the significance of visiting Timbuktu

B.the meaning of the word Timbuktu C.the history of the city of Timbuktu

D.the development of the city of Timbuktu

答案:A 词义猜测题。根据文章第四段可知,这座城市很神秘,因此,选取这座城市作为其旅途的终点有其重要的意义。故答案选A。

5.What drove the success of Neil Laughton's travel according to the text? A.The bad political situation along the route. B.Neil Laughton's childhood dream.

C.The good weather conditions all the time.

D.The great support from Neil Laughton's family.

答案:B 推理判断题。Neil Laughton的成功一方面要归于自己孩提时代的梦想,另一方面要归功于科技。故答案选B。


A new system that scans customers' fingerprints and subtracts the grocery bill from bank accounts has taken supermarkets in Germany by storm. Stores, school canteens and even bars are picking it up.

The Edeka supermarket chain is the first retail business in Germany to use the new system. “Almost a quarter of our customers pay with their fingers,” said an employee at the headquarters. Edeka has tried the system at 70 of its supermarkets. It says it will introduce it at 200 others because customers like it.

“At first we thought that only the young who really keep up with the latest technology would be interested, but we were wrong,” said Stefan Sewoester from IT Werke. “Almost two-thirds of the people who use the system are 40 and older,”he said.

IT Werke, a computer company, is one of the pioneers of fingerprint payment software in Germany. It has helped about 150 shops, canteens and bars to put in the fingerprint scanning machines. Each costs about 2, 000 euros.

To sign up for the service, customers must have their fingerprints taken and leave their addresses and banking details with the shop. The shop then takes the cost of goods directly out of the customer's bank account.

“It is especially a good thing for elderly people. Now they do not have to remember their code to pay with their bank cards, or to scratch around for their glasses or cash.” Swoester said.

The stores benefit from the system too. It saves more than time in the check-out line. It also

cuts out the hidden costs of accepting electronic card payments.

6.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A.Pay with Fingerprints

B.New Development in Technology C.Supermarket Revolution

D.Change in Computer Software

答案:A 主旨大意题。通读文章可知答案。

7.According to the passage, the fingerprint system ______. A.was invented by the Edeka supermarket chain B.is preferred by most American customers C.is more popular with young people

D.has caused a payment revolution in Germany

答案:D 细节理解题。A项中Edeka supermarket chain是一家连锁超市,并不是软件研发公司;由第二段可知B项错误;C项应该是该系统更受老人年的喜爱;综观全文可知D项正确。

8.To apply to pay with fingers, customers are required to do all of the following except ________.

A.have their fingerprints taken B.leave their addresses

C.have their phones connected with computers

D.give the shop information about the bank accounts

答案:C 由文章第五段可知答案为C。

9.Why do elderly people benefit much from the fingerprint machine? A.They don't like to pay in cash. B.They are always forgetful.

C.They will spend less time on shopping. D.They always fail to find their bank cards. 答案:B 由文章第六段可知答案为B。

10.What do we know by inference from the passage?

A.Fewer shops will try the new software because of the cost. B.IT Werke should be the largest computer company in Germany. C.The new service requires certain personal information. D.The new change in payment only benefits elderly people.

答案:C 细节理解题。通读文章可知,A、D两项明显错误;B项的IT Werke为最早研发指纹付款系统的公司之一,未提到是最大的公司;由第五段可知C项正确。



