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人教版新目标版七年级英语下册Unit 6 Im watching TV教学设计

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Unit 6 I’m watching TV.

Learning Objectives


Everyday activities 二、Functions (功能)

Talk about what people are doing 三、Structures (结构)

1. Present progressive tense 2. What questions

3. Yes/No questions and short answers 四、Target Language (目标语言)

What are you doing? I’m doing my homework. What’s she doing?

She’s washing her clothes. Is he reading? Yes, he is. What time is it?

It’s eight o’clock in the morning. 五、Vocabulary (词汇)

newspaper, movie, tea, house, pool, supermarket, living room, race, wash, drink, study, miss, wish, young, delicious

read a newspaper, eat out, go to the movies, miss his family, wish to have zongzi 六、Skills (技能)

Listening for key information Scanning in reading 七、Recycling (复习巩固)

clean her room, wash the dishes, exercise, talk on the phone, at half past six Do you want to …? It’s kind of …

Let’s meet at … 八、教材分析

本单元主要围绕“What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出现在进行时的一般疑问句,否定句以及特殊疑问句等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行动,能准确地用英语来表达。 九、教学目标

通过本单元的教学,我要求学生能通过上下文内在的逻辑联系,或在观察别人的行为和活动时能用现在进行时来准确地表达所发生或进行的动作。 十、教学重难点:

基于上述对教材的分析,我确定本单元的教学重点为词汇、词组搭配和现在进行时的用法。 教学难点为现在进行时中现在分词的结构及读音,能在交际中准确地运用现在进行时来描述或表达正在进行的动作。 十一、课时安排

第一课时:完成Section A 1a–2c 第二课时:完成Section A 2d–3c 第三课时:完成Section B 1a–1e

第四课时:完成Section B 2a–Self Check

The First Period (Section A, 1a–2c)

Teaching aims (教学目标)

Train Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing. Test Ss’ competence in communicating with one another. Language points (语言点)

1. 词汇: doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, reading, talking on the phone 2. 句型:What are you doing?

I’m watching TV. What is he doing? He is reading. Difficulties (教学难点)

“一般现在时” ,“现在进行时”的区别和运用 Teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

Daily greetings to Ss. 2. Presentation (呈现新知识)

(1) Show the pictures and help Ss to identify what the people in the pictures are doing. Help them to describe each picture by saying “He/ she is …” (2) Help Ss to understand the key sentences.

【教学设计说明】图片教学法是呈现新知识最简单有效的方法之一,学生通过图片,能更价值观的理解新单词的含义。 3. Work on 1a (完成1a)

(1) Match the words with the activities.

(2) Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language.

【教学设计说明】通过1a的练习,使学生进一步学会运用新单词。和学生一起谈论图片,目的在于引导学生学会使用现在进行时的基本句型。 4. Work on 1b (完成1b)

(1) Listen. What are these people doing? Write numbers from 1a.

(2) Write numbers from 1a.

【教学设计说明】此环节着重是听力训练。让学生在听对话的过程中抓住关键词汇,由于前面已做了一些训练,因此学生听起来比较容易,让他们都有一次成功的喜悦和感受,这样可以增强他们的学习自信心。 5. Drill (练习)

Have some Ss repeat the conversation first. Then have Ss change the words. T: Let’s play a game. Two of you will repeat the conversation in the picture. Then another two will also read out the conversation but they have to change the words used.


【教学设计说明】此环节为机械操练,使不同层次学生初步掌握目标语言。机械操练是英语初始阶段教学必不可缺的部分,学生要先从模仿到初步掌握,最后才能熟练应用。机械操练时应注意着重提问成绩较差的学生,由于机械操练比较简单,因此是激发后进生兴趣,培养后进生自信的一个很好的途径。 6. Work on 1c (完成1c) (1)Pairwork

A: What’s he doing? B: He’s using the computer. A: What are they doing? B: They’re listening to a CD.

(2) Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class. 【教学设计说明】此环节是让学生运用所学句型来进行操练,有利于巩固所学句型。 7. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)

(1)T: Please turn to page 32. Look at the sentences in 2a. Read them aloud. (2)T: Now let’s listen carefully and match the answers with the questions. (3)T: Can you get the answers? Please check the answers.

(4)T: Please look at 2b. I’ll play the recording again. Fill in the blanks. 【教学设计说明】此环节进一步巩固了本堂课所学的词汇和句型。通过反复听读,可以让学生尽快熟悉生词。学生填表格,是检查学生能否听懂并拼写所学单词。 8. Work on 2c (完成2c) Role-play the conversation in 2b.

【教学设计说明】此环节既能充分练习学生的目标语言,使学生学以致用,同时也能极大的调动学生们的课堂参与率,并且能为有绘画特长的孩子提供一个展示的空间。 9. Homework (课后作业)

1. Find three photos of your family or friends and write about what they are doing using the present progressive tense. 2. Review the words and phrases.

The Second Period (Section A, 2d–3c)

Teaching aims (教学目标)

1. 能在日常情境中运用现在进行时。 2. 能用所学内容解决实际问题。

3. 区别句型What does he do?/What is he doing? Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. house, tea

2)动词v. drink

3)副词 adv. tomorrow 4) 短语 eat out, drink tea 2. 句型:What are you doing? I’m watching TV. What’s she doing?

She’s washing her clothes. What are they doing? They’re listening to a CD. Are you doing your homework?

Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m cleaning my room. Is he reading a newspaper?

Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball. Are they using the computer?

Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. They’re exercising. Difficulties (教学难点)

现在进行时的一般疑问句极其回答 Teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习) (1) Check Ss’ homework.

【教学设计说明】通过图片,达到复习与巩固的作用。同时增进同学之间的相互了解。 2. Work on 2d (完成2d)

(1) Role-play the conversation in 2d.

(2) Follow the example in 2d and make up a conversation with a partner. (3)Read the conversation and answer the following questions. Q1. What is Laura doing? She is washing her clothes. Q2. What is Jenny doing? She is watching TV.

Q3. Are Jenny’s parents at home? No, they aren’t.

人教版新目标版七年级英语下册Unit 6 Im watching TV教学设计


