Table of Co ntents
(In millions, except n umber o f shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)
Years ended September 28, 2013 September 29, 2012 September 24, 2011 Net sales $ 1 70,910 $ 156,508 $ 108,249 Cost of sales 1 06,606 87,846 64,431
Gross margin 64,304 68,662 43,818 Operatin g expenses: Research and development 4,475 3,381 2,429
Selling, general and administrative 10,830 10,040 7,599 Total operating expenses 15,305 13,421 10,028 Operatin g income 48,999 55,241 33,790 Other income/(expense), net 1,156 522 415 Income before provision for income taxes 50,155 55,763 34,205 Provision for income taxes 13,118 14,030 8,283 Net income $ 37,037 $ 41,733 $ 25,922 Earnings per share:
Basic $ 40.03 $ 44.64 $ 28.05
Diluted $ 39.75 $ 44.15 $ 27.68 Shares used in computin g earnings per share:
Basic 9 25,331 934,818 924,258 Diluted 9 31,662 945,355 936,645
$ $ $ Cash dividends declared per common share 11.40 2.65 0.00 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 45
Table of Co ntents
Years ended September 28, September 29, September 24, 2013 2012 2011 Net income $ 37,037 $ 41,733 $ 25,922 Other comprehensive income/(loss):
Change in foreign currency translation, net of tax effects of $35, $13 and $18, respectively (112 (15 (12 Change in unrecognized gains/losses on derivative instruments:
Change in fair value of derivatives, net of tax benefit/(expense) of $(351), $73 and $(50),
respectively 522 (131 92 Adju stment for net losses/(g ains) realized and inclu ded in net income, net of tax expense/
(benefit) of $255, $220 and $(250), respectively (458 (399 450 Total change in unrecognized gains/losses on derivative instruments, net of tax 64 (530 542 Change in unrealized gains/losses on marketable securities:
Change in fair value of marketable securities, net of tax benefit/(exp ense) of $458, $(421) and
$ 17, respectively (791 715 29 Adju stment for net losses/(g ains) realized and inclu ded in net income, net of tax expense/
(benefit) of $82, $68 and $(40), respectively (131 (114 (70 Total change in unrealized gains/losses on marketable securities, net o f tax (922 601 (41 Total other comprehensive income/(loss) (970 56 489
$ $ $ Total comprehen sive income 36,067 41,789 26,411 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 46
Table of Co ntents
(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands)
September 28, 2013 September 29, 2012
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 14,259 $ 10,746 Short-term marketab le securities 26,287 18,383
Accounts receivable, less allowances of $99 and $9 8, respectively 13,102 10,930
Inventories 1,764 791
Deferred tax assets 3,453 2,583
Vendor non-trade receivables 7,539 7,762 Other current assets 6,882 6,458
Total current assets 73,286 57,653 Long-term marketable securities 106,215 92,122 Property, plant and equipment, net 16,597 15,452 Goodwill 1,577 1,135 Acquired intangible assets, net 4,179 4,224 Other assets 5,146 5,478
$ $ Total assets 207,000 176,064 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY: Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $ 22,367 $ 21,175 Accrued expenses 13,856 11,414 Deferred revenue 7,435 5,953
Total current liabilities 43,658 38,542 Deferred revenue – non-current 2,625 2,648 Long-term debt 16,960 0 Other non-cu rrent liabilities 20,208 16,664
Total liabilities 83,451 57,854 Commitmen ts and contingencies Shareholders’ equity :
Common stock, no par value; 1,800 ,000 shares au thorized; 89 9,213 and 939,208
shares issued and outstanding, respectively 19,764 16,422 Retained earning s 104,256 101,289
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) (471 499 Total shareholders’ equity 123,549 118,210
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 207,000 $ 176,064 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 47
Table of Co ntents
(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands)
Accum- ulated Other Compre- Total hensive Share- Common Stock Retained Income/ holders’ Shares Amount Earnings (Loss) Equity Balances as of September 25, 2010 915,970 $ 0,668 $ 37,169 $ (46 $ 47,791 Net income 0 0 25,922 0 25,922 Other comprehensive income/(loss) 0 0 489 0 489 Share-based compen sation 0 1,168 0 0 1,1 68 Common stock issued under stock plans, net of shares withheld for
employee taxes 13,307 561 (250 0 311 Tax b enefit from equity awards, including transfer pricing adjustments 0 934 0 0 934 Balances as of