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人教英语选修六素养练习:nit Art ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析

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Ⅰ 品句填词

1.To my surprise, my little brother got allergic(过敏的) to the medicine.

2.There are six stone figures(雕像) of great scientists in this park, including Newton and Einstein.

3.Up till now, only a few scholars(学者) have made a study of the subject and have had certain achievements in the primary stage.

4.Tiffany gave up a permanent(永久的) job in her city and went to Beijing with her boyfriend. 5.The restaurant enjoys a worldwide reputation(声誉) because of its delicious food and excellent service.

6.Many insects, such as butterflies, are attracted by the fragrant(香的) flowers of the garden. 7.One group attended music class, while the other went to a class that places importance on the visual(视觉的) arts—arts that can be seen.

8.Playing games has never appealed(吸引) to my brother because he thinks it is a waste of time.

9.A teacher should not show preference(偏爱) for any one of his pupils.

10.The exhibition(展览) tells us why we should do something to stop air pollution. Ⅱ 选词填空

by coincidence, appeal to, a great deal, concentrate on, in the flesh, lead to, break away from, on the other hand 1.The two brothers still need a__great__deal more money to finish the project. 2.At that time, some painters broke__away__from the traditional style of painting and created their own.

3.By__coincidence,__Isabella and her former classmate Lily took the same plane and stayed at the same hotel.

4.David had some difficulty concentrating__on__ his studies because his parents were quarrelling about something.

5.We’re glad to hear from you and we will carefully consider any suggestions likely to lead__to business between us. 6.We should appeal__to everyone in the world to make a contribution to protecting the environment.

7.You don’t have to go there in__the__flesh at all, because your children will get everything arranged.

8.On the one hand, the computer can make our life more convenient;

on__the__other__hand,__it brings about some new problems.

Ⅲ 完成句子


Mao Zedong’s Former Residence is open to the public and is well__worth__a__visit. 2.2013年,那位著名画家去世,他把自己的房子、绘画以及艺术收藏品都留给了我们国家。

The famous artist passed away in 2013, leaving his house, paintings and art collection to__our__country.


House prices in Beijing are too high at present. We would rather rent a house than buy one right away.


It__is__amazing__that tickets for the concert have been sold out within an hour. 5.在学校,午饭过后,汤姆总是第一个学生去帮助格林老师打扫教室。

Tom is always the__first__student__to__help Mrs Green clean the classroom after lunch at school.

Ⅰ 单句语法填空

1.Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were(be) their own family. 2.He got the first place in the game, making(make) his classmates excited and proud. 3.The idea of living in the quiet and clean countryside appeals to me. 4.The teacher is knowledgeable and always cares for his students, earning him a good reputation.

5.A great deal of progress has__been__made(make) over the last several decades in health, education, and poverty.

6.Attempting(attempt) to change someone else’s attitude towards life is a waste of time and energy.

7.We can’t figure out why quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out. 8.Professor Smith told me that the book was well worth reading(read).

9.One reason for her preference(prefer) for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.

10.Tom, as well as Jane and Rose, is(be) going to the farm on foot. Ⅱ 阅读理解


In 1795, Mungo Park, a Scottish explorer, was sent out to discover the course of the Niger River.

Mungo Park set off from the Gambia River. He started his journey dressed in European clothes, with an umbrella and a tall hat.

Park knew little Arabic—he had with him two books, Richardson’s Arabic Grammar and a copy of Irish explorer Daniel Houghton’s journal. Houghton’s journal, which he had read on the voyage to Africa served him well and he was forewarned to hide his most valuable belongings from the locals. However, at his first stop, Park was taken prisoner by the locals.

After four months, Park finally managed to escape. He had a few belongings left other than his hat but refused to give up the expedition(探险). Park continued on his way to the Niger, reaching the river on 20 July 1796. Park traveled as far as SEngland.

Park was a success, and his book Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa sold out rapidly. His £1,000 royalties(稿酬) allowed him to settle in Selkirk. But settled life soon bored him and he looked for a new adventure.

Finally in 1805 Park led an expedition to follow the Niger to its end. Against logic and advice, Mungo Park set off from the Gambia in the rainy season. By the time the expedition reached Sandsanding on the Niger, only 11 of the original 40 Europeans were still alive. Park’s letters back to London made no mention of his problems. The party rested for two months but the deaths continued. Sending the local guide, Isaaco, back to Laidley with his journals, Park was determined to continue. Unfortunately, after a journey of over 1,000 miles on the river, Park and his small party were drowned.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了蒙哥·帕克的两次探险之旅。第一次探险之旅荣获成功,而第二次探险却因出发时间违反常规而以失败告终。

1.What happened to Mungo Park at his first stop? A.He lost all his belongings. B.He discovered another course. C.He was caught by local people. D.He was misled by the book he took.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的at his first stop, Park was taken prisoner by the locals可知答案。

2.How was Mungo Park’s first adventure? A.It was given up halfway. B.It won him money and fame. C.It was made with Houghton.

gou before returning to the coast and then to

D.It failed to reach the Niger River.

B 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的his book Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa sold out rapidly. His £1,000 royalties(稿酬) allowed him to settle in Selkirk.可知,第一次探险之旅后,他据此写的书非常畅销,并获得稿费,因而名利双收。

3.What can we learn about Mungo Park in the second adventure? A.He started off in the dry season. B.He wrote letters asking for help. C.He took others’ advice. D.He lost many sailors.

D 解析:细节理解题。根据末段中的By the time the expedition reached Sandsanding on the Niger, only 11 of the original 40 Europeans were still alive.可知,在第二次探险过程中帕克失去了很多船员。

4.What’s the key reason for Mungo Park’s failure in the second adventure? A.He had health problems. B.He was bad at swimming. C.He followed a wrong route. D.He chose a wrong travel time.

D 解析:推理判断题。根据末段中的Against logic and advice, Mungo Park set off from the Gambia in the rainy season.可知,第二次探险失败的原因是选择了错误的出发时间。


This year, the Paris museum that looks like a jumble(杂乱的一堆) of giant, colored pipes turns 42. The museum—the Pompidou Center—has a secure place in the heart of Paris and in Parisians’ hearts. But it wasn’t always the case.

“When it was first built, the reaction was one of disbelief,” said Serge Lasvignes, president of the Pompidou Center. “Le Monde newspaper wrote the museum’s construction brought shame on Paris, and city politicians thought their money had been totally wasted,” said Lasvignes. Critics said it looked like an oil refinery(炼油厂).

France’s first museum entirely devoted to contemporary art saw the light of day thanks to the determination of one man—Georges Pompidou, an art lover who served as France’s president from 1969 to 1974.

In 1971, he started an international competition to build the museum, originally known as the

Center Beaubourg. The winning team, which included three young architects from Britain and Italy, was completely unknown at the time. Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, the two architects who saw the project through, made the plan a reality.

“They didn’t think they had a chance to win. So they thought they might as well do exactly what they wanted,” Lasvignes said.

“The design took everyone by surprise and it was completely different from any other museum. Someone said to Piano, ‘Your thing is terrible—with the escalator(自动扶梯) on the outside, it looks like a supermarket!’” Lasvignes added.

“More than forty years later, the museum still tries to make culture available to everyone,” Lasvignes said. He calls the Pompidou Center a museum like no other. “We are not only a museum,” he said. “We have concerts, debates, performances, a library...and everything flows together.” Pompidou felt putting up walls between different forms of art was harmful. “So we are a house of culture where people return again and again,” Lasvignes said.

The Pompidou Center is Europe’s biggest modern art museum; New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is the biggest in the world. “But the two museums have totally different strategies(策略),” Lasvignes said. “The MoMA’s strategy is to collect masterpieces, and we try to represent an entire epoch(时代).”

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了欧洲最大的艺术博物馆——巴黎的蓬皮杜中心。

5.What was people’s attitude to the Pompidou Center at first? A.They disliked it. B.They respected it. C.They were curious about it. D.They paid little attention to it.

A 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的one of disbelief, brought shame on Paris, their money had been totally wasted以及looked like an oil refinery(炼油厂)可知,一开始人们不喜欢蓬皮杜中心。

6.Who completed the construction of the Paris museum? A.President of the Center Beaubourg. B.Three unknown French architects. C.Georges Pompidou. D.Piano and Rogers.

D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, the two architects

人教英语选修六素养练习:nit Art ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析


