13、Vessel must be______duly qualified officers and crew .
答案:C.manned with
14、If you do not wear goggles and helmet, your chances of being _ will be greater.
答案:第一空: □□□□□□□□5 □□□□□□□□5 □□□□□□□□1
15、While steaming slowly in the harbor, no ship is _ to exceed the speed limiteD.
答案:第一空: 分号;;
16、As a matter of fact, the damage to the winches was due to ___.
第10章 单元测试
1、During the watch, overcast, fresh breeze, sea moderate, ship rolling and pitching, shipping seas over decks and hatches. This sentence is most possibly found in . 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 2、The owner or master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of gear take place and are logged
答案:A.when a new master assumes command
3、When must the Master of a vessel log the position of load line marks in relation to the surfaceof the water in the Official Logbook?
4、The boat was sailing to the north when a terrible storm___. 答案:B.broke out
5、What is NOT accepted as the required shipping papers on a manned and loaded tank barge?
答案:D.Logbook entry 6、When a vessel is entering or leaving a port,a record of engine speeds is kept in the . 答案:A.bell book
7、All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the _. 答案:B. official logbook
8、The fire and boat drills for a cargo ship should be __ once a month under normal conditions.
答案:The food and drink that the guests will consume during their stay
9、Fire and abandon boat drills for a cargo ship should be _once a month under normal conditions.
答案:D. Muster list
10、Never make comment,estimate or guess in your Logbook,but __ only.
答案:time and again
11、The entries in the Official Logbook must be signed by the Master and . 答案:C. one other crew member
12、All events relating to the voyage, such as ship’s position, speed and details of the weather, are recorded in __.
13、As oil pipe line connections were broken, _ quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water.
14、All accidents and damage to ship, equipment or personnel, must be _ in the vessel’s deck log.
答案:B. entered
15、Orders of the Master to the officer of the watch which he must comply with are __.
16、is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch.
答案:解: ( 3 分) ( 1 分) ( 1 分) ( 3 分) ( 1 分) ( 3 分) 满足要求。 17、A wise caption gives clear direction in his __ for the officers on watch to call him if in any
double whatsoever.
18、All entries in logbook, _ made, must not be erased or amende
19、When there is not a chief officer on board, __should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.