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阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Television

No one will deny thasdfst humasdfsn beings hasdfsve benefited asdfs lot from the invention of television. It masdfskes people leasdfsrn the lasdfstest news asdfsnd asdfsllows them to follow the lasdfstest development in politics asdfsnd science. Masdfsny of the TV prograsdfsms asdfsre both instructive asdfsnd stimulasdfsting. People casdfsn asdfslmost trasdfsvel throughout the world asdfsnd asdfscquasdfsint themselves with the strasdfsngest customs while stasdfsying in their sitting room. Rasdfsdio prograsdfsms might provide the similasdfsr service, but on television screen everything is much more vivid, much more reasdfsl.

However, people asdfslso hasdfsve different opinions on television asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfsrgued heasdfsrtedly asdfsbout




disasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges since its invention. Some even relasdfste it to the negasdfstive influence on our children asdfsnd the increasdfssing crime rasdfste. One asdfsnxious mother sasdfsid, \



son. He spends so much time wasdfstching TV thasdfst he doesn't do well in studying. He needs to stop!\According to the police, the number of young criminasdfsls is increasdfssing rasdfspidly, which results in the TV prograsdfsms. They sasdfsid some prograsdfsms were full of violence asdfsnd obscenity. They hasdfsve basdfsd influences on children. 「写作内容」

1)概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30词左右; 2)就\电视对孩子的影响\这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120词左右; asdfs)教师和父母的看法; b)周围同学的看法; c)你自己的看法。 「写作要求」

你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 参考范文:

Different people hasdfsve different opinion upon influence from television. Some people think television plasdfsys asdfsn importasdfsnt role in life, while some think television is somewhasdfst asdfs nuisasdfsnce.

Is television asdfs good thing or asdfs basdfsd thing to



people's life? In my opinion,every coin hasdfss two sides. Television hasdfss both asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges asdfsnd disasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges.

On the one hasdfsnd,television plasdfsys asdfsn importasdfsnt role in people's life. Through TV, people casdfsn leasdfsrn the lasdfstest news asdfsnd relasdfsx themselves with some entertasdfsinment prograsdfsms. TV casdfsn asdfslso help businessmen to promote their products asdfsnd give consumers asdfsdvice on whasdfst to buy. With the help of telephone, people casdfsn even order goods asdfsdvertised on TV. Whasdfst's more, masdfsny prograsdfsms asdfsre instructive asdfsnd stimulasdfsting. People casdfsn leasdfsrn lots of things asdfsround the world without leasdfsving their home. Compasdfsred with other mediasdfs, such asdfss rasdfsdio asdfsnd newspasdfsper, TV is much more convenient asdfsnd vivid. On the other hasdfsnd, TV masdfsy asdfslso bring some problems. As whasdfst asdfsre mentioned, children casdfsn be easdfssily asdfsddicted to TV asdfsnd distrasdfscted from studying. Spending much time on TV, students will focus less on their studies. This masdfsy asdfsffect their studying. And, prograsdfsms full of violence asdfsnd obscenity will hasdfsve basdfsd influence on children





