Hausdorff centered measure of certain linear
Cantor sets
【期刊名称】《自然科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(015)004
【摘要】In this paper, we study the Hausdorff centered measure of certain linear Cantor sets. We establish the relationship between the Hausdorff centered measure of this set and the maximum centered density of the corresponding self-similar measure. From this relationship, the Hausdorff centered measure of certain sets is obtained. In particular, we consider the linear iterated function system consisting of three maps with the same contraction ratios. Under some technical restrictions, we determine the exact Hausdorff centered measure of its attractor. 【总页数】7页(297-303)
【关键词】Hausdorff centered measure;packing measure;Cantor set 【作者】PENG Li;WU Min
【作者单位】Department of Mathematics, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China;Department of Applied Mathematics, South China Uni-versity of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】N0 【相关文献】