【期刊名称】《浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2016(036)004
【摘要】This paper focuses on the thorough and complete data analyses of the CET3 Scores from year 2010 to 2014 (10 tests in total)taken by 22,957 non-English majors in a vocational college in Zhej iang.The data results have lead to a reflection of differences and problems of the current English study situations among students of 8 different departments in that college. Taken all the analyses into consideration,a conclusion can be drawn that minor-language majors (Japanese,Korean,Spanish, Russian majors)have the best performance on English test among all the non-English majors.To some extent,it reflects that minor-language maj ors,with the highest average scores from every test,are most capable of adapting themselves to the changes and reform of the English test and have made the greatest progress in 2 successive tests.Discussions and analyses will support the idea that increasing the students’ awareness of cultural background of the target language is an efficient way to promote the proficiency of college English teaching.%通过对5年来(2010—2014年)浙江某职业学院全校各非英语专业学生10次 CET3(大学英语三级考试)共计22957人次的成绩统计,分