【期刊名称】《物理学报》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)019
【摘要】为研究两个异质关联网络复合后的结构特征与节点中心性特征,本文提出了交织型层级复杂网络的概念,可描述由两个具有部分相同节点,连接边属性近似的子网所构成的层级复杂网络,并定义了节点交织系数、路径交织系数和网络交织系数3种测度用于衡量两个子网之间的密切程度。针对该类网络,研究并改进了节点度中心性和介数中心性的计算方法,同时提出一种新的中心性指标-助联性,用于衡量子网的某一节点对另一子网联通性和流通性的助益。通过实验分析,验证了本文各类指标的有效性。%In order to study the structural characteristic and node centrality of a structure composed of two related hetero-geneous networks, in this paper, interlacing layered complex networks are defined as networks which are composed of two subnets having the partially same nodes and similar links. Also the definitions of the node interlacing coefficient, path interlacing coefficient and networks interlacing coefficient are given, so the intimacy level of two subnets can be measured definitely. Based on the definitions above, a node centrality algorithm of degree and betweenness is studied and redefined, while a new node centrality measuring index is given, which can be used to measure the supporting degree of a node in one subnet to the others’ connectivity and