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人教英语选修六素养练习:nit Art ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析

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who saw the project through, made the plan a reality.可知,Piano和Rogers负责建设蓬皮杜中心。

7.What was the Pompidou Center like in Lasvignes’ eyes? A.Very solid. B.Quite traditional. C.Entirely original. D.Extremely simple.

C 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的they thought they might as well do exactly what they wanted和第六段中的it was completely different from any other museum可知,Lasvignes应该认为蓬皮杜中心的设计别出心裁。

8.Which is a notable feature of the Pompidou Center? A.It collects great masterpieces. B.It holds various cultural events. C.It is the world’s biggest art museum. D.It is particularly attractive to foreigners.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“We are not only a museum,” he said. “We have concerts, debates, performances, a library...and everything flows together.”可知,蓬皮杜中心的显著特点是,它不仅仅是一家博物馆,同时也举办各种文化活动。

Ⅲ 完形填空

I met a bully(仗势欺人者) when I was in elementary school. She looked impatient and __1__. Sometimes you could see cuts on her skin. Students would __2__ her and lie to the teacher that she had cuts because she fought. Nobody would go near her and the teachers would also __3__ her. My friends told me not to look her in the eye __4__ I’d have bad luck for years.

Even though everyone disliked her, in my eyes I could see her __5__. She sat alone at lunch; played on the empty slide, and walked home alone. I felt like I could see right through her. Then I had decided to fill up her empty soul and make her __6__. When I walked past her in the hallways, I smiled and said __7__, “Hi!” The other students looked at me in __8__, but I didn’t care because that smile helped me talk to her. She opened up to me and __9__ how she grew up as an orphan(孤儿).

Rumors spread about her __10__ me to become her friend. I denied(否认) it. My classmates always said, “Don’t __11__ with a bully.” I would reply, “Staying away from a bully is just as __12__ as being one. The bullies are actually those who don’t __13__ others or don’t even try to stand in other people’s shoes.” When people finally __14__ my words, they started talking to her and soon became her __15__.

I think bullies __16__ someone who extends his or her hand to them, and someone who tells them everything will be alright, for life comes with many __17__ but we can overcome them. I’ll be there to __18__ their pain and show everyone that bullies can be as __19__ as others when they want to be. Saving someone from __20__ doesn’t take anything but a smile and a hand.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的班级中有一位爱欺凌人的同学,大家都对她避之不及,但作者用自己的善良和热心打动了她并改变了大家对她的看法。

1.A.calm C.curious

B.rude D.weak

B 解析:根据语境可知,这位爱欺凌人的女孩看起来不耐烦又粗鲁(rude)。 2.A.care C.watch

B.trust D.blame

D 解析:根据下文的lie to the teacher that she had cuts because she fought可知,同学们总是责怪(blame)她。

3.A.help C.ignore

B.notice D.accept

C 解析:联系上下文可知,没有人愿意靠近她,连老师也会无视(ignore)她。 4.A.or C.so

B.but D.if

A 解析:作者的朋友告诉她不要去看那个女孩的眼睛,不然会倒霉好几年,故选“or”。 5.A.happiness C.nervousness

B.tiredness D.loneliness

D 解析:根据下文She sat alone at lunch...walked home alone.可知,作者能看到她眼中的孤独(loneliness)。

6.A.talented C.confused

B.positive D.disappointed

B 解析:作者决定去填补那个女孩空虚的内心,让她变得积极(positive)起来。 7.A.kindly C.excitedly

B.proudly D.thankfully

A 解析:作者经过走廊时,微笑着和那个女孩亲切地(kindly)打招呼。 8.A.secret


C.surprise D.detail

C 解析:作者的举动让其他学生感到很吃惊,故选“surprise”。 9.A.learned C.decided

B.explained D.wondered

B 解析:女孩对作者敞开了心扉,向她解释(explained)自己作为一个孤儿是如何长大的。 10.A.advising C.forcing

B.ordering D.encouraging

C 解析:流言里都说这个女孩强迫作者当她的朋友,但作者否认了,故选“forcing”。 11.A.hang out C.fit in

B.keep up D.settle down

A 解析:作者的同学告诫她不要和欺凌者在一起玩,故选“hang out”。 12.A.simple C.special

B.reasonable D.terrible

D 解析:作者认为对欺凌者敬而远之和当欺凌者一样糟糕(terrible)。 13.A.follow C.understand

B.hate D.disturb

C 解析:真正的欺凌者是那些不理解(understand)他人,也不试着将心比心的人。 14.A.found C.organized

B.forgot D.recognized

D 解析:在最终认可了(recognized)作者的这番话之后,大家都开始和那个女孩说话了。 15.A.relatives C.classmates

B.friends D.instructors

B 解析:大家的看法发生变化后开始和那个女孩说话,并很快成了她的朋友(friends)。 16.A.need C.guide

B.fear D.influence

A 解析:作者认为欺凌者需要(need)他人来伸出援手。 17.A.plans C.challenges

B.choices D.achievements

C 解析:欺凌者需要有人来告诉他们一切都会好起来的,生活中的挑战(challenges)是能够克服的。

18.A.start C.admit

B.stop D.doubt

B 解析:根据语境可知,作者愿意站出来结束(stop)欺凌者们的痛苦。 19.A.normal C.guilty

B.honest D.careful

A 解析:作者想告诉大家,欺凌者如果愿意,也能变得和其他人一样正常(normal)。 20.A.hope C.control

B.comfort D.trouble

D 解析:作者认为,把一个人从困境(trouble)中拯救出来只需要一个微笑和一只手。

人教英语选修六素养练习:nit Art ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析


