哀兵必胜 an army burning with indignation is boundto win哀鸿遍野 disaster victims moaning everywhere挨家挨户 go from house to house
唉声叹气 heave deep signs (of grief, worry oranguish)
爱不释手 be so fond of sth. that one will not letit out of one’s hand爱莫能助 be willing to help but unable to do so爱屋及乌 love me, love my dog
爱憎分明 understand what to love and what tohate碍手碍脚 be in the way
安邦定国 bring peace and stability to the country安步当车 stroll over instead of riding in acarriage安居乐业 live and work in peace and contentment安如泰山 as solid as Mount Tai安之若素 bear with equanimity按兵不动 take no action
按部就班 keep to conventional ways of doing things按劳分配 distribution according to work
按图索骥 deal with a matter in a mechanicalway按需分配 distribution according to need暗渡陈仓 enter into a secret liaison暗送秋波 make eyes at sb.昂首阔步 stride proudly ahead八九不离十 pretty close
八面玲珑 be smooth and slick
八面威风 an aura of awesome might
八仙过海各显神通 like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea,each one showing his or her special people
拔刀相助 take up the cudgels against aninjustice拔苗助长 spoil things by excessive enthusiasm跋山涉水 scale mountains and ford streams白璧微瑕 a slight defect in a person of integrity白驹过隙 the time is fleeting白日做梦 build castles in the air白手起家 start from scratch
百尺竿头更进一步 further improve one’s work百发百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy
百废俱兴 all that was left undone is now beingundertaken
百花齐放百家争鸣 let a hundred flowers blossom and ahundred schools of thoughts contend百里挑一 one in a hundred; cream of the crop
百闻不如一见 seeing for oneself is better than hearingfrom others百折不挠 keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks稗官野史 books of anecdotes
班门弄斧 display one’s slight skill before anexpert半斤八两 two of a kind
半老徐娘 woman of fading charms
半路出家 switch to a job one was not trained for宝刀不老 he is still at the height of his powers饱经风霜 having had one’s fill of hardships抱残守缺 be an anachronism
抱佛脚 make a hasty last-minute effort抱头痛哭 cry on each other’s shoulders
暴殄天物 a reckless waste of the products of nature暴跳如雷 fly into a rage
爆冷门 a dark horse bobbing up背道而驰 run counter to背水一战 fight to win or die背信弃义 break faith with sb.
笨鸟先飞 the slow need to start early比比皆是 such is the case everywhere彼一时此一时 times have changed
敝帚自珍 cherish sth. of little value simplybecause it is one’s own避重就轻 avoid the important and dwell on thetrivial鞭长莫及 beyond the reach of one’s power遍体鳞伤 be beaten black and blue标新立异 create sth. new and original别出心裁 try to be different
别具一格 have a style of one’s own别有用心 have an axe to grind宾至如归 a home from home
兵败如山倒 an army in flight is like a landslide秉烛夜游 make merry while one may
并驾齐驱 keep abreast of sb. ; keep pace with sb.拨乱反正 restore things to order
博闻强记 have encyclopaedic knowledge捕风捉影 speak or act on hearsay evidence不卑不亢 neither overbearing nor servile不出所料 as expected
不辞而别 leave without saying goodbye不打不相识 no discord, no concord不打自招 give oneself away
不到黄河心不死 refuse to give up until all rope is gone不二法门 the one and only way
不费吹灰之力 as easy as falling off a log
不分青红皂白 make no distinction between right andwrong不寒而栗 tremble with fear
不即不离 keep sb. at arm’s length不胫而走 spread like wildfire不可名状 be beyond description
不可同日而语 there is no comparison between them
声势汹汹不可一世 bluster and swagger like a conquering hero不了了之 end up with nothing definite不期而遇 have a chance encounter
不入虎穴焉得虎子 nothing venture, nothing gain不三不四 neither fish nor fowl不速之客 gate-crasher
不同凡响 out of the common run不闻不问 be indifferent to sth.不相上下 almost on a par不遗余力 do one’s utmost不择手段 by hook or by crook不折不扣 out-and-out不知所措 be at a loss
步入后尘 follow in sb.’s footsteps残花败柳 fallen women
沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean
察言观色 watch a person’s every mood长吁短叹 moan and groan陈词滥调 clichés
乘风破浪 brave the wind and the waves
趁人之危 take advantage of sb.’s precariousposition吃喝玩乐 idle away one’s time in pleasure-seeking吃一堑长一智 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit出尔反尔 contradict oneself
出类拔萃 be out of the common run出其不意 catch sb. unawares
出人头地 stand out among one’s fellows出人意料 beyond all expectations
初生牛犊不怕虎 young people are fearless唇枪舌剑 engage in a battle of words
唇亡齿寒 if one falls, the other is in danger词不达意 the words fails to convey the idea
此地无银三百两 a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure从长计议 take one’s time in reaching a decision寸步不让 not budge an inch
打肿脸充胖子 puff oneself up to one’s own cost大吹大擂 make a big noise
大红大紫 be very much in the spotlight
大惊小怪 make a fuss about nothing大器晚成 great minds mature slowly
大失所望 to one’s great disappointment大同小异 alike except for slight differences大显身手 give full play to one’s abilities大言不惭 talk big
大有文章 there’s more to this than meet theeye单刀直入 speak out without beating about the bush殚精竭虑 rack one’s brains
当机立断 make a prompt decision
当局者迷旁观者清 the onlooker sees most of the game当之无愧 be worthy of
倒打一耙 put the blame on one’s victim
道高一尺魔高一丈 the more illumination, the more temptation得不偿失 the game is not worth the candle
得寸进尺 give him an inch and he’ll take a yard颠来倒去 over and over
对牛弹琴 address the wrong audience
自食恶果 sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
恩威并施 use the carrot and the sticksimultaneously尔虞我诈 each trying to cheat the other发人深省 stir up one’s soul反败为胜 turn the tide返璞归真 go back to nature防微杜渐 check at the outset飞蛾扑火 seekone’s own doom纷至沓来 keeppouring in
焚膏继晷 stayup late and work hard风靡一时 be allthe rage at the time
釜底抽薪 takedrastic measures to deal with an emergency俯拾即是 befound everywhere腹背受敌 beattacked front and rear
覆水难收 whatis done can not be undone改邪归正 turnover a new leaf
改头换面 dishup the same old stuff in a new form干打雷不下雨 muchnoise but no action
纲举目张 oncethe key link is grasped, everything falls into place格格不入 like asquare peg in a round hole各得其所 eachhas a role to play
各有千秋 eachhas his own strong points
狗急跳墙 acornered beast will do sth. desperate
狗拿耗子多管闲事poke one’s nose into other people’s business孤掌难鸣 it’shard to succeed without support孤注一掷 putall one’s eggs in one basket
骨瘦如柴 a bagof bones
故伎重演 playthe same old trick故作姿态 put onairs
顾名思义 justas its name implies; as the term suggests拐弯抹角 beatabout the bush归根结底 in thefinal analysis
裹足不前hesitate to move forward过河拆桥 kickdown the ladder
海底捞针 lookfor a needle in a haystack害群之马 ablack sheep
好事多磨 theroad to happiness is strewn with setbacks好为人师 begiven to laying down the law恨之入骨 bear abitter hatred for sb.横七竖八higgledy-piggledy红光满面 in thepink
虎头蛇尾 inlike a lion, out like a lamb
哗众取宠 try toplease the public with claptrap化干戈为玉帛 burythe hatchet化为乌有 cometo naught化险为夷 headoff a disaster
画蛇添足 ruinthe effect by adding sth. superfluous换汤不换药 thesame old stuff with a different label焕然一新 lookbrand-new
患得患失 be swayedby considerations of loss and gain挥金如土 spendmoney like water回心转意 have achange of heart毁于一旦 bedestroyed in a moment浑然一体 anintegral whole
混水摸鱼 fishin troubled waters魂不守舍 havelost one’s mind火中取栗 be acat’s paw货真价实dyed-in-the-wool
祸不单行 it neverrains but it pours
机不可失失不再来opportunity knocks but once积少成多 many alittle makes a mickle
积重难返ingrained habits are hard to change
以其人之道还治其人之身pay a person back in his own coin集思广益 poolthe wisdom of the masses几次三番 timeand again
己所不欲勿施于人 donot unto others as you would not have them do unto you计日程功 havethe completion of a project in sight既往不咎 notcensure sb. for his past misdeeds
家家有本难念的经every family has its own hard nut to crack家喻户晓 widelyknown