Tapping process control device
申请(专利)号: KR19880700812
专利号: KR890700057A 主分类号: B23G1/16 申请权利人: ??? ?????
申请日: 1988-07-12 公开公告日: 1989-03-02
分类号: B23G1/16
发明设计人: ???? ????;
??? ??? 申请国代码: KR
优先权: 19861112 JP
摘 要 附 图:
公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: JP
摘 要:
A tapping controller for effecting the tapping by turning a main spindle and moving a Z spindle in synchronism with each other by distributing the pulses. The controller has a time constant-determining means (2) for determining a time constant in accordance with the speed of the main spindle. The time constant is determined by the time constant-determining means (2) from an instructed speed of the main spindle and is given to
acceleration/deceleration control circuits (10, 20) to effect the tapping. The time constant is selected in accordance with the revolving speed of the main spindle. When the main spindle is revolving at a high speed, a large time constant is selected to prevent overshooting. When the main spindle is revolving at a low speed, a small time constant is selected to effect the machining at high speeds. 主权项:
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权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Tapping process control device