【期刊名称】《南京航空航天大学学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(044)002
【摘要】插电式混合动力汽车(Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles,PHEV)被认为是电动汽车在目前动力电池瓶颈状态下最具发展潜力的混合驱动型式,而成本控制是其发展的关键.以减小PHEV动力系统尺寸、实现有效成本控制为目的,对影响PHEV动力系统配置的关键问题进行了系统分析,提出动力系统有限分级配置方法以及设计目标和边界条件的确定依据;搭建以设计目标和边界务件为输入、以获取满足条件的最小化PHEV动力系统设置为目标的优化选型平台;基于此平台对国内一线城市某PHEV进行动力系统设计和仿真验算,结果验证了系统配置的合理性和优化平台的有效性.%Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is considered to be the most promising hybrid driving type of electric vehicles while power battery being in the current bottleneck state, and cost control is the key to its development. For reducing the size of PHEV power system and realizing effective cost control, key issues influencing PHEV power-train configuration are studied systematically. The classification of PHEV power-train configuration and the deterministic bases for the boundary conditions and design goals are proposed. And the optimization platform to obtain the minimum PHEV power-train system is built taking the design objectives and boundary conditions as the input variables. And based on this platform , the power-train of