Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences 农业科学, 2020, 10(8), 615-622
Published Online August 2020 in Hans. http://www.hanspub.org/journal/hjas https://doi.org/10.12677/hjas.2020.108092
Identification of Mature Honey and Water Honey by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
Lijun Mao
Harbin Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, Harbin Heilongjiang
Received: Aug. 3rd, 2020; accepted: Aug. 18th, 2020; published: Aug. 25th, 2020
Honey is the nectar obtained by bees from the flowers of flowering plants and brewed in the hive. There is currently no precise definition of mature honey, which is usually defined as honey that has been fully brewed, dehydrated, and capped in a beehive, with a moisture content of less than 18% and no substance added or removed. The immature honey is relative to the mature honey, the immature honey (hereinafter referred to as “water honey”) is the honey which the bees just picked up has not been fully brewed for a long time. Due to short brewing time, high water content in honey, incomplete decomposition of polysaccharide, low bee enzyme content and sparse honey, enterprises usually need to reduce the water content below the standard value by means of heat-ing and concentrating in order to store it for a long time, the heating and concentration process not only destroys the nutritive active components of honey, but also produces a lot of harmful substances such as furfural, which is potentially harmful to human health due to the Maillard reaction and oxidation reactions. Therefore, it is of great scientific significance to establish the identification method of mature honey and heat-processing concentrated honey for formulating the quality and safety standards of honey and guiding the production of mature honey.
Mature Honey, Non-Mature Honey, Identification
利用中红外光谱技术对成熟蜜和水蜜的 鉴别研究
哈尔滨市产品质量监督检验院,黑龙江 哈尔滨
文章引用: 毛力军. 利用中红外光谱技术对成熟蜜和水蜜的鉴别研究[J]. 农业科学, 2020, 10(8): 615-622. DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2020.108092
摘 要
Copyright ? 2020 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
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Open Access 1. 引言
2. 样品采集
3. 模式识别技术
3.1. 仪器设备
中红外福斯光谱分析仪,丹麦FOSS公司; 超纯水机,美国密理博公司;
电子天平,美国梅特勒–托利多公司; 磁力搅拌器,德国IKA公司。
3.2. 分析过程
1) 扫描光谱数据:对稀释5倍后的蜂蜜样品扫描,采集红外光谱数据[2];
2) 化学分析数据:将采集到光谱的蜂蜜建立成熟蜂蜜和水蜜集合,并对集合利用转换软件进行格式转换用以进一步分析;
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2020.108092
3) 利用回归软件分析:对样本集合利用WinISI III软件鉴别定标、查看红外光谱图和建立聚类识别模型[3]。
3.3. 结果分析
1) 图1和图2分别为成熟蜜和水蜜的全波段光谱图,其中横坐标为中红外光谱的波点数,纵坐标为红外吸收值,图中可见成熟蜂蜜与水蜜光谱叠加图相似,未有明显区分;
2) 图3为成熟蜂蜜和水蜜利用WinISI软件进行鉴别定标部分分析数据截图;
3) 图4为成熟蜜与水蜜XY Plot分析,线性方程为y=?1.1398x+3.2228,黄色代表的是成熟蜜,紫色代表的水蜜,图中可见二者在坐标象限中有明显的统计学区分。
Figure 1. Spectrum of mature honey 图1. 成熟蜜光谱
Figure 2. Spectral diagram of water honey 图2. 水蜜光谱图
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2020.108092
Figure 3. Intercepted diagrams of identification and calibration analysis of mature honey and water honey 图3. 成熟蜜与水蜜鉴别定标分析部分截取图
Figure 4. XY Plot analysis of mature honey and water honey 图4. 成熟蜜与水蜜XY Plot分析
4. 建立成熟蜜快速鉴别模型并验证
4.1. 分析过程
1) 对稀释5倍的椴树蜂蜜样品进行光谱扫描;
2) 对采集的成熟蜂蜜光谱数据建立一个样本集合,建立不同的验证集合; 3) 利用PCA(主成分分析)技术定标建立成熟蜂蜜快速鉴别模型; 4) 调整主成分数(F值)和马氏距离判定限(T值)对模型进行优化[4]; 5) 选择不同验证集合对成熟蜂蜜鉴别模型进行验证。
4.2. 模型的建立与优化
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2020.108092
Figure 5. Mature honey correction set when F = 9 T = 3 图5. F = 9 T = 3时成熟蜂蜜校正集合
Figure 6. Parameters of the mature honey discriminant model 图6. 成熟蜂蜜判别模型参数
调整主成分数(F值)和马氏距离判定限(T值)对模型进行优化。F值越大,校正模型的准确率越高;T值越小,验证集合的准确率越高,但是会导致部分成熟蜂蜜会被误判为水蜜,因此在鉴别模型设定中T值设定更为关键,经多次实验证明T = 3模型的准确性较好。本实验中在F = 9 T = 3时所建立的成熟蜂蜜判别模型的准确率为91.50%,达到模型判别要求[5] [6]。
4.3. 模型的验证
1) 选择水蜜集合对模型验证,结果如图7、图8
Figure 7. Discrimination model and parameters of mature honey 图7. 成熟蜂蜜判别模型及参数
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2020.108092
利用中红外光谱技术对成熟蜜和水蜜的鉴别研究 - 图文