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7、A vessel travelling down a narrow channel, especially if the draft is nearly equal to the depth of water, may set off the nearer side. This effect is known as .

答案:D.bank cushion

8、A single-screw vessel going ahead tends to turn more rapidly to port because of propeller. 答案:C.sidewise(横斜的)force

9、In a following sea, a wave has overtake your vessel and thrown the stern to starboard .to continue along your original course, you should___

答案:A. more right rudder

10、In ballasting to survival draft .while in transit, due to extreme wind and wave loads, thrusters or propulsion, if available, should be used to___

答案:B.maintain vessel heading

11、The side of a ship which is farther from the wind is __

答案:C.lee side

12、The key factors to consider when approaching a casualty vessel or survivors are ____1.If a lee side protection is require。2. The rate of drift of the casualty vessel or survivors. 3. The rate of drift of the rescue vessel.


13、If you must enter water on which there is an oil fire, you should __.

答案:第一空: □□□□□□□□5 □□□□□□□□5 □□□□□□□□1


答案:boarding speed

15、A vessel is equipped with twin propellers , both turning outboard with the engines half ahead. If there is no wind or current and the rudders are amidships , what will happen?

答案:D. The vessel will steer a fairly straight course.

16、It is easier to dock a right hand , single screw vessel .


答案:C. port side to the wharf

17、Current refers to the __.

答案:B. horizontal movement of the water

18、Which standard man overboard manoeuvre is considered the best during bad visibility conditions?

答案:D. The Williamson turn

19、One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in an man overboard situation is that it .

答案:A. is the fastest method

20、The distance that a vessel travels from the time that the order to put engines full astern until the vessel is dead in the water is known as

答案:B. head reach

第5章 单元测试

1、Vessel shall normally join or leave a traffic lane _ of the lane.

答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 2、The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the Rules when______ .

答案:D.necessary to avoid immediate danger

3、Your 15-meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large container vessel is of your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is true concerning this situation ?

答案:C. You are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channel

4、Systems of inbound and outbound lanes to promote the safe flow of vessel traffic in certain areas around the world are known as __


5、When action to avoid a close quarters situation is taken, a course change alone may be


the most effective action provided that . 答案:it is a large course change

6、When navigating in thick fog with the radar on , you should____ .

答案:C.station a lookout as low down and far forward as possible

7、While underway your vessel approaches a bend in a river where, due to the bank, you cannot see around the bend. You should __

答案:第一空: 分号;;

8、Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speeD. Safe speed is defined as that speed where __.

答案:you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision

9、Risk of collision may exist __.

答案:高脂血症、冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病 10、In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so

答案:C. at as small an angle as possible

11、Every vessel that is to keep out of the way of another vessel must take positive early action to comply with this obligation and must __.


12、Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. She is showing a black cylinder. What is your responsibility?

答案:D. Do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel. 13、The Navigation Rules state that a vessel shall be operated at a safe speed at all times so that she can be stopped within __.


14、By radar alone, you detect a vessel ahead on a collision course, about 3 miles distant. Yourradar plot shows this to be a meeting situation. You should __.

答案:B. turn to starboard


15、A power—driven vessel operating in a narrow channel with a following current, on the Western Rivers, is meeting an up bound vessel. Which statement is TRUE?

答案:D. all of the above 16、Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes ? (1)A vessel shall , so far as practicable , avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes , she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow . 答案:C.Both(1) and (2)

17、Which statement is TRUE concerning risk of collision?

答案:B. proper use shall be made of radar equipment to determine risk of collision

18、A sailing vessel is proceeding along a narrow channel and can safely navigate ONLY inside the channel. The sailing vessel approaches a vessel engaged in fishing in the narrow channel. Which statement is TRUE?

答案:C.The fishing vessel is directed not to impede the passage of the sailing vessel

19、In determining a safe speed __ shall be taken into your consideration.

答案:b. The cost objective

20、A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which __.


第6章 单元测试

1、Forecastle deck is located in the ships___________.

答案:A. bow stem

2、Freeboard is measured from the upper edge of the_______.

答案:B. deck line

3、The vessel’s quarter is located___.

答案:D. on either side of the stern


4、It is necessary to secure the forced ventilation to a compartment where there is a fire to__.

答案:C. prevent additional oxygen from reaching the fire

5、An emergency sea anchor may be constructed by using . 答案:shall meet your wants

6、An inflatable life raft is hand-launched by . 答案:D. throwing the entire container overboard

7、The survival craft carried aboard a commercial fishing vessel must safely Accommodate_

答案:A. all of the people aboard

8、Firefighting foam is only effective when the foam_. 答案:D. completely covers the top of the burning liquid

9、An inflatable life raft can be launched by______.

答案:C. throwing the entire container overboard and then pulling on the operating cord to inflate the raft

10、Which of the following is(are) an advantage of a dry chemical extinguisher over a carbon dioxide extinguisher? The dry chemical extinguisher______. ① Has a greater range. ② Provides a heat shield for the operator.

答案:C. Both ① and ②

11、You board an inflatable liferaft that has been hand launched from a sinking vessel. What should you do FIRST after everyone is onboard the liferaft?

答案:A. Cut the painter.

12、An inflatable life raft is thrown into the water from a sinking vessel. What occurs automatically after the painter trips the CO2 bottles to inflate the raft?

答案:A. The sea anchor deploys

13、Liferafts intended for throw overboard launching shall be so stowed as to be readily transferable for launching on either side of the ship unless liferafts are stowed readily for launching_____.

答案:B. on each side of the ship



