英语活动教案 蔬菜Vegetables
1 了解一些常见蔬菜的名称和特征。(西红柿Tomato、黄瓜cucumber、玉米Maize, 胡萝卜Carrot)
2 引导幼儿运用多种感官感知蔬菜的特征。 活动过程:
T:Yesterday,we have gone to fruit’s home. We has known the apple , banana , Orange and pear, do you also remember them? S:yes!
T:ok!Now let me test you !(教师出示图片,问)
Please take a picture. What is this? Is this a fruit? Let the vegetables gone here to line up. All these are fruit, all these are vegetables.二、认识蔬菜 1、认识蔬菜、了解特征 T:This is …….
1)What color is it?(在黑板上画出颜色) 2)What sample is it?(在黑板上画出样子)
T:This is a tomato / Cucumber / Maize / Carrot. It is red / green / yellow / Orange.
It is Round / long、Curved弯 / small、One for one一粒一粒 / long、Thick粗. Color: Sample:
T:Now let us know these vegetables again. Please read after me. 2、游戏:摸摸是谁
Today, we’ll go to vegetables’s home. Look, it’s a pocket. Many vegetables in it. What vegetables inside this pocket? If you want to know ,please touch one. Who can try?
幼儿上前摸,提醒他们摸一个Touch one,
Please tell us, What have you touched to? what is this? 2、游戏:我说你选择
T:Now we will going to do a game“I say You Take”. I will tell the color and sample of the vegetables , Please lift the picture of the vegetables. Other people do judgement ,If they are right please clap your hands, if they are wrong please stamp your foot . Do you understand? Ok!Who can try? 画好后提问:Please tell us ,what vegetables have you drawn? 3、游戏:谁的眼睛亮
T:Next,I want to test your eyes. I will show a kind of vegetables very fast , please tell me what vegetables this is. Ok? See clearly.
仙人洞仙人已去,捕蛙者善入仙人洞。这大概算是一种缘分吧,使隐逸万年的仙人洞得见人间。我们来到仙人洞的时候,距仙人洞被现代人发现已经过去了三十多年,此时的仙人洞依然没有引起各方面多大的关注,她的神秘面纱还待考古学家的揭秘、发现和发掘。。 常识 www.100ix.com 。
燕子借了她二哥的单车载着我从石头小镇出发。出发前,燕子问我会踩单车啵,我说我不会。我骗了单纯的燕子。好在那时我身子骨还很瘦弱,不足百斤的体重,燕子竟能载着我在小镇子的石头土路上飞。 单车有些颠簸,我试着揽住了燕子的纤纤细腰,她竟然没有反对。春暖花开的乡村土路上,一个妙龄女孩用单车载着一个相识不久的少年去踏青,那是一幅多么诗情画意的情景呀!坐在燕子的身后,揽着她偎依她,那是我有生第一次与异性的亲密靠近,那一刻,我白纸一样白的十七岁的心里被触手可及的甜蜜胀满。