Easy open container lid
申请(专利)号: RU20160109219
专利号: RU2016109219A 主分类号: B65D41/32 申请权利人: НИППОН
КЛОУЖЕРС КО., ЛТД. (JP) 公开国代码: RU 优先权国家: JP
摘 要:
An easily openable container lid (2), which has a shell (4) and a liner (6) embossed on the inner surface of a top panel wall (8) of the shell and has a pair of scores (18a and 18b) formed in the shell, is improved as follows: When the liner is embossed, the liner is neither
deformed nor damaged. Even if an impact is applied to the container lid, damage to the sealing of a mouth-neck section of a container is avoided, where possible. Nonetheless, the manufacturing cost can be sufficiently reduced. The liner is
adhered over the entire surface thereof to the inner surface of the top panel wall. At least second portions (18a-2 and 18b-2) of the pair of scores are formed by
forming grooves on the inner surface side of the shell, and are extended along the peripheral edge of the liner radially
outwardly of the liner. Moreover, the liner has a thin-walled central section (22) and a thick-walled peripheral edge section (24), and is configured to have a
downwardly protruding outer sealing ridge
申请日: 2014-08-08 公开公告日: 2017-09-27
分类号: B65D41/32 发明设计人: ОКУБО ЙУСУКЕ
优先权: 20130822 JP 2013-172342
摘 要 附 图:
(26) formed in a radially outward region of the thick-walled peripheral edge section. The thickness (T1) of the thin-walled central section and the thickness (T2) of the thick-walled peripheral edge section are set within required ranges. 主权项:
1. Легко открываемая крышка для контейнера, имеющего цилиндрическую секцию горловины с круговым запе
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Easy open container lid