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Unit 1 Sports and Games

Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?

1.see sb. do sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作的全过程,常与every day; often等连用.

see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事” 强调动作正在进行.

Eg : I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. I often see him draw pictures near the river. 我常看见她在河边画画. I saw her go across the street. 我看见她过了马路

I saw her going across the street. 我看见她正在过马路. [类似的有watch,hear,feel 等这类感观动词.]

2.join sb. 表示 “加入某人的行列” “和某人在一起” join + 组织 表示 “加入某个组织”

take part in 表示 “参加/出席某个活动” 如: Will you join us?

I will join the skiing club.

She is planning to take part in the high jump.

3.prefer to 更喜欢 (to是介词,后接名词、V-ing形式) Eg:She prefers fish to meat.

She prefers playing the piano to playing the guitar.

4.arrive in + 大地点arrive at + 小地点 get to + 地点 = reach + 地点 如: My uncle arrived in Beijing yesterday.

I arrived at the Great Wall. = I got to the Great Wall. = I reached the Great Wall.

注意: reach here/there/home = get here/there/home = arrive here/there/home 5.leave… 离开……

leave for… 动身去…/离开到…

如: They are leaving Beijing tomorrow. 明天他们要离开北京.

They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. 后天他们要前往日本. 6.a few “几个;一些” 修饰可数名词 a little “一点点” 修饰不数名词 如: There are a few eggs in the basket. There is a little water in the bottle. 7.how long 表示“多久(时间)”; 提问时间段. how often 表示 “多常; 多久一次”; 提问时间的频率.

如: They will stay in Beijing for a week. → How long will they stay in Beijing? He plays basketball twice a week. → How often does he play basketball? 8..be good at (doing) sth. = do well in (doing) sth. 擅长于(做)某事

如: She is good at (playing) baseball. = She does well in (playing) baseball. 9..make sth/sb + adj. 使某物(某人)在某种状态 keep …sth/sb + adj. 保持某物(某人)在某种状态 如: Playing soccer can make your body strong.

Swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy. 重点语法


一般将来时: (一)be going to 结构: ①表示主语进行某一将来行动的打算、意图。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有自己做好某些准备的意思,因此通常认为用be going to表达的行动很可能会见诸实践。

如:I’m going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday. 我打算本周日和同学们一起打篮球。

She is going to buy a sweater for her mother. 她打算为她妈妈买一件毛衣。


如:Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. 瞧那些乌云!快要下雨了! (二) will + 动词原形:表示单纯的将来事实,常与表将来的时间状语如:tomorrow, soon, later, next time(week/month/year…)等连用。will not = won’t; 缩略形式为’ll. 表示作出立即的决定。这种意图并未经过事先的考虑或计划,是临时的一种决定。 如:a. ----Please put your things away, Tom. 汤姆,把你的东西收拾好。 ----I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起。我马上就去做。 b. ----Would you like coffee or tea? 您要咖啡还是茶? ----I will have a cup of tea,please. 我要一杯茶。 c. Don’t worry. I’ll help you. 别担心。我会帮你的。 表示预测。指说话人对于将来的看法、假设和推测。

如: I’m sure our team will win next time. 我确信下次我们队会赢。 Maybe she will go to the gym. 也许她会去体育馆。

表示许诺。如: I’ll do better next time. 下次我会做得更好的。 I’ll visit you tomorrow. 明天我会去看你的。 句式:肯定句:I/She/He/They will go to play baseball soon. 否定句:I/She/He/They won’t go to play baseball soon. 一般疑问句:Will you/she/he/they go to play baseball soon? 回答:Yes, I/she/he/they will. No, I/she /he/they won’t.

(三)动词plan, come, go, leave, fly等用现在进行时表示将要发生的事. 如: I’m coming. 我就来。

He is leaving for Shanghai. 他将到上海去。 We are going to Beijing. 我们将去北京。 Topic 2 Would you mind teaching me ?

1.ill 与 sick 都表示 “生病的”, 只能作表语而既可作表语也可作定语. 如: The man is ill/sick. 那个男人病了. (作表语) He is a sick man. 他是个病人. (作定语)

2.Would you mind (not) doing sth? 表示 “(不)做某事介意/好吗?” 如: Would you mind coming and checking it? 来修理它好吗? Would you mind not smoking here? 不要在这儿吸烟好/介意吗?

3. one of + 名词复数 表示 “其中之一……”, 主语是one,表单数.谓语动词用单数。 如: One of my teammates is strong and tall. 其中我的一个队友又高又壮。 4. miss “错过,思念,遗失”

如: I missed the last bus yesterday. 昨天我错过最后一班车. He missed his mother. 他想念他的母亲.

My God! I missed(=lost) my key. 天啊! 我把钥匙弄丢了.


5. do one’s best 尽某人的最大努力 = try one’s best We do our best to finish the task.

6. be sure to do sth. = be sure that + 句子 “确定做某事”

如: We are sure to win next time. = We are sure that we will win next time. 我们确信下次一定会赢。

7. be sorry for… “为某事抱歉”

be sorry to do sth. = be sorry (that) + 句子 “很抱歉做了某事” 如: I am very sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话感到抱歉.

I’m sorry I lost your book. = I’m sorry to lose your book.很抱歉弄丢你的书。 8. tired adj. “(感到)疲惫的” , 主语是人 如: I feel tired today. 今天我感到累了.

tiring adj. “令人疲劳的”, 主语是事物 如:This job is tiring. 这份工作令人疲惫.

类似的有: excited 感到兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋的 interested 感到有趣的 interesting 有趣的 9. 15-year-old “15岁的”

15 years old “15岁” 如: He is a 15-year-old boy. = The boy is 15 years old. 类似用法: 2.5-mile / 2.5 miles

10. instead “替代;相反”, 一般单独使用,放在句末,前面用逗号隔开. instead of…“替代……;而不……,相反”

如: I won’t go to Shanghai. I’ll go to Beijing, instead. 我不会去上海而会去北京.

= I’ll go to Beijing instead of Shanghai.

I drank a lot of milk instead of water. 我喝了许多牛奶而不是水. have fun doing sth. = enjoy doing sth. 表示 “从做…….中获得乐趣”

如: I have great fun running. = I enjoy running.我总能在跑步中得到很大乐趣。 Topic 3 Which sport will you take part in? 1. be ready for 为…准备 = prepare for

Eg:We are ready for the final exam = We are preparing for the final exam 2. encourage 鼓励 (to + V )

Eg:We should encourage children to look after themselves. 3. take / do exercise 做锻炼

Eg:They often takes / does exercise in the morning. 4. group up 长大

Eg:What are you going to be when you grow up. bring up : 抚养

5. a symbol of代表 = stand for


The?Tang?costume is a symbol of Chinese?fashion?culture?and?the?long?history?of?China. 6. at least 至少 at most 至多

Eg:We need at least another two days to finish the task. There are 1000 students in this school at most.


7. fill out + 名词 “填好……” fill + 名词/代词+out

如: Please fill out this form. = Please fill this form out. 请填好这张表格. Please fill it/them out. (当宾语是代词时, 只能放中间) 请把它(们)填好. 8. be afraid… “恐怕” 指有礼貌地、委婉地拒绝别人. be afraid of… “害怕(做)……”

如: I’m afraid I won’t be free. 我恐怕没有空. He is afraid of dogs. 他害怕狗.

They are afraid of losing the game. 他们害怕输了比赛. 9. may be “可能是……” may是情态动词 + be maybe “或许; 可能” maybe是副词

如: He may be a teacher. = Maybe he is a teacher. 他可能是一名老师. He may know her name. = Maybe he knows her name. 他可能知道她的名字. 10. between 在两者之间 among 在三者或三者当中 如: The answer is between A and B. 答案在A和B 之间. The winner is among of us. 获胜者在我们当中. Unit 2 Keeping Healthy

Topic 1 How are you feeling today?

1. 身体某个部位 + ache,表身体某处疼痛。

如: headache 头痛 backache 背痛 stomachache 胃痛 toothache 牙痛 2. medicine “药”(为不可数名词) pill “药片” (为可数名词)

如: take some medicine 吃些药 take some cold pills 吃些感冒药 3. with “含有…” without “没有”

Eg:hot tea with honey 加蜜的茶 coffee with sugar and milk 加糖和牛奶 mooncake with eggs 含鸡蛋的月饼

Chinese tea with nothing = Chinese tea without anything 中国清茶 Go to school without (eating) breakfast. 没吃早饭去上学。 4. well 康复

well 是副词,修饰动词。作为形容词来用时,是“身体健康”的意思。 Eg:She dances well.( well是副词)

Take care of you ,you’ll be well soon.( well是形容词) good是形容词,“好的” eg:He is a good boy.

5. You’d better go to see a doctor. 你最好去看医生 see a doctor 看医生

had better (not) do sth 最好(不)做某事 Eg:You’d better ask your teacher for help You have a fever,Let’s see a doctor.

Your leg is hurt ,you’d better not move. 6. have a rest 休息一下

Eg:You look tired ,why not have a rest?

7. until “直到…为止” ; 句中动词一般为延续性动词

not …until… “直到…才…” ; 句中动词一般为短暂性动词

如: He will wait for his father until ten o’clock. 他将等他父亲一直到10点为止.

He won’t leave until his father comes . 直到他父亲来他才离开.


8. plenty of… “充足;大量” 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词, 只用于肯定句, 相当于a lot of…/ lots of…

many “许多”, 修饰可数名词 much “许多”, 修饰不可数名词

如: You should drink plenty of /a lot of boiled water. 你应该喝大量的开水. You shouldn’t drink so much water. 你不应该喝这么多水. I have many/lots of/a lot of/plenty of books. 我有许多水. Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.

1. be good for… 对……有益 be bad for… 对…有害 如: Swimming is good for health. 游泳对健康有益.

Reading in strong sunlight is bad for the eyes. 在强烈的阳光下看书对眼睛有害.

2. enough adj. “足够的”

修饰名词时, 既可放在名词之前, 也可放在名词之后.(但通常放在名词之前)

如: I have enough time/ time enough to finish this work. 我有足够的时间完成这项工作.

There is enough food in the fridge. 冰箱里有足够的食物. adv. “足够地” 修饰形容词或副词时, 均放在所修饰词的后面.

如: He is tall enough to reach the apple. 他足够高,能够得着苹果. He speaks clearly enough. 他讲得足够清楚. 3. need “需要, 必需”

作实义动词: need sth. 需要某物 need to do sth. 需要做某事 如: I need some help. 我需要一些帮助.

You need to see a doctor. 你需要去看医生. He needs to take a bus. 他需要去搭车. 作情态动词: need + 动词原形

如: If she wants anything, she only need ask. 她想要什么东西, 只要开口就行了. You needn’t finish this work today. 你不必今天完成这项工作. 4. too much + 不可数名词 表“太多的…” much too + 形容词 表“太…”,much 起加强语气作用 如:Don’t eat too much meat. 不要吃太多的肉。 He is much too fat. 他实在太胖了。 5. give up 放弃

Eg|:In order to keep healthy,you must give up smoking and drinking.

6. Staying up late is bad for your health. 熬夜有害你的健康. (V-ing短语做主语) staying up (late)熬夜 (到很晚) 6. throw about 乱扔

Eg:We shouldn’t throw litter about. 7. in public 公共的

Eg:We shouldn’t smoke in public. 8. more than 超过 less than 少于

Eg:There are more than 1000 students in that school. I do morning exercise less than three times a week.

9. must “必须, 一定” 如: We must study hard. 我们必须努力学习. must表示推测时一般用于肯定句;在疑问句和否定句中一般应用can,否定句中也可用功




