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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练

Unit 2 Travelling



miss vt. 想念,思念

fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的 indoor adj.(在)室内的 speed n. 速度

ride n. 乘坐(游乐设施) cartoon n. 卡通片, 动画片 character n. 人物

such det.&pron. 这样的(人或物) parade n. (庆祝) 游行 magic n. 魔法 pie n. 派,馅饼 feel vt. 感觉到,意识到

couple n. 两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物 castle n. 城堡 sand n.沙,沙滩

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练

over adv. 结束

marry vi.&vt. 结婚,嫁,娶

dead adj. 死的 beauty n. 美丽;美人 seaside adj. 海边的 sailing n. 帆船运动,航行 except prep. 除了……以外 view n. 景色,风景 mountain n. 高山

business n. 公事;商业;生意 direct adj. 直达的,直接的 flight n. 航班;航行 point n. 要点 detail n. 细节

delicious adj. 美味的,可口的 seafood n. 海鲜 airport n. 机场 relative n. 亲戚

travelling n.<英>旅行 =<美>traveling

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练


1. miss verb /m?s/

1). to fail to do or experience something, often something planned or expected, or to avoid doing or experiencing something


例句: I missed the start of the class because my bus was late. 我没有赶上考试开始,因为我坐的公共汽车晚了。 2). to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, or aircraft 未赶上,错过

例句: You'll miss your flight if you don't hurry up. 如果你不快点,会误了火车的。 3). to not go to something


例句: Students who miss a lot of school can find it hard to catch up. 如果你继续缺课,会在学习上落后的。 4). to not see or hear something or someone 未看到;未听到

例句: I missed the beginning of the film. 我错过了电影的开头。

2. fantastic adjective /f?n?t?s.t?k/

1). extremely good

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练 极好的

例句: You look fantastic in that dress. 你穿着那件连衣裙看起来棒极了。 2). strange and imaginary, or not reasonable 怪诞的;幻想的;荒诞不经的

例句: He drew fantastic animals with two heads and large wings. 他画了一些长着两个头和巨大翅膀的怪兽。 3). very unusual, strange, or unexpected 非同寻常的;奇怪的;难以置信的

例句: It seemed fantastic that they still remembered her 50 years later. 50年过去了,他们依然记得她,这似乎令人难以置信。

3. direct adjective & verb. /da??rekt/ /d??rekt/ adjective

1). going in a straight line towards somewhere or someone without stopping or changing direction


例句:Is there a direct train to Edinburgh? 有到爱丁堡的直达列车吗? 2). without anyone or anything else being involved or between 直接的

例句: She decided to take direct control of the project. 她决定直接管理这个项目。 verb

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语:Unit 2 Travelling 词汇与语法基础训练


