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新概念英语青少版 1B

Unit Topic Key words and sentences ●There are two cars in/on/under ... ●Are there any women in front of / near / beside ...? ●There aren't any children in the park. ●There are some children in the classroom. 16 On the ●How many boats are there in ...? London Eye ●I can't see any children in ... but I can see some in ... ●There are two men in the street. They are policemen. ●Can you do Maths? Yes, I can. / No, I can't. ●Can you drive a car? 17 Smile, please! Yes, I can. It's easy. / No, I can't. It's difficult. ●Can you play violin? Yes, I can. I'm good at it. / No, I can't. I'm useless at it. 18 Men can cook too! ●What's in the packet? Is it tea? No, it isn't (tea). It's coffee. ●I can't see any tea. I can. There's some in the packet. ●Pass / Give me some milk, please. ●I can't see a cup in the cupboard. No, there isn't one. ●I can't see any tea in the cupboard. No, there isn't any. ●There's a lot of / lots of fish ... There are a lot of / lots of peaches ... ●Is there any fish ...? Yes, there is, but there isn't any meat. You must eat! ●Are there any peaches ...? Yes, there are, but there aren't any grapes. ●Buy some bread / peaches, please. Why? There are a lot ... ●Don't buy any bread / peaches. Why not? There aren't any ... ●You must eat. ●What time is it? What a surprise! It's a quarter past two / half past two / a quarter to three. ●What time's / When's your English lesson? At one o'clock. / At a quarter past two. / At half 19 20 past two. / At a quarter to six. ●I / We must hurry. ●Come on! Hurry up! ●Have you got any tea? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. ●Have we got any coffee? Yes, we have. / No, we haven't. Breakfast blues ●They've got some bread, but they haven't got any cake. ●How much coffee have you / we got? I / We haven't got much. ●Do you want any ...? No, I don't want any ... ●I don't want any ..., but I want some ... Watching 22 the neighbours ●Paul has got a lot of friends. ●They haven’t got a lot of spare time. ●He can introduce her to them. ●How many CDs has Paul got? ●Has he / she got a British camera? An expensive camera Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. ●What kind of camera has he / she got? He's / She's got a Japanese one. ●Claire wants a camera. She doesn't want a CD 21 23 player. ●He / She likes Japanese cameras. ●What kind of bag do you want? I want a leather one. I like leather bags. ●Do you like vegetables? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. A light dinner ●Do you like tea? Yes, I do, but I don't want any now. ●I / We / They don't like vegetables very much. ●I love vegetables! I hate them! ●I want a bag of sugar / a bottle of wine / a packet of tea ... 25 The weekend ●She / He needs some sugar. shopping ●How much (sugar) does she / he need? ●She / He needs one / a box of chocolates. ●Irregular noun plural: a / one loaf - two loaves ●Has Karen got a coat / any gloves? No, she hasn't. Show her that one / those. 26 A self-service ●Show it / them / that one / those to Karen. restaurant ●Give me / her / him that one / those. ●Pass me / her / him that one / those. ●Take her / him that one / those. 24 ●I don't want a coat / any gloves. I've already got one / some. ●What day is it? It's Sunday. ●When is / When's your appointment? It's on Sunday. 27 Toothache ●When can the dentist see you? He can see me at four o'clock on Sunday. ●How does Robert feel / look? He feels awful. He looks miserable. ●What's the matter with Robert? He has got / He's got toothache.\●What's the weather like in spring / summer / autumn / winter? ●Is it ever fine and warm in spring (in England)? Every day is different! ●It's often/usually/sometimes/always/never fine and warm in spring. ●The sun often shines. / It rains sometimes. / It sometimes snows. ●Which season do you like? I like winter. 29 Many happy ●Which is the first / last month of the year? returns of January / December. 28



