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精品文档 高中英语语法填空答题策略及练习

语篇型语法填空题备考思路大致有如下特点:,或填写谓语部分,可能需)一、给出动词基本形态,填写词性词形转化(转为名词、形容词 要填写两个或三个词,或是填写非谓语动词;二、给出形容词,需要填写比较级、最高级,或词性词形转化,转化为副词,或是填写反义 ;词(前缀) 三、给出副词,填写比较级、最高级,或是填写反义词; 四、不给提示词,主要填写介词、连词、冠词和代词。 副词 形容词 : 考查 谓语动词 非谓语动词有提示词 代词 连词 无提示词 :考查 冠词 介词

【语法填空考点】a,an,the 纯空格题:冠词: 指示代词:this,that,those,these 人称代词:I,me,them,they,he,his等

your,my,his,its等形容词性物主代词: 等名词性物主代词:mine,his,its,hers,yours,ours 代词

反身代词:themselves,yourself,yourselves,himself,herself,itself,ourselves等 不定代词:another,other,some,many,much, little,anything,somebody,no,such等

关系代词:who,whom,which,that,as等 what,whatever,which,who等疑问代词: )等做为 介词:

in,at,on,above,below,through,across,onto,into,over,after,before,as( ),although,though,after,before 从属连词:since(因为),because,as(既然,自从 连词

: but,not only...but also...;or,and,for(因为)等并列连词 精品文档.

精品文档,,then,next,first,also,instead 起连接作用的副词:however,therefore,thus,besides too,never,not等有提示题: 谓语动词的时态和语态(主谓一致) 表具体某次情况:to do

非谓语动词 作主语/宾语 表习惯/一般情况:doing 作目的/结果/形容词后的状语:to do(adj. enough to do,too...to do,only to do等)

主动或正在进行:doing 作定语/状语/补语: 被动或完成:done

未发生:to do

形容词和副词及其对应的比较级、最高级和词类转换(词性转换、加否定或反义的前/后缀)等。 【语法填空七字诀】 “全”:看完整句;

“位”:确定空格所处的位置,分清在句子当中充当什么作用(词性为主); “考”:知道考什么;

“形”:知道用什么形式(主被动,词性的变化,特别是不规则词形的变化和书写等); “断”:对于长难句,要学会断句(断成相对完整的小单位,使空格的位置明朗化); “删”:对于复杂句,要学会删掉修饰部分,让句子的基本结构浮出水面。

“查”:填完后,读一遍,看是否自然通顺、前后一致、符合逻辑,看整体是否完整。 考点1. 动词的时态和语态

(1). The sun was setting down when my car ______ ( break ) down near a remote and poor village .

(2). Being too anxious to help an event develop often ________ ( result ) in the contrary to our intention.

(3). That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, ___________ (close) my book and walked away.

(4). I ________________ (impress) by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. 精品文档. 精品文档

(5). They didn't take many chances in their lives. They usually ____________ (follow) orders. 【小结】 动词的时态、语态是每年的考点, 也是历年高考重点考查的项目,通常1-2道题。 重点考查的是时态 ,且多与语态一起考查。时态理解错误在考生中是常见的, 把握命题人的意图是至关重要的。

【解题思路】1). 先判断所给动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词, 2). 谓语动词的话,判断用主动语态还是被动语态,

3). 判断用哪种时态(根据时间状语、另一动词或具体的语境、)。 4). 确定所填动词的形式,保证谓语动词时态、语态、人称和数的一致。 5). 特别注意:时态变化时不规则动词的拼写。

考点2 非谓语动词

(1). Miss Bean expected me to have my own opinion about difficult questions and taught me that ____________ (think) for oneself was the real key to success in learning.

(2). With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank _________ (buy) presents for my dad.

(3). _____________ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. (4). The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if ____________ (carry) out regularly, can improve our health.

(5). __________ (seat) in your home, your are capable of finding a lot of sources. (6). Some people say that oldest children, who are smart and strong-willed, are very likely __________ (succeed).

(7). With the problem ________ (solve), I felt proud of my achievement. (8). My pupils, Donnie _____________ (include), adored her.

(9). Therefore, good learning habits can help us gain great learning results

(include) high scores and abundant knowledge. (10). The last one ______________ (arrive) pays the meal.

(11). Before ______________ (come) into the house in Japan, it is good manner to take off your coat.

(12). Once _______ ( ask), everyone needs to co-operate without hesitation. (13). From his bag he took out a bowl of ___________ (boil) rice and started to eat. 精品文档. 精品文档

(14). Then I went to a post office to have them (deliver) by air without delay.

(15). Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 22 . (lie) all over the place. 【小结】 非谓语动词每年必考,至少1道题,主要考查: 1). 动名词和不等式做宾语的区别; 2). 非谓语动词做宾补的区别;

3). 非谓语动词的时态、语态、否定式和复合结构。 【解题思路】

1) 确定非谓语动词;(先分析句子结构,若句子已有谓语动词且不是并列谓语时,所给的动词就是非谓语动词)

2) 确定用哪种非谓语动词;(在句子中作什么句子成分,结合固定搭配和习惯用法) 3) 确定语态;(结合与逻辑主语的关系,确定填哪种语态) 态)

4) 确定用那种时态;(非谓语动词所表示的动作与句中谓语动词的动作生的先后关系确定时

考点3. 形容词、副词

(1). Then he started spending money on 37 (necessary)things. When we got together for a meal

at a restaurant, Al paid every time.

(2). It worked 40._________(well)than I had ever imagined, and before long she knew every kid's name, and they were all playing tag—a kind of game!

(3). They said their finding was much more 36 (color)than it should have been.

(4).I am not at all used to this cold weather, 31 I am glad to say that I have all the clothes for

this 32 (freeze) weather.

(5). The Old Library today contains about 13,000 manuscripts and more than 800,000 books, and many of them are very ____________ (value).

(6). Only in this way will you know how to arrange your time and to spend your time 9.________(proper).

(7). When the horse with the bell returns to the barn each evening, he will stop _____________ (frequent) to look back, making sure that the other isn't too far behind to hear the bell. (8). He had witnessed too many deaths and wounds at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years __________ (early), in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing. 精品文档. 精品文档

(9). One of the __________ (bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher, Ms Chen.

(10). I may ____________(probable)protest loudly when you try to wake me up.

【小结】 主要考查点是 形容词作定语、形容词和副词的比较级、 形容词和副词的相互转换等。 【解题思路】(1). 先分析句子成分, 作定语、表语、补语等用形容词;修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语、或整个句子用副词;注意: 形容词(短语)可作伴随状语或结果状语。

(2). 结合上下文,分清句子结构,正确处理级的变化;注意隐含的比较级。

(3). 注意特殊的形容词、副词的比较等级的句型。

(4) .注意比较级的修饰词: 表“ 稍微” a bit, a little , some , any; 表“------得多” much, very

much, far, a great/good deal, by far, a lot ; 表 “ 更加 ” still, even, rather, yet 等以及另外一些表程度的修饰词 ( 序数、 倍数、分数、 百分数等)

考点4. 派生词( 词性变换)

(1). Most of the _______( Africa ) are still living in poverty.

(2). China's ___________ ( develop) of economy needs more careful planning. (3). Can you tell me the ______ ( long) of the Great Wall ? (4). I'm very thankful for your ________ ( help ) me.

(5). Going out for a part-time job can ______ ( rich ) one's social experience. (6). He ______ ( achievement) a lot in the field of science in the past ten years. (7). The article ________ ( simple ) to make it easy for students to understand. (8). What's the _______ ( rich ) businessman in China ? (9). He has become the ________( clever ) of the two.

(10). I hope the dream that becoming a _________ ( piano) will come true. (11). He is __________ ( comfort ) because he's ill.

(12). I was sorry to find him ________ ( conscious ) of the importance of study. (13). The boy jumped up and down _________ ( happy) at the news. (14). The old lady is _______ ( extreme ) glad to see her daughter come back.

(15). The lady was broken down by a car . _________ ( fortunate ) there was no one nearby. (16). This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ________ ( nature ) course.. 精品文档. 精品文档

(17). Previous research has indicated that “number sense” is _________ (base) to humans. (18). ___________ (lazy), lying, stealing and so on are all easily formed bad habits. (19). Everyone gets ______________ (frustrate) sometimes. (20). He was very __________ (sleep) and wanted to sleep.



考点5. 名词、数词

(1). The order in which they finished would decide the order of their 31 (appear)in the Chinese calendar. 【小结】

要注意 语境中词性的判断、词的转换、序号和倍数的表示法。广东考题常给出提示词要求用它的正确形式填空 【解题思路】

1. 判断是否填名词;(一般在冠词、物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格和一些不定代词后面); 2. 注意名词的活用和具体的考查方式; a ) 考名词的书写方式 b ) 单复数变化; d ) 名词修饰名词等。

c ) 是不可数名词具体化( 不可数名词在特定的情况下可转化成可数名词);

考点6. 冠词

(1). There was once ___31___beautiful girl who hated herself because she was blind. (2). Poems have 38 close relationship with our languages. to work to find a way of meeting it.

(4). A couple of months later, on December 10, 38 anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death, they

receive their prizes from the Swedish King —— a Nobel diploma, a medal, and 10 million Swedish crowns per prize. 精品文档.

精品文档 (5). The mount of Apollo signifies 35 good sense of beauty; of the Moon, a dreamy disposition.

desk. 39 (6). A few minutes later, he ran back to his mother and said, I can't find Let's go to ________ cinema—that'll take your mind off the problem for a while.(7). (8). He wants to see a much stronger China within ________ rest of his life. 【小结】

冠词是高考的常考点。 若空格后面的名词 或 形容词+ 名词前没有物主代词his/her/my等、不定代some/any/other/another等、名词所有格、指示代词this/that/these/those等限定词时,很可能填冠词。 【解题思路】

1) . 如果空格及后面的名词可翻译成“ 一个 ( 本、种、杯 ------)”时,一般填a/an. 如果可翻译成“ 这、这些、那、那些 ”时, 一般填 the . 2) . 泛指填a\\an , 特指填the.

3). 如果名词后面有: of 短语、不定式、分词或从句等做定语时可能填the. 【a/an/the用法顺口溜】

特指双熟悉, 上文已提及; 世上独无二, 序数最高级; 普名变专名, 习语及乐器。

考点7. 代词

(1). Some people are very talented, but they just pay little attention to their studies or work. Being lazy, 33 talents are wasted.

(2). Each age has 31 pleasures and pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys

what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

(3). A few years ago, my friend Al won the lottery(彩票). It changed 31 life. (4). I told her the best way to make friends was to introduce 33. _________ when she met someone new.

(5). He hopes that 40 idea of filling “homeness” into nursing homes and inviting the

community in will help to “break conventional practice in long term care.”

(6).Today, most people no longer take palmistry seriously; 31 are interested in it as a form of


(3). This proverb just means that there is nothing like 31________ urgent need for setting people



