foresaw its uni versally destructive powers too late.Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inven tor of dyn amite ,so in 1895,just two weeks before his death ,he created a fund to be used for award ing prizes to people who had made worthwhile con tributi ons to man ki nd.Origi nally there were five awards:literature ,physics,chemistry,medici ne and peace.Ec ono mics was added in 1968,just sixty-seve n years after the first awards cerem ony.
Nobel' s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested,and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from 30,000 to 125,000.
Every year on December 10,the anniversary of Nobel important role in the judge
' s death,the awards(gold
medal,illumi nated diploma and mon ey)are prese nted to the winn ers.Sometimes politics plays an
' s decisions.Americans have won
nu merous scie nee awards,but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were prese nted from 1940 to 1942 at the begi nning of World War II.Some people have won two prizes,but this is rare;others have shared shared their prizes.
48. Why was the Nobel prize established?
A. To recog nize worthwhile con tributi ons to huma ni ty. B. To resolve political differe nces. C. To honor the inven tor of dyn amite. D. To spe nd mon ey.
49. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT true? A. Awards vary in mon etary value .
B. Cerem onies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel inven tions.s C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners. D. A few in dividuals have won two awards.
50.ln which area have America ns received the most awards?
Literature. B.Peace C.Ec ono mics D.Scie nee 51.ln how many fields are prizes bestowed? A.2 B.5
C.6 D.10
Passage Five
From the begi nning rivers have played an importa nt part in the life of man .Ma n of the earliest times used the rivers as a means of travel.Today rivers still serve as a great waterway for the tran sport and people.
In an cie nt times,ma n settled n ear rivers or on river banks and built up large empires. Water is Nature ' s most precious gift to man.Man needs water to irrigate his crops,to cook and to wash .In n ati ons all over the world rivers mean life and wealth.They feed and clothe the n ati ons around them.
Water is also a source of en ergy and power .Ma n con structs dams across the river to con trol the water for irrigati on and get the en ergy n eeded to drive gen erators.The electrical power is then directed to homes,cities,factories and television stations.
Man uses water each day.His mai n source of water comes from reservoirs,which in turn get their water from the rivers.
Rivers also bring dow n soil and min erals from the mountains and deposit them on the pla ins build ing up rich river deltas for rais ing pla nts and crops.Fresh water life in rivers or in lakes fed by them provide man with food.
In a small way rivers help to keep man in good health and provide for his amuseme nts.Various forms of water sports keep man stro ng and healthy.
Rivers have run on this earth long before man.Man uncertain,but rivers will flow on forever.
52. Rivers have bee n importa nt to man A. si nee the last cen tury B. for a very long time
C. since a few hun dred years ago D. since a few years ago 53. Rivers bring
A.people and crops and wealth C.poverty and death D.agriculture and bridge 54. E nergy is obta ined from rivers by . A. build ing bridges across them B. driving generators into them C. build ing dams across them
D. directi ng them in to homes and factories
55. The things brought dow n by rivers from the mountains that are useful for cultivati on are ____ .
A.deltas B.crops C.fresh water life D.soil and mi nerals
V. Daily Conversation(15 points) Directions:Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
A.Can I help you ? C.Safety belt,please. B.We are taki ng off at last. D.The engine went wrong. ' s future ability to live is
E. ls there anything serious? F.Just a moment ,please. GWhat flight are you tak in g? H.It should be OK in an hour. Molly:Information desk. 56 James:Yeah,will Flight CAAC 205 take off on time ton ight? Molly: 57 Hello,I ' m afraid the flight haerioput off. James:What' s the matter?
Molly:You know. 58 It ' s being checked and repaired right now. James: 59 Molly:No, just some minor trouble. 60
Vl.Writing (25 points)
Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write a letter in 100120 words based on the following situation.Remember to writer to write it clearly.
61.你是一位中学数学老师。最近,你的几位老同学希望你能入伙,和他们 共办一家软件公司。经过考虑,你做出了自己的选择。就以上所规定的情景用第 一人称写封们给他们,告知他们你的看法。
I .Phonetics
1. D
【解析】本题属字母组合的考查题,可利用排除法。 A、B、C三项当中的 发音均为[:],只有D项中发音为(au),故选D。
2. D
【解析】本题属元音字母的考查题,可利用排除法。 A、B、D三项中的发 音均为[i],只有D项中发音为[ai]。故选D。
3. C
【解析】本题属字母组合的考查题,可利用排除法。 A、B、D三项中的发 音为[:1 ],只有C项中发音为[]。故选C。
4. D
【解析】本题属字母组合的考查题,可利用排除法。 A、B、C三项当中的 发音均为[au],只有D项中发音为[u ]。故选D。
5. D
【解析】本题属字母组合的考查题,可利用排除法。 A、B、C本项中的发 音均为[:],只有D项中发音为[i ]。故选D II . Vocabulary and Structure
6. C
【解析】本题考查不可数名词的用法。根据题意:杯里没多少水了,我想添 点。故此空应用表否定意义的单词。
7. C
【解析】本题考查动词短评的习惯用法。Can t(couldn ' t)h(e禁不住)后常 接动名词。 8. B
【解析】本题考查固定词组的用法。in order that和so that后应接从句。没 有all above这种形式,应用 above all。故选B。
9. C
【解析】本题考查习惯用语的用法,最新新闻应用 “ the latest n ews ”
water (水)是不可数名词。故选 C。
10. C
【解析】本题考查代词的用法。It +be+形容词+to do是典型句式,it常指代 后面的动词不定式。
11. C
【解析】本题考查词意辨别。 When当什么时候,except除了什么,while 同时,because由于。
12. C
【解析】本题考查固定词组的用法。 either…o或者,both…and两者都, neither …n两者都不。
13. C
【解析】本题考查固定搭配的用法。固定词组 be+accused后常接介词of, 表被控”的意思。
14. B
【解析】本题考查固定搭配的用法。pay后常接介词for达式表示为某事而 付款的意思。 15. C
【解析】本题考查虚拟语气的用法。动词 suggest,orde、ask和dema nd等后 面的宾语从句中的动词应用原形。
16. A
【解析】本题考查固定搭配的用法。固定词组in one ' s opini表示依照某人 的观点的意思。 17. C
【解析】本题考查动词短语的用法。result from由于‘result in导致,bring in 介绍、提出,lead into导入。
18. A
【解析】本题考查名词所有格的用法。根据题意,指代 the satellites的所有 格形式应用their。
19. D
【解析】本题考查代词的用法。it形式宾语指代后句中的“to reach the town …”。 20. B
【解析】本题考查固定搭配的用法。词组 “prevent ???fror后常接动名词。 Ill.Cloze
21. B
【解析】本题属分析、推理题。那位愤怒的妇女是在和卖给他火车票的 Harry 吵。
22. D
【解析】本题属句法题。后文第二段第二句中已有明确提示。 23. B