Nutritional Value of Lippia nodiflora( L. ) Greene as
【期刊名称】《动物与饲料科学:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)002
【摘要】To analyze the nutritional value as feed,the aerial stem and leaves of Lippia nodiflora( L.) Greene and Phyla nodiflora( L.) Greene were sampled to measure the nutritional indices. The nutritional indices were also compared with common forage grass,and the development value of L. nodiflora as feed was analyzed. Compared with P. nodiflora,L. nodiflora had obvious fast-growing and high-yield abilities. The contents of crude fat,crude fiber,crude ash,lysine,vitamin C,Ca,and Fe in L. nodiflora were obviously higher than that in P. nodiflora,but the content of crude protein and total P in L. nodiflora were significantly lower than that in P. nodiflora. Compared with common forage feed ryegrass,alfalfa,millet straw and corn straw,L. nodiflora had higher contents of crude fat and crude ash and lower contents of crude fiber and crude protein. Therefore,L. nodiflora had higher development value as feed.
【关键词】Lippia nodiflora(L.) Greene Feed Nutritional value 【
Jiang;Xuanbin;Peng;Xiu;Geng;Yanghui;Zhou;Xiaozhou;Chen;Daojing; 【作者单位】Chongqing Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Area Forest Ecological
Forestry;;;;;;;;;; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】S816 【文献来源】 【相关文献】
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Nutritional Value of Lippia nodiflora( L. ) Greene as Feed