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人教版(新起点)-英语-五年级上册-Unit 4 Shopping Day 优质教学教案

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Unit 4 Shopping Day教案






2.能熟练的用How much is it? 和 How much are they?询问并回答物品的价钱。

3.能够掌握以下单词短语: exercise book, pencil sharpener, a pair of scissors, pencil box, a box of crayons, please.等。

(二) 情感态度与价值观:

1.通过本节复习课,让学生对礼貌用语加以重视并能使用。如: Please, thank you! Etc. 2.在情景教学中,让学生敢于并能乐于张口说英语。增强学习兴趣。


句型:--- How much is it? --- It’s ____ yuan. --- How much are they altogether? --- They are ____ yuan. Here’s the money. Here’s your change.


Teacher Greetings: Good morning, everyone. Students 备注 Good morning, Ruby . Step1: Listen to a song and do the action Sing a song and do the action. 歌曲和舞蹈可 复习小故事,让以激发孩子的学习兴趣。 Step2:Review the story 小学-英语-上册-打印版


1. Show 5 pictures and ask “It’s a _____.” Students “What’s this?” “It’s ____ yuan.” 孩子跟动画一起读,可以纠正他们的语音语调,而且他们喜欢看动画片。 数字教学是本单元重点。这部分应让孩子掌握发音以及拼写规则,为今后and 的拼写单词作准备。 练习孩子的听力,让他们能够找到对话中的关键数字。 这部分是对本单元句型进行“Can you remember ‘How much is it?’ ” “How much are they altogether?” “They are ____ yuan.” 2. Watch the cartoon and read the Read after the video. story. 3. Role play: ask four Ss to read the story. Step3: Review numbers 1. Let Ss look at the price and let them say numbers. Ask: “What number is it?” “It’s ____.” twelve, 2. Let Ss look at cards and say numbers “Eleven, 3. Look at screen (思考数字的拼写规则。) thirteen…” Ss :11到19的大多数数字后面都有 teen. Step4:Listen and match 1. Review words: ice-cream, hamburger and coke. 2. Let Ss listen to a dialogue and write the price on the paper. 3. Check the answer. Write the price of the food in 操练。从中也培the blank. 养学生大胆说英语的习惯。给他们创造情景,让孩子学以致用。 Step 5: Role play 1. Let Ss touch things from the magic 小学-英语-上册-打印版


bag and guess what it is. T: I have a magic bag. Do you want to see what’s in my bag? T: Ok, I need one Ss to touch it and ask me Ss: Yes, I want. the price. T: What is it? You should ask me? Ss: Let me try. Let me try. Ss: It’s a ___. How much is it? 2. Let them watch a video.(之前录好 关于买东西的小对话。) 3. Work in pairs According to this video, two students in Work with their partner and one group,they should ask the price of practice. the picture.(图片是课前发给孩子的,每组一份。) 对本节课的小检测。这部分还具有趣味性,既能达到教学目4. Ask one or two groups to performance. Draw lots and answer questions. 的,也能让孩子感兴趣。 Step 6:Draw lots There are four lots that is about the knowledge of Unit2 in a box. Let Ss draw lots and follow the order. 小学-英语-上册-打印版



要求学生独立完成课本47页Let’s write.部分。


人教版(新起点)-英语-五年级上册-Unit 4 Shopping Day 优质教学教案


