摘 要
随着社会经济的进展,石油的储蓄慢慢成为一国能源和经济进展的重要部份。本设计是在充分了解浙江镇海油库所处地理位置和自然条件的基础上,依照给定的生产作业量和油品的运输方式,对该油库进行的一次常规设计。以此巩固对知识的把握和应用能力。本次设计按生产操作,火灾危险程度,经营治理特点将各项设施分区布置,轻油罐区和重油罐区依照标准布置罐位,设置相应的消防系统和捍卫方法。装卸区的布置要便于生产操作。采纳输油管、油槽车、油轮等方式运输油品。生活区设在库外与油库分开布置,以便于平安治理。 本设计由文字说明、数据计算和图纸绘制三大部份组成。
画图部份依据计算和各类标准和经济因素,在最大限度知足生产要求的条件下,进行了较为经济合理的布局,并为油库以后的扩建和进展留有余地。 关键词;油库,罐区,输油管,工艺流程图
The Design of Zhenhai Petroleum Storage’s Trestle
With the development of social economic, the store of petroleum has become an important part of a country’s power source and economic. It was conventional designation. The design was with the full under standing of the geographical position and natural condition of Zhejiang Zhenhai petroleum storage and according to the work quantity and the means of the oil transportation. Through this can improve the ability of grasp and use the knowledge. The arrangement of every facility is depended on the operation process, the digress of the fire disaster and the disaster and the characteristic of the management. According to the regulation, arranged the tank position. The loaded and unloaded parts should be convenient for the operation. Adopted various methods to transport the oil, such as petroleum pipeline, oil tanker . For tanking care of safety conveniently, the life and the oil depot will be designed respectively.
The designation is composing of the direction part, the calculation and the drawing part.
The direction part contains the original material of designation. The general arrangement of drawing, the process flow diagram, the plane installation of the tank farm and the arrangement, which should be adopt.
The calculation part contains the volume of the oil tank. The loaded and unloaded facilities, the pipeline of light oil, the choosing and testing of pump, the heater area and fight fire of the oil tank in detail.
According to the calculation, all kind of standard and the factor of economy, designed an economic and reasonable composition in the condition of satisfying the requirement of the work. The designation also reserved some area for the oil depot extending in the future.
Keywords: oil depot, tank farm, petroleum pipeline, process flow diagram.