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Unit 1 School and Friends


1.Canada 加拿大→ Canadian adj.加拿大人的;加拿大的;n. 加拿大人 2.thanks n. 谢谢→thanks for...由于……而感谢 必背知识点

1.hello =Hi 喂,你好 (见面打招呼的常用语 2. be from意为“来自……”。

其后可跟地点,表示“来自某地”;也可以跟人,表示“来自某人”。 be from的同义短语为come from。

eg:J.K.Rowling is from the U. K.=J.K.Rowling comes from the U. K. J·K·罗琳来自英国 3. What’s your name可直接简略为:“Your name,please?”“May I have your name?”。

考查情景交际答语或问句 (1)My name is+姓名. (2)I am/I’m+姓名. (3)直接回答姓名 What’s her name?

询问第三者(女性)姓名的问句,意为“她叫什么名字?”。询问男性第三者姓名时用“What’s his name?”。

What’s her/his name?的答语用: Her / His name is...或She / He is..., 4. How are you?


回答可用“Fine,thanks./Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thanks.”。 为了表示礼貌,还可以回问对方“How are you?/And you?” 此时对方可回答:“I’m fine,too.”


1.—How are you? 你好吗?

—I'm fine/good/well.我很好。


1.is, what, name, your(连词成句) What is your name ______________________________________?

2.from, Danny, Canada, is(连词成句)

Danny is from Canada ___________________________ 3.My name is Jenny.(改为同义句)

_______________________________________ I am Jenny.

4.My name is Anne.(对画线部分提问)

What is your ________ _____ ________ name? 5.He is fine.(对画线部分提问) is How ________ ________ he?



1.student n. 学生 →students(复数) 2.classmate n.同班同学

3.four num.四 4.five num.五 5.over adv.在那边;在另一处 必背知识点

1.This is...句型,意为“这是……”。”介绍近处的人或物

在介绍某人时,is后跟被介绍的人的姓名或称呼。“This is+姓名/身份. Jenny,this is my friend.詹妮,这是我的朋友。 This is a pen.这是一支钢笔 2.in Class Four在四班

⑴若表示在几年级几班,则先要说班级,再说年级,中间常用逗号隔开。 eg:I’m in Class Two,Grade Three. 大写 我在三年级二班。

⑵指课程或具体的某节课。eg:I have six classes a day. 我一天有六节课。 ⑶指班上的全体同学。eg:Hello!Class! 同学们好!

3. Who+be+...?是询问某人是谁的特殊疑问句,意为“……是谁?”。 who's? the ? man over there

4.the定冠词,常用于名词之前,表特指。 当名词后有介词短语修饰时,用定冠词the 练习题

1.Look at ____C____ eraser on the floor.

Whose is it? (陕西) A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.—Good morning, Miss Zhang! —___A_____!(南宁)

A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening D.Good night 3.—Where are the kids?

—They're playing soccer. You know, it's ___C__ hobby.(青海) A. his B. her C. their 4.—Is this ____B____ car?

—No. It's ________ car.

A.his;it B.your;her C.her;she D.you;me 5.—____C____your mother a teacher? —No,________.

A.Am;I’m not B.Are;you're not C.Is; she isn’t D.Are;she isn't


1.Wang Mei,this is my friend.王梅,这是我的朋友。

2.And who’s the girl with Mr.Jones?并且和约翰先生在一起的女孩是谁?



1.show v. 指示;带路

2. around adv. & prep. 到处;在附近→ look around 环顾四周 3.office n. 办公室;职务→officer n. 军官;警官

4.plan n. & v. 计划→make a plan 制订一项计划→plan to do sth.计划做某事 5.fun n. 有趣的事;玩笑→funny adj. 滑稽的 6.classroom n. 教室 7.lab n. 实验室 必背知识点

1.a visiting student中的visiting 意为“访问的,参观的”,作定语。 visiting是形容词,可以位于名词之前作定语

visiting的动词形式是visit。意为“访问、探望、参观”,后面可直接加地点名词。 eg:He is visiting Beijing now. 他正在参观北京。

2.Welcome to...


在情景交际题中考查交际用语。“欢迎来某地”要用“Welcome to+地点名词” welcome后面如果加地点副词,则不需要 介词to。 eg:Welcome here.欢迎到这里来。

3.let sb.do sth . 意为“让某人做某事”,let为使役动词,常用在祈使句中,表示建议。 考查let后加动词原形,人称代词用宾格。 eg:Let me help you.让我帮你


eg:Please show me around!请带我四处参观一下吧!

show sb . sth .=show sth.to sb.意为“把某物展示给某人看”。

eg:I’ll show you the book. =I’ll show the book to you.我将把书拿给你看。 5.have lessons意为“上课”。

也可以说have a lesson,lesson前也可以加上某个学科表示“上……课”。lessons也可以换成classes。

eg:I have an English class today.

6.play sports意为“进行体育运动”。 7.have fun 意为“过得愉快,玩得高兴”

have fun与have a good time,enjoy oneself同义

have fun后面跟动词的 ing 形式。eg:I have fun playing football.我享受踢足球的乐趣。 练习题


—It's a car.

A.What’s that? B.Is it a car? C.Are they cars? D.What this? 2.Welcome___A_____my home.

A.to B.for C.in D.on 3.Jenny,__A______our school.

A.this is B.that C.this D.It 4.We have English____B____here.

A.classes' B.classes C.lessones D.lesson 5.Let us___A_____you around.

A.show B.to show C.showing D.shows



1.Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。

2.Our teachers plan their lessons here.我们的老师在这里备课。


1.eraser n. 橡皮擦

2. first adv. & num. 第一;首先→ first of all 首先;第一 3. guess v. 猜测 4.wall n. 墙 必背知识点

1.play a guessing game意为“玩猜谜游戏”。 2. play games意为“做游戏”。

3.go first意为“先来、先说、先请”,还可意为“先走” You go first. I’m coming 4. Now it’s your turn.现在轮到你了现在轮到某人做某事了。 One’s指形容词性物主代词或名词所有格形式。

It’s your turn to read English now.

It’s Li Ming’s turn to play a guessing game now. 5. On the wall 贴在挂在墙的表面 in the wall 嵌在墙里面

6.Some any

some 用于肯定句

any 用于否定句和疑问句

但是表示请求和建议的疑问句用some Would you like some bananas ? 7.write with it


1.Class,let's play a guessing game.同学们,咱们玩猜谜游戏吧。 2.Now it's your turn.现在轮到你了。


1.The blackboard is_____C___the wall. A.in B.at C.on D.To

2.Not many people can write ____D____ their left hands. A.in B.at C.on D.with 3.You can ____A____ books from the library. A. get B. getting C. gets D. to get 4.—____C____ you go and buy some crayons? —Sorry, I can't.

A.Do B.Are C.Can D.Must 5.Now it is_____A___turn to sing.

A.my B.you C.I D.he



1.excuse v. 原谅→excuse me 打扰了

2. OK adj. & adv. & int. 好;对;不错;可以 →That’s OK.没关系; 不用谢 3. borrow v. 借→lend借出 4. store n. 商店

5. later adv. 后来;以后→See you later.一会儿见。 6. may v.aux. 可以;可能 7. two num. 二 8. three num. 三 必背知识点

1. may

情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,其后必须加动词原形 考查“May I...?”句型的答语。 其答语有以下几种形式:

肯定形式:OK./Sure./Certainly./Of course./Yes, you may. 否定形式:Sorry./No,you may not. 注意:may not无缩写形式。

2. You’re welcome!此句是回应别人致谢时的答语。意为“不用谢、别客气”。

不用谢:no problem,no worries,not at all,my pleasure,don’t mention it,forget it or it’s nothing.

3. get/get/v.买,取,得到

get sth . for sb. 为某人取/买/拿某物


1.You're welcome!不客气!


1.—___A_____.What's the time?

—________,I don't know. I don't have a watch(手表). A.Excuse me;Sorry B.Sorry;Excuse me

C.Sorry;Sorry D.Excuse me;Excuse me 2.—May I turn off(关闭) the heat(暖气)?


A.Sorry,here you are B.Yes,I may C.Yes,you may not D.Of course 3.—Sorry, I'm late again. —___A_____.(广安)

A.That's OK B.All right C.Good idea D.That's right

4.—Thanks for taking my friends and me out tonight. —____B____.(盐城)

A.Don't worry B.You are welcome C.That's a good idea D.I'm afraid not

5.I___A____a book_____the library.I like it very much. A.borrow;from B.lend;to

C.borrow;to D.lend;from




