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高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)Unit 9《Everything is made in China》word教案

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Unit 9 Everythingis made in china The first lesson Listening and Speaking Teacher : zhouxuemei Teaching Aims 1.Languages Aims ⑴ Understand and use the materials, Eg:glass, wood, stone, wool, cotton, steel, plastic silk, leather and so on . ⑵ Students can use these colors to describe objects Eg:red, yellow, green, black, pink, purple, white, blue and so on. (3) Students can use these size to describe objects Eg:large, medium, small and so on. (4) Students can use these sentences to describe objects Eg: (1)What color do you prefer? (2)What size do you prefer ? (3)What is it made of ? (4)Where is it made ? 2. Ability Aims ⑴ Students can use colors , materials size and to describe objects. ⑵Students can use these sentences to talk about the objects.

3. Teaching Important Points ⑴ Master the words about colors, size and materials. (2) Master the sentences to describe objects. Teaching Difficult Point How to use the expressions of transportation to make the dialogue? Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in 方法:通过问题和视1.How did you go home last 频导入新课。 weekend? ( ss)/ What about you? 2. Brainstorming Step 2 Listening and speaking 1. Listen and tick “What means of transportation are mentioned(提到 in the listening?” ( )ferry( )taxi( )train ( )bus 方法:播放听力让学( )plane( )light rail( )boat ( )生了解与本节课相关subway 2.Listen again and match . 的交通方式以及描述,完成听力练习的同时为下面的练习做准备。

Public Transportation in Shanghai Subway Sara’s Opinion 。 A bit expensive, but the service was very good. Light rail Taxi Step 3 Speaking comfortable fast 1.Read and underline the means of transportation in Beijing. 2.Write down the sentences 方法:1.学生跟着磁带1)Where did you go?/Did you go 泛读,以便于单词读音。 anywhere(Zhangye/Lanzhou…)? Yes,/I have been 2. 老师和某一个同学to 再读一遍,让学生画出与交通方式有关的句子。 3.学生自读且和老师共同写出与交通方式有关Zhangye/Lanzhou… 2)How did you go ? By/Take a bike /bus/train... 3)What was the transportation like in 的句子并练习每一个句Zhangye /Lanzhou…? It was good / great /terrible /bad... 4)Did you take a /by bus/train 子。

高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)Unit 9《Everything is made in China》word教案


