中学信笺 中学学生成绩表 Academic Report of High School
学生姓名: ,性别 : , 年 月 日出生,该生自 年 月至年 月在 中学就读,学习成绩如下:
Name: , Gender: , born on : , studied at High School from to . The school reports are as follows:
高中一年级 Senior Grade One 上学期 The 1st Term 102 87 86 Pass 72 71 85 88 78 76 Pass 下学期 The 2nd Term 104 84 87 Pass 68 73 84 91 79 80 Pass 高中二年级 Senior Grade Two 上学期 下学期 stThe 1 Term The 2nd Term 98 86 90 Pass -- -- -- 90 81 79 Pass 101 90 92 Pass -- -- -- 87 83 78 Pass 高中三年级 Senior Grade Three 上学期 The 1st Term 97 89 94 Pass 下学期 The 2nd Term 95 88 89 Pass 科目 Subjects 语文 Chinese 数学 Maths 英语 English 信息技术 IT 物理 Physics 化学 Chemistry 生物 Biology 历史 History 政治 Politics 地理 Geography 体育 P. E. 理综 理综 Science Science 文综 Literary 251 Pass 文综 Literary 254 Pass *The full mark in English, Maths, Chinese are 150.The full mark in the rest are 100 for Senior One and Senior Two.The total marks for literary arts/Science are 300.语文、数学、英语三科单科总分为150.文/理综总分为300.其他科目总分为100。
High School,JiangXi Province
负责人: 电话:
Person in Charge: Tel:
2016年 1 月 20 日
January 20th,2016