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广西高级中学2019-2020学年高一3月月考英语试题 Word版含答案

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High School in Texas. But when he learned that the school district was going to offer a Mandarin(普通话)class,he quickly changed his mind. "I thought Mandarin would be more beneficial than Latin, \Cheatham,who is now in his second year of studying the language.

He speaks Mandarin to order food at Chinese restaurants and can read social media posts from his Chinese-speaking friends. While it's a difficult language to master,the high school junior,who plans to study computer engineering,thinks it will be important for his career. \a good language to know,especially with China becoming a growing power, \

Many experts agree that proficiency(熟练)in a language spoken by a billion people worldwide will give American students an edge in the global economy.

"People are looking at China as our next economic competitor,and interest in Mandarin is growing fast, \Marty Abbott,director of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. \in all parts of the country. ”

Abbott predicts that as many as 100, 000 students are now studying Mandarin in public and private schools throughout the US. She said the US government has designated(指定)Mandarin as an\need”language and provides professional development programs for teachers. \government wants to increase our language ability for

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economic competitiveness, \

At the same time,the Chinese government is spreading knowledge of the Chinese language and culture through Confucius Institutes set up in many US states.For example,the Confucius Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas has been the home of a Confucius Institute for 10 years. It sponsors Confucius Classrooms at 21 local public and private schools,where tens of thousands of students are learning Mandarin. 29. Why did Thomas Cheatham decide to study Mandarin instead of Latin? A. Mandarin was easier to learn than Latin, B. Mandarin could be helpful to his future career. C. Mandarin might help him learn more about China. D. Mandarin could enable him to study computer engineering.

30. The underlined word“edge”in paragraph 4 probably means\ "。 A.a slight advantage B.the outside limit C.a sharp tone of voice D.an exciting quality

31. Which of the following statements might Marty Abbott agree with? A. Mandarin should be taught in classrooms throughout the US. B. Those skilled at Chinese will be the most competitive in the future. C. The US government's policy has helped popularize Mandarin in the US.

D. Americans learn Mandarin because they worry about their economic security.

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32. What does the author mainly talk about in this passage? A. The rising popularity of Mandarin among American students. B. The great benefits of learning Mandarin for American students. C. The influence of China's growing power on American education. D. The effect of Confucius Institutes in promoting Mandarin in the US.


My dearest son and daughter,

The story of New Jersey high school student Rachel Canning suing her parents for child support and high school education inspired me to write you a little letter.Let me just put this out there:the only way I expect to see you in a court is as a lawyer or a judge.

There are two things about this case that seem to be disaster. First.it's natural for parents and children to argue. I can guarantee that we will disagree. One or both of you will,at some point,scream at the top of your voice the various ways you hate me. And I won't always like you,either. But I will always love you and do everything I can to keep your best interests as my focus,even when I'm so angry. We are family. That means we are as much a part of one another as the flesh,blood and bones in our body. And we all should think about it very deeply instead of breaking that bond.

Second,to be honest,no matter how far apart we are on your life choices,your father and I will most certainly pay everything we can for

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your higher education. But that doesn't mean you deserve it. To be clear,that is a privilege we happily extend(给于)to you-not a right you are born with. And you will have to work hard to earn that privilege. Growing up is hard work.

If I do my job properly as your mother-and you do yours as my children-you would sooner get a job or two,and find a way to make your dreams come true rather than go to trial over what you think you are entitled to.

Love always,


33. The mother writes this letter because she wants her children to . A.be prepared for education B.learn a lesson from the case C.take up the legal profession D.remember Rachel Canning

34. 34. When in disagreement,the mother expects her children not to . A.guarantee anything B.scream out their anger C.break the family bond D.forget their best interests

35.The mother thinks of parents' paying for their children's higher education as .

A.a way in which children realize their dreams

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B.a test of whether parents love their children C.a privilege that children should earn D.a right that parents are born with

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

On any given day,many of us wrestle with our fears. We might be considering changing a job,telling someone we love them or wanting to speak up for what's right when we see injustice(不公正). 36 Or it says that we don't have the ability to create the life or world we want to

have. The cycle often plays out in the same way.

So,what should we do? 37 Instead,we can choose to accept fear as part of the process of change and practice courage. Though courage is often thought of as an inborn character,it's actually a practice that can be learned for dealing with difficulty. 38 Here are two useful tips for dealing with fear and moving closer to courage.

Listen without attachment. Many of us who are stuck in fear have an inner critic(批评家),constantly telling us we'll fail. Sometimes we adopt approaches to removing it. 39 However,if we can take time to listen to our inner critic without attachment-without the need to ignore or accept what it is saying-we're in a better position to learn from it.

40 Creating courageous communities gives us the support to face

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广西高级中学2019-2020学年高一3月月考英语试题 Word版含答案


