【期刊名称】《信息安全与技术》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)012
【摘要】The Internet application security issue has been the focus of concern of network applications, traditional Internet application security testing technology is a system-wide network scanning, this way in the era of big data becomes inef icient, and dif icult to deal with complex and multiple types of interface. Therefore, this network application system security threat classification, and source code analysis and penetration testing technology research, the establishment of feature classification grab for network information model, to build a new network application security detection system.%互联网应用安全问题一直是网络应用所关注的重点,传统的互联网应用安全检测技术是对网络进行全系统扫描,这种方式在大数据时代变得效率低下,并且难以应对复杂和多类型的接口。因此,文章对网络应用系统中的安全威胁进行分类,并对源代码分析技术和渗透测试技术进行研究,建立针对网络信息特征分类抓取模型,构建新型网络应用安全检测系统。 【总页数】3页(65-66,77)
【关键词】互联网应用安全;网络安全检测;漏洞检测技术 【作者】梁煜
【作者单位】广东省高州农业学校 广东高州 525200