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现代大学英语精读2 lesson one 课后答案

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现代大学英语精读2 lesson one 课后答案

Lesson One Another School Year --- What For? I . Discuss the following questions:

1) Why did the professor draw a line between training and education? In what way are they different?

2) Are universities only for job training according to the professor? What else should a student strive for in a university 3) How did the professor try to prove the importance of book-reading?

4) How would you respond if your brother or sister or your best friend declares that he/she is only interested in learning some job skill and

therefore has no use for literature, politics, philosophy, history, art, music, etc.?

5) Discuss with or interview a classmate, find out his/her ideas,

summarize them and report back briefly to the class: Is education for living or make a living? II. Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes ?D?Cize‖ and ?D?Cfy‖. specialize:____ + ____ simplify: ____ + ____

2) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix ?D?Cize‖ and vice versa. Example: computer (n.) + -ize computerize (v.) Noun/Ajective Verb capital __________ central __________ final __________ hospital __________ ideal __________ __________ apologize __________ civilize __________ fertilize __________ industrialize __________ realize

3) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix ?D?Cfy‖. Example: beauty (n.) + -fy Noun/adjective Verb clarity __________ class __________ identity __________ intense __________ just __________

4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.

(1) If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it is a time for you to ________ (施肥) your lawn.

(2) Just enjoy the little things you are doing. When you look back, you will ________ (意识到) they were doing the big things. (3) Walt Disney ________(总结)how he made his dreams come true in four C’s: curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy. (4) The plan was ________ (批评) as too idealistic and impractical.

(5) The waste water is now ________ (净化) and then used for irrigation. (6) The training courses aims to ________ (使合格) them as teachers of English. (7) How can you ________ (说明 有正当理由的) your behavior? (8) The freshmen will first read some ________ (简写) stories. (9) Books can be ________ (分类) in different ways.

(10) I was really ________ (害怕的) when I was told that 500 million people would watch my performance. 2. Complete the sentences with the

expressions listed below in their proper forms. to average out (to a certain number) to be exposed to to be out to to be stuck to be true of to do with sth.

to have no business doing sth. to put sb. In touch with to see to sth./to see to it that clause to specialize to

1) They said that they would __________ no more trees are cut from now on 2) When he first retired, he felt very uncomfortable. He did not know what to __________ all his time. 3) If you want to know this, I can __________ a real expert. 4) Meals at the hotel __________20 yuan per day.

5) James protested that others __________ saying such things about him. 6) Eric told me that everything in the hospital was first-rate, and so was it __________ its doctors and nurses. 7) They were shocked to hear Professor Jin say that a company should not __________ make profit only. 8) My father was a historian. He __________ the history of the Ming Dynasty. 9) There are several ways to get around the difficulties when you __________ in the middle of a sentence.

10)Some sociologists argue that the ever-increasing crime rate is due to the fact that people __________ too much violence in TV programs.

11) In the first half of the year, Li Fan‘s income __________ 6,000yuan per month. 12) They promised to __________ the nuclear power station would be safe. 3.Choose the right word and put it in the proper form.. i . to say to speak to talk to tell

1) ?DI can __________ you how to start, but you‘ll have to work out the answer yourself, ‖ __________ Mr. Baker.

2) She insisted that parents should try to find out why children sometimes __________ lies. 3) Would you please stop __________? We can‘t hear what the speaker is __________.

4) He __________ a few words about himself and then on to __________ about the recent development in the Sino-Russian relationship.

5) We learned from what students __________ about him that he __________ four languages. ii . fairly rather

1) The food was__________ good, but not as delicious as in the other restaurant. 2) She speaks __________ fluently, but her pronunciation is __________ poor. 3) It‘s___ hot here in the room. Will you please open the window? iii . sensitive sensible

1) I didn‘t mean you .You are too__________..

2) I thank it was a very __________ thing for you to do on such occasions. 3) It was __________ of them to withdraw their troops from that area. 4. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.

1) The town used to __________ almost entirely __________ (依靠) tourism for its economic development . 2) The president asked me to __________ (主持) the meeting on his behalf .

3) I told them that Mr. Shen __________ ( 坚持) their giving a

straightforward answer 4) No country has the right to __________ (干涉) other countries’ internal affairs . 5) His grandparents __________ (渴望) his return to his own country .

6) In the last twenty years his research __________ (集中) a new strain of rice .

现代大学英语精读2 lesson one 课后答案


