Embracing Western Ways While Cleaving to
【期刊名称】《今日中国:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2005(054)001
【摘要】Colorfully coiffured Chinese youth dressed in up-to-the-minute grunge listening to rock music as they walk,or sitting in a group discussing last night's NBA league match are common sights in Chind's large cities,Western,particularly stateside,youth culture is rapidly incorporating itself into everyday urban Chinese life,What does the country's youth and society in general think about this cultural omslaught?
【关键词】中国;西方文化;传统文化;青年人 【作者】LuRucai 【作者单位】无 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】G12 【相关文献】
1.Affected of Not:Traditional Chinese Value vs.Western Impact [J], 张大成; 朱喜芳
2.中国青年带着传统面对西方文化 [J], 卢茹彩
3.正确面对西方文化 [J], 孙可
4.The Major Western Cultural Influences on the Incubating Process of Ezra Pound's Early Poetics [J], WEI Shu 5.Eastern and Western Culture Gets Closer [J],
Embracing Western Ways While Cleaving to Tradition