【期刊名称】《江西教育学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】Currently,in the process of creating red cultural brand,there appears many problems in our country such as lack of funding and professional personnel,the efforts of promoting and marketing are weak,and the creation and innovation of brand is not strong. To promote the sound development of creating red cultural brand and enhance the core competitive-ness of the brand,we need to increase the capital investment to red cultural brand,train and introduce the professionals for the red cultural brand,strengthen the promotion and marketing of the red culture brand and improve the level of creation and innovation of the red culture.%目前我国在创建红色文化品牌过程中,出现了资金投入不足、专业人才队伍匮乏、宣传营销力度较弱、品牌创意创新不强等问题。要促进红色文化品牌创建的良性发展,提高品牌的核心竞争力,就需要加大红色文化品牌的资金投入,培养与引进红色文化品牌专业人才,加强红色文化品牌的宣传营销力度,提高红色文化品牌的创意创新水平。 【总页数】4页(37-40)
【关键词】红色文化;品牌;问题;对策 【作者】饶志华;晏志伟
【作者单位】景德镇陶瓷学院思政部,江西景德镇 333403;景德镇陶瓷学院思