Instructions This verbal reasoning test comprises 30 questions, and you will have 25 minutes in which to correctly answer as many as you can. You will be presented with a passage to read, and a statement about that passage. For each statement you must select one of the following answers: True: The statement follows logically from the information contained in the passage. False: The statement is logically false from the
information contained in the passage. Cannot Say: It is not possible to determine whether the statement is true or false without further
information. You will have to work quickly and accurately to perform well in this test. If you dont know the answer to a question, leave it and come back to it if you have time. Try to find a time and place where you will not be interrupted during the test. When you are ready, begin the test. Verbal Test 11 Solutions Booklet
Page 2 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q1 The Bilderberg Group has critics on both sides of the ideological spectrum. True False Cannot say True summarises the 8th and 9th sentences. Right-wing critics being one side and left-wing activists being the other. Q2 Representatives from the media are not allowed to attend the Bilderberg Group conference. True False Cannot say False while the fourth sentence states that reporters, however, are not invited the second
sentence states that conference participants include newspaper editors.
Page 3 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q3 The Bilderberg Group was created as a private forum to set Europe and Americas political and financial agenda. True False Cannot say False while many conspiracy theories promote this idea, the fifth and sixth sentences state that the Group was established to promote understanding and does not set policy. Q4 Topics discussed at Bilderberg Group conferences have included the invasion of Iraq. True False Cannot say Cannot say as the conferences are private, there is no way of knowing what was discussed. Q5 Because its delegates are not elected, the Bilderberg Groups activities are widely believed to be undemocratic. True False Cannot say Cannot say both sides of the argument are argued in the last sentence. We are not told either way if this view is widely believed.
Page 4 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q6 Trieste, Trentina and
Istria were reunified with Italy following the Treaty of Versailles. True False Cannot say Cannot say while the third sentence lists these areas as Italian territories, and the fifth sentence states that the Treaty of Versailles satisfied most of Italys irredentist claims the passage does not expressly state that these territories became part of Italy . Q7 Borders imposed in 1919 by the Treaty of Versailles resulted in twentieth century conflicts. True False Cannot say True both World War II and the Bosnian War were the result of irredentist claims over borders.
Page 5 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q8 Irredentist movements advocate the annexation of territories only on the grounds of prior historical possession. True False Cannot say False there are a variety of reasons given in the first sentence. Q9 Yugoslavia was created following the Second World War to provide a homeland for Bosnians, Serbs and Croats. True False Cannot say False
Yugoslavia was created after the First World War. All the examples in the second half of the passage pertain to the Treaty of Versailles. Q10 Although originally an Italian movement, irredentist claims are now being made in other countries. True False Cannot say True the last two sentences mention irredentist claims in East Africa and the Near East.
Page 6 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q11 The global water crisis has resulted in less of the worlds population having access to fresh water True False Cannot say Cannot say the second sentence tells us that more people in developing countries have access to clean water than before (2 billion more than in 1990), however we are not told if more or fewer people in developed countries have access to fresh water. So we are not given the whole picture and therefore we cannot say. Q12 The irrigation of crops comprises the majority of groundwater usage. True False Cannot say Cannot Say the passage states that 70% of the worlds freshwater use is for agriculture and that groundwater is used to irrigate crops. It does not follow that 70% of groundwater is used for farming.
Page 7 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q13 Despite increasing rainfall in some areas, climate change is the main cause of the global water crisis. True False Cannot say Cannot say the passage does not cite a primary cause for the crisis. Q14 The main impediment to desalination is expense. True False Cannot say Cannot Say the passage states that The processs high costs however limit its
wide-spread adoption. However it does not follow that this is the main impediment. Q15 Both technological innovation and diplomacy are
needed to tackle the worlds water crisis. True False Cannot say True the 11 th sentence says The solution to the global water crisis lies predominantly in new technologies. The last sentence goes on to say that Organising bodies and treaties are also needed?. So we are told that both technology and diplomacy (organising bodies and treaties) are needed.
Page 8 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q16 One of the advantages of Esperanto is that it is universally easy to learn. True False Cannot say Cannot say because it is based on European languages it is indeed easier for speakers of European languages to learn Esperanto, however we are not told if others find it easy or not. Q17 Dr Zamenhof's goal was to replace ethnic languages with the universal language of Esperanto. True False Cannot say False the third sentence refers to Zamenhofs goal of an international auxiliary language he did not aim to replace ethnic languages.
Page 9 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q18 Esperantos lack of an associated culture or homeland can be viewed as both an asset and a disadvantage. True False Cannot say True as stated in the 8th sentence. Q19 Contemporary Esperanto speakers do not share a
common vision of the languages purpose. True False Cannot say True the sixth sentence describes two different visions for Esperanto. Q20 Loglan is a more logically constructed language than Esperanto. True False Cannot say Cannot say while the last sentence states that Loglan is based on logic, the fifth sentence describes Esperantos grammar as having logical rules and the two languages are not directly compared. We cannot say which of the two are the most logically constructed.
Page 10 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q21 Prescription drug
abusers are typically young adults who have access to the drugs at home. True False Cannot say Cannot say the passage does not state whether prescription drug abusers come from a specific demographic, though the fifth sentence does refer to young adults. Q22 The
pharmaceutical industry has made opioid painkillers highly addictive to enhance their profits. True False Cannot say False while the last sentence refers to the fact that opioids are lucrative for pharmaceutical companies, the third sentence states that they are only addictive in one percent of patients when used properly. So it is not true to say they are highly addictive.
Page 11 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q23 Prescription drug abuse in the United States is generally attributed to the availability
of strong opioids. True False Cannot say True the second sentence states most experts concur that the cause is the increased availability of powerful new opioid analgesics. Q24 The erroneous belief that there are fewer risks associated with taking prescription drugs recreationally is prevalent. True False Cannot say True paraphrases the sixth sentence. Q25 Medical professionals do not
support proposed government restrictions on the prescription of opioids. True False Cannot say Cannot say while the 9th sentence states that some healthcare professionals have expressed concern that
restricting opioids . . . would have an adverse effect it is not possible to say what ALL medical professionals think or support.
Page 12 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q26 Corvids feeding behaviour indicates that they have some awareness of what their competitors are thinking. True False Cannot say True
summarises the fifth and sixth sentences regarding the re-hiding of food. Q27 The social function of intellect theory states that corvid
intelligence developed as a result of their complex social structure. True False Cannot say True The 8th sentence defines this theory as being applied to other species, such as corvids.
Page 13 Document last updated 07-01-2013 Q28 Although they lack a common ancestor, primates and corvids acquired their intelligence under the same evolutionary processes. True False Cannot say Cannot say while this is the definition of convergent evolution, the final sentence indicates that not all scientists believe that primates and corvids evolved convergently, so there is no consensus. Q29 Corvids cognitive abilities are the result of both brain structure and social structure. True False Cannot say Cannot say the 8th sentence cites the social function of intellect theory but this is just
hypothesised not stated as fact. Also the 10th sentence refers to the nidopallium within the birds brains, but again this is said to be believed by scientists to fulfil a cognitive function. Q30 A corvids nidopallium is smaller, but more powerful, than a primates neocortex. True False Cannot say Cannot say while overall brain size is compared, the size of the nidopallium and neocortex are not compared. Furthermore, the 10th sentence states that scientists believe the nidopallium fulfils a similar function to the neocortex. This is not an established fact. -- End of Test --