龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
中图分类号:U484 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2017)001-000-03 Abstract: Based on the 25 colleges and universities in the survey, a total of 200 college students, the author found that shared cycling has the tendency of rapid popularization and development, especially in the urban roads and college campuses already common shared cycling, many colleges and universities still does not set intensive sharing bicycle parking bays or some college students have never heard of the status quo of shared cycling or even never used. Because sharing concept is a new trend of the market, in addition to realize the user experience for shared cycling, there are a lot of problems, including the regulation of sharing bicycle companies and management system is imperfect, government support and attitude as well as the recognition of the individual for shared cycling, etc.
Key words: Sharing bicycle; Regulatory system; Public rental system; Beijing; User experience
物流配送“最后一公里”是电子商务行业发展的痛点之一,而日常出行的“首”、“尾”一公里却成为共享经济形态下催生新出行方式的原生动力[1]。无桩式公共自行车是为了相较于有桩式公共自行车而命名,别名共享单车。作为一种慢行交通[2]的出行方式,共享单车集绿色、环保、便捷、随用随取等优点于一身,适用于公共交通遍及不到的盲区,特别是大学校园内的短途出行。近年来,我国公共交通、轨道交通发展迅速,可是也带来了诸如交通拥堵等一系列问题,共享单车的出现大大方便了短途出行的用户,也渐渐暴露出一些问题。 一、调查方式及调研对象的基本情况