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I 单词拼写 (根据汉语或首字母提示用单词的适当形式填空)(每题1分) 1. The idea of going camping has never _________________(吸引) to me.

2. My sister is working at the post office stamping __________________(信封) all day.

3. There are many _______________(空的) rooms in this hotel. In other words, there are many rooms 4. a_________________ in this hotel.

5. It is common practice to exchange gifts with friends and ___________(亲戚) on Christmas Day. 6. We should try our best to make sure the ___________ (青少年) stay away from drugs. 7. Women’s social __________(地位) has changed much over the years.

8. Enough ___________(预先的) preparations can help you go well in job-seeking interviews. 9. ___________(缺乏) vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms. 10. On my way to the market, I met a lot of ________________(熟人).

11. I asked him if he was willing to have dinner with me, but he _______________(迟疑) for a while and unwillingly agreed.

12. In which ___________(方向) are you going, north or south?

13. What’s wrong with him recently? He has been ______________(表现) strangely. 14. Hospitals always overcharge, loading a heavy _________(负担) on the poor.

15. She is a _______________(体贴的) girl and always takes good care of her grandparents. 16. As is _________(提到) in the book, the man was murdered at last.

17. If you want to keep fit, diets are more effective when _____________(和...结合) with regular Exercise.

18. When __________(呼吸), we draw air into our lungs.

19. Green plants are _____________(有益的;有好处的) to our eyes.

20. That’s the most ______________(难以置信的) ________________(巧合) I’ve heard of! 21. Love, hatred and grief are all e__________________.

22. Chocolates are so delicious that I cannot r_________________them at all.

23. They are working day and night to achieve their a_____________of becoming famous. 24. It’s no use r___________ what you have done or said, just move no.

25. He doesn’t p____________a sense of humor and never laughs when hearing jokes. 26. By investing wisely, he a_________________ a fortune. 27. Under no c_______________ can you violate the school rules.

28. In a remote town, we have few o__________________ of meeting foreigners.

29. My sister is expecting her second baby. That is to say, she is p_________________. 30. He a____________ to us for his misunderstanding, which we think is not necessary at all.

II. 用表格内词汇的正确形式填空 (每题1分)

combine; occupy; betray; count; refection;impress; rewind; obtain; ignore; infamous 31. Father always ___________ on me the value of hard work.

32. Only by ____________ theory with practice, can you do well in your work. 33. When I returned from outside again, I found my seat ____________. 34. Data _________ from experiments showed that his prediction was right. 35. I didn’t quite catch it. Will you ___________ the tape for me? 36. I won’t ___________ your trust and will finish the task on time.

37. Nobody can ____________ the fact that China has developed a lot over the years. 38. What ____________ to me now is how I can adapt myself to my new job soon.

39. Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world but she was ___________ because she lighted the flames of the Trojan War, bring extreme destruction on the city of Troy.

40. Narcissus was so addicted to looking at his own ___________ in the water that he finally became the flower narcissus.

III. 词义搭配 (每题1分)

41. present parent peasant percentage

a. 农民 b. 父母 c. 百分数 d. 现在 A. abcd B. bcad C. dabc D. dbac 42. incident insert incapable insist

a. 插入 b. 坚持 c. 没能力的 d. 事故 A. dacb B. abcd C. dabc D. bcad 43. contact contract contrast construct a. 合同 b. 对比 c. 联络 d. 建筑

A. cabd B. cdab C. bcda D. dbac 44. proper prosper purpose propose

a. 目的 b. 建议 c. 繁荣 d. 适当的 A. dbac B. bacd C. dcab D. dcba 45. profoundly thump prospect revenge

a. 视野 b. 极度地 c. 报仇 d. 怦怦直跳

A. dcab B. bdac C. badc D. abcd 46. anecdote distribute genuine confront

a. 分发 b. 面对 c.轶事 d. 真的;纯粹的 A. abcd B. cdab C. bcad D. cadb 47. underneath bungalow privilege nostalgic a. 怀旧的 b. 在...下面 c. 平房 d. 特权;荣誉 A. dcba B. abcd C. bcad D. bcda

48. pilgrim interpret shrink patrol

a. 朝圣者 b. 诠释 c. 减少 d. 巡逻 A. dcba B. abcd C. cbad D. bcad 49. heritage significant identify organism

a. 遗产 b. 辨别出 c. 有重大意义的 d. 有机体

A. acbd B. abcd C. cbad D. bcad 50. procedure component contradictory intact

a. 完好无损的 b. 程序 c. 矛盾的 d. 成分 A. bdca B. abcd C. dcab D. cbad

51. recommend rub majority flexible destination a. a number of people or things that form more than half of a group b. easily bent, not breaking c. a place you are going to

d. to press something against something else and move it

e. to advise someone to do something especially because you have special knowledge of a subject A. bdeac B. ecadb C. abdec D. edabc 52. channel tiresome universal offence basic a. forming the main or most necessary part of something b. a passage that water or other liquids flow along c. involving or understood by everyone in the world d. making you feel annoyed or not patient e. behavior which makes someone angry

A. bdcea B. becda C. cbead D. bcdae 53. legal lounge dilemma harmony zipper a. to live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other

b. two lines of small metal or plastic pieces that slide together to fasten a piece of clothing

c. a small comfortable public room in a hotel or other building used by many people d. allowed, ordered or approved by law

e. a situation in which it is hard to decide what to do because all the choices seem equally bad A. dceab B. cdeba C. daebc D. cabde

IV. 根据句意选择正确的单词补全句子 (每题2分)

54. Sorry to have ____________ answering your letter because of pressure of time. A. decided B. delayed C. discussed D. disliked 55. The __________ were drawn, so we couldn’t observe him from the window. A. cases B. companies C. curtains D. cottages 56. The wounded soldier walked with great ___________.

A. disaster B. discourage C. distance D. difficulty

57. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this ___________ a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the idea that all men are created equal. A. country B. content C. continent D. county

58. Though trees are planted in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ______. A. blank

B. hollow

C. vacant

D. bare

59. People are warned to be as ______ as possible about shopping on TV in case they are cheated. A. cautious B. patient C. concerned D. secretive 60. By working towards your goal one step at a time, I’m sure you’ll ________ achieve it.

A. accidentally B. eventually

C. eagerly

D. obviously

V. 选出正确的词义 (每题1分)

61. Archaeology is the study of the buried remains of ancient times, such as houses, pots, tools and weapons.

A 地理学 B 生态学 C 心理学 D考古学

62. This strict officer is a martinet, a person who demands total obedience(服从) to rules, discipline and order.

A专制的人 B软弱的人 C强硬的人 D 要求严格服从纪律和命令的人

63.Though Mr. Smith has been general manager for just 3 months, he has already made much greater achievements than his predecessors. A上级 B 前任 C 同事 D 下级

64. At the wedding party of Peleus and Thetis, all the gods were invited with an exception of Eris, or

Discord. Enraged by her not being invited, the goddess threw a golden apple among the guests, causing an incident.

A. 满意 B. 惹怒 C. 烦恼 D. 厌恶

65. All his attempts to unlock the door was futile, because he was using the wrong key. A 成功的 B 徒劳的 C 有效的 D 匆促的

66. She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading. A 心不在焉的 B 紧张的 C 全神贯注的 D 睡意浓的 67. One of symptoms caused by the peculiar illness is a high fever. A 症状 B 疾病 C 恐惧 D 威胁

68. In the strong wind, the beggar shivered with the terrible cold. A 流泪 B 乞讨 C 呻吟 D 颤抖

69. Concerned about her son’s future, Leirope consulted the prophet about what her son would be like. A智者 B 长者 C 先知 D 老师

70. To quite a great many people, money is an irresistible temptation(诱惑). A 不可抗拒的 B 可抗拒的 C 可接受的 D 不可接受的

VI. 根据短文意义选出词的正确含义 (每题2分)

(1)Cigarette smoking

Some people believe that cigarette smoking is dangerous and should therefore be considered a health hazard. They want their governments to create anti-smoking programs. People differ as to how strong these anti-smoking campaigns would try to completely eliminate cigarette smoking. Supporters of these programs would try to ban cigarette smoking completely in public places. Others would try only to restrict the number of places where people could smoke. Such restrictions would not try to eliminate public smoking completely, but only to curb smoking by reducing cigarette consumption. 71. hazard

A safety B danger C habit D damage 72. anti-smoking

A agreement with smoking B non-smoking C disagreement with smoking D cook smoking 73. campaigns

A actions or programs B jokes or hobbies C camping or outing D a kind of wine 74. eliminate

A elect or choose B buy or sell C receive or accept D get rid of or put away 75. ban

A forbid by law B support by law C break law D write law 76. restrict

A enlarge B enrich C limit D spread 77. curb

A control B cut C keep D raise 78. consumption.

A jumping B working C producing D using


Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs ? The answer is “yes”, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins and three other medical centers. After a study of 800 persons with high blood pressure, they found that after 6 months those devoted to weight loss---exercise and eating a low-salt, low-fat food---lost about 13 pounds and became fitter. Plus, 35% of them dropped into the “normal” category. This week, Dr. Alan Duckworth will tell you how people reduce their blood pressure to a level similar to what’s achieved with Hypertension drugs. 79. In Science\\Health, “Johns Hopkins” is ________.

A a famous university B a medical center C a well-known doctor D a drug company (3)

The President has started using look-alikes during some public appearance. Dave is offered a chance to “serve his country” by being one. 80. The underlined word “ one” refers to _______. A the President B the director C an actor D a look-alike



