1. The Olympic Games pursuit
2. I cannot conceive
are a national dedicated and afternoon addict appeared to be cater in this perplexing
and comment contemplating is interested in diversion relationship is foreseen diet imposes arbitrary problems seem petty local people perpetual
翻译:1.可以说,生命的整体意义在于追求美好的生活 2.很难想象没有电和其他现代便利设施的日子怎么过
3.他毕生致力于为他的祖国寻找合适的建筑风格,这种风格既具有现实意义,又能融入社会。 4.他还着重强调了人们玩电脑成瘾所造成的众所周知的危险。
5.但是,在经过这场种族暴乱之后,种族关系成为国家既要迎合又要管制的对象。 6.看到窗内的情形,他不知所措,甚至大为震惊 7对于自己新近的提职,彼得沉思了一会儿
8与乡村相比,大城市的一个优势在于拥有众多的影院和其他娱乐活动 9任凭想象力驰骋,我也无法预知原来有如此美好的生活等待着我 10就学术成就而言,我从来没有失败过,将来一定会取得成功
1. He succeeded=made it at his library exhauster=run out of are planned in terms of
should dedicate ourselves to 5. for that matter,he is the most should be based on
in the marriage =their duty to is a long in missing=thinking of our country immune from=free of long-distance lacking=short of
his professional lean upon=depend on order to win attend to=cater to
1. The whole of life,so to speak,is involved in the pursuit of the good life.
2. It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other moder n convenience 3. He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic
and integral to that society
4. He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.
5. But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and
to take control of.
6. He appeared to be very perplexed,and more than a little shocked by what he saw in the window 7. For a moment or two peter contemplated his newly elevated status
8. One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and
many other diversions.
9. In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.
10. In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The right to ?美国宪法赋予美国人民追求幸福的权利,但是似乎谁也说不清幸福跑到哪里去了。
Advertising is one of广告业是我们的主要产业之一,它的存在不是为了满足欲望,而是为了制造欲望,其速度之快为任何人的预算所不及。
This is the cream that这是可使人肌肤恢复细嫩的护肤霜,这些是减去大腿脂肪的药片,这些是青春永驻的药丸。 To think of happiness认为幸福就是高人一等,住的是大理石豪宅,衣柜里有上百套衣服,这可成为贪婪的极端。 Although the holyman’s尽管圣人的幸福观在东方享有很高的声誉,但我却怀疑是否真有这样静态的幸福。
Thoreau certainly didn’t intend梭罗当然不会让自己挨饿,但是他的进食仅仅是为了保持其体能,以便有精力做大事。 The Western weakness西方幸福观的弱点可能在于他们幻想幸福是可以买来的。 而东方幸福观的弱点或许在于他们相信存在完美的幸福。
A nation is not measured评估一个国家的标准,不是看它已经拥有什么,或者想要拥有什么,而是看它想要成为什么
What the early patriots当年的爱国者能够预见后来的幸福市场,他们或许会强调这样一个基本事实:幸福在于追求本身,在于参与和改变人生,也就是说,在于相信\过程\这一理念。
10. Janathan swift conceived乔纳森·斯威夫特认为幸福是 \一种大上其当而浑然不觉的状态\, 或者是充当\一名白痴中的傻瓜\
的感觉 ,因为斯威夫特把社会看作是一片布满虚假目标的土地。
Unit 3
1. To make a watertight plan,… 1. The girl…they were at odds about… 2. When a manuscript has been… 2. Ann’s friends…she was in earnest… 3. The university…would be instrumental in 3. If you contribute to the world’s…
that… 4. The economic …are spreading across the 4. He had made… to overthrow the country…
eighteenth-century… 5. Laws to …hours derive from 19… 5. Twenty years ago,..got much verbal 6. If it’s really a matter of important…
encouragement… 7. The friendship…nationalities dates to 6. New research stresses empirical work,… ancient… 7. Curiously, she was of Irish descent,… 8. These have many…to know in advance what… 8. He should not… Association expired. 9. Gardeners have warned of that plant… 9. Riot policemen…,rapidly dispersing the 10. There have been…which point to an overlap
crowd… 11. By going online, companies can communicate … 10. He said the clock…post office was busted and… with… 11. They drag what…,which the rots and… 12. Recently public…focused on the dangers… 12. The functional…and transcend most…
1. The move was characterized as a major breakthrough for energy and industrial cooperation between the
two countries.(这一行动…)
2. His career went into a rapid descent after the scandal.(自从那次…)
3. Though the lawyer tried to defend her, but the evidence point to her guilty.(虽然律师…)
4. This ‘Imperial city’ remained virtue intact until the great remolding which began in the 1950s.(这
5. This statement was at odds with the one made last week.(这个声明…)
6. The trade agreement between the two counties expires next year.(两国之间…) 7. According to the archaeologists, the building dates to 250 .(根据考古…)
8. The two countries finally started negotiating in earnest about issues of common concern.(最终两国…) 9. The ambassador is an outspoken supporter of military assistance to the groups working to overthrow
the current government.(这位大使…)
10. They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their booms. But, as the aircrafts were
widely dispersed, it took them a lot of time.(那天夜晚…)
Just at the 21 century requires a more diffused and safer balance of interest in what needs to be an increasingly multilateral global village, there is a risk of economic, institutional and political power being centralied in the European Community, and that a new bout of economic empire building may occur.
11. 1531年,弗朗西斯科·皮萨罗推翻了印加帝国,把国王从宝座上赶下了台,为西班牙夺取了印加帝国的财宝。 12. 8个月后,这支小分队出现在亚马孙河口,完成了探险——后来证明他们首次顺流而下走完了全程。
13. 跟随该小分队的一名传教士对他们的探险经历做了十分精彩的记述,并把它寄给了罗马教皇, 其中提到了当地的大信号鼓。 14. 从那以后,这类报导便激起了科学家们的兴趣,因为报导所描绘的稠密人口和庞大的部落联盟如果得到证实,将会完全不同于现
15. 这些收藏在欧洲博物馆中的物品保留了一个认识亚马孙文化的\窗口\。然而,那些文化不久就经历了外来疾病和欧洲野蛮蹂躏带
16. 在亚马孙河最上游挖掘出土的文物向我们展示了一种当时广为流传的陶罐式样——一种大型彩绘密封罐。这种陶罐上绘有醒目的
17. 在靠近急流和瀑布的裸露的岩石上,雕绘有各种各样的图像,这些地方是捕鱼的最佳位置。在靠近考古学遗址的洞穴和岩石遮蔽
18. 人们认为这些土地的形成要经过很多世纪,是当地定居点一代代积聚下来的有机物残骸。
19. 在所有的发现中,最令人激动的是在亚马孙河口附近的洞穴和岩石隐蔽处发现的葬礼陶罐。这些陶罐可追溯到公元1400至1700
20. 考古学为我们揭示了适应雨林的成功方法,这些方法是在生活实践中以及对该环境的局限性和可能性亲身经历的基础上形成的。
Unit 4.
the countryside, a tree stump as a table should get up, to sniff the fresh the news, sent a thrill of a shower,the scent of
am greeted by a timid and frail crust should be crisp and masked gunmen menaced the
the Spring, always feast their two men stood glaring drunkenly he is unusually sturdy and kissed with, the cute shot girls darted an interested
nail …come by chance (happened along ) the ….looked with hatred at (glared at )
thought…have an unfavorable result for (go against)
thought ….estimating form (judging by) the…uttered (let out )
a ….disappear into (vanish into) hearing ….burst into (broke into) dog ….pulls so hard on (strains at ) …. broke into (torn to) 8The swimmer ….appeared from (emerged form) the ….lost their lives because of (died of) ….searching for (prospecting for )
1.当这个小男孩看见陌生人出现在When the boy noticed a stranger appear on the road to the village, he immediately turned back and darted into the village.
2.当一棵树受到病虫的攻击时,When a tree is being attacked by an insect, it will release a chemical into the air to warn the other trees around it.
3.猎人在雪地里发现了一种罕见的动物爪印The hunter spotted paw marks of a rarely seen animal in the snow. 4.一阵微风吹A breeze came down from the slope with the fresh scents of the green grass and wildflowers. 5.生活在山区的人People living in the mountainous areas always fashion a rough wooden hut for the night. 6.我们决不能做出任何违背We must in no case do anything that goes against the interest of thepeople. 7.听完这位After hearing about the hero's moving deeds, the audience broke into bursts of warm applause. 8.霸权主义和强权政治Hegemonism and power politics menace the world peace
9.狗嗅了嗅尸体The dog sniffed at the dead body and trotted off, following the scent.
10.突然一只手碰了她的肩膀Suddenly a hand touched her shoulder, and she let out a scream of terror. 1. One spring morning many years ago,
多年前一个春天的上午,我在阿拉斯加南部探寻金矿。当我走出一片森林时,突然站住不敢动了。 2. Yet now, confused and frightened at my approach,
可这时,狼见我来了又是困惑又是恐惧,拖着捕捉夹的链子往后退。 3. But I suspected that if I tried to release
可是我想,要是我设法把这只狼放了,它肯定会转而攻击我,将我撕成碎片。 4. I hiked towards a cteek,and spotted the leg
我朝一条小河走去,发现了一只冻死的鹿,一条腿露在雪堆外。 5. Cutting some sturdy tree branches, I fashioned
6. Over the next few days, 在随后的几天里,我的一部分时间用于找矿,另一部分时间用于取得那只母狼的信
7. I wedged a stick between the 我把一根木棍塞进捕捉夹的钢齿中使劲撬;上下钢齿之间的槽变宽,母狼把腿
8. My experience in the wild suggested the wolf野外的生活经验告诉我,此刻母狼会带上小狼一起消失在树
9. After a while, with her babies 过了一会儿,母狼带着几只活蹦乱跳的小狼准备离开了,它开始一跛一跛地
10. There I counted nine adult 在那里我数了数,共有九只成年狼,从嬉戏顽皮的动作来看,还有四只近乎成年
Unit 5
13. Children with…diagnose in the…
14. She had …so immersed in looking up… 15. It has compile the information
16. Greenhouse crops susceptible to greenfly 17. During the interim period the 18. There may latent period of 19. If we……he will sue
20. It has commonplace for women 21. Mind is correlate past
22. Let us preclude any possibility 23. One who ……is called a private 24. A doctor prescription and a 13. While climbing the clung to the rope 14. In order to spell out his objectives
15. In the national nothing less than a landslide 16. As you can turned out to be exactly
17. It was revolted against their tyrannical
18. The next morning…wind had swept up the sand… 19. Since most …I had to back down,thus … 20. The farmers found…fertilizer could bring on
better …
21. During the …bent down to ward off a fierce…… 22. For almost… ,John was immersed in work … 23. When the …was nothing more than a tunnellike 24. The teacher ……her students is gradually
building up
1. 该实验室的预期目标 The desired goal of this laboratory is to discover the hidden virus causing disease
and develop some medicines to cure SARS.
2. 但在科学家看来 It seems to the scientists that the significance of the clear water-like liquid lies
not in its information about the human body,but in its potential capability of producing drugs. 3. 通过一段长时间的观察 Using their observations made over a long period,the research workers founf
it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.
4. 为了便于英语教学工作 For the convenience of English teaching,the teachers have used their to compile
an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students.
5. 中国科研人员和全世界 The genetic blueprint worked out by the Chinese researchers and their
counterparts all over the world is nothing less than a biological and medical revolution. 6. 尽管全世界的科学家Despire all the great efforts made by scientific throughout the world,we are still
far away from designing a perfect human baby in a scientific sense.
7. 在很多情况下 In many cases our knowledge of flaws in DNA may lead to treatments that delay the onset
of the disease or soften its effects on our health.
8. 有人认为 It has been suggested that this disease occurs when individuals susceptible to climate do
not get enough natural light during the winter months.
9. 声称已找到高智商 The claim to have found genes for high IQ has been refuted down to the last point
by many scientists,particularly by many geneticists. 10. 一些遗传专家认为 According to some geneticists,certain genes are more likely to lead people to commit
科学家近日在老鼠体内发现一种化学变化,这一发现有朝一日也许能够帮助人们开发出控制肥胖的药品。科学家们发现老鼠的细胞中有一种感受体,负责调度分配体内的脂肪。当老鼠因为生活舒适而增加体重时,这一感受体也能发挥相应的作用。如果人类体内也能有这样一种调节器,或者利用药物来达到调节的目的,也许就能解决全球范围内愈演愈烈的肥胖问题了。Scientists have recently discovered a chemical change occurring in mice ,which might help in developing new drugs to control obesity someday。Scientists have identified a receptor in mouse lives an easy life and puts on weight,the receptor functions accordingly。If a similar regulator exists in human beings,or drugs functioning in this way were to be used for regulating,it would be a promising way to tackle the world’s growing obesity epidemic。 1. 柯林斯领导着一个大型研究项目,目标是将锁定在这些细丝里的大量生物信息编目分类。他认为,其挑战
2. 他说,总有一天,医生要做的只不过是给病人诊断病情,开几根适合病人的分子丝作为处方,然后病人即
3. 他们了解到,人类的DNA的作用犹如一个生物计算机程序,该程序向生命的基本成分蛋白质的合成发出指
4. 但是,科学家们在过去半个世纪中所完成的一切只是柯林斯和他的大批同事现在所做工作的一个前奏。 5. 基因疗法尚需大量的研究工作才能得以普及,许多疾病如果真能被攻克,也需要几十年的功夫。
6. 例如,有心脏病遗传倾向的人,可以通过低脂饮食防止胆固醇在动脉中凝聚,从而避免潜在的心脏病发作。 7. 对于许多被诊断患有遗传疾病的人来说,他们所面临的危险是,如果他们离开了自己的工作(以及他们的
8. 这位专家担心,普通人的常规血液检查血样可能会被筛选甄别,由此获取的基因信息可能最终进入庞大的
9. 科学期刊《自然》的编辑警告说,基因组工程的最大弊端也许就是他所说的随发现的激增而产生的\傲慢的
10. 他说,带有这种基因类型的人因暴力行为而被捕和判罪的概率很可能是不带这种基因的人的9倍。
and quiet abundance registered prepared for= ready for standards subtle day they wrapped in signified at worried over white mist obscured he retrieved slipped into try to unfolding company can at best and accountability conspicuously is a escape from final result defies almost everyone concerned with state apparatus has corrupt your physical incorporate;into boycott development of risen to the theatre siege situation results in abuse in .overturn like students slip into
writing did fit into terrible day embedded
1. 她知道很多 She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days,when she had been a cook for a
white family.
2. 父母本身是Mothers and fathers are role models,exerting a strong ,yet subtle influence over their
3. 这种情况始于It began as fashion,signified by the growth of long hair for men,and ended up as something
4. 很多国家的起源The origins of many countries become gradually obscure in the mists of time.
5. 他昨天回复的The e-mail be sent in reply yesterday was at best evasive,at worst downright misleading. 6. 9月11日上午It just so happened that I was on the scene when the World Trade Center was attacked
on the morning of September 11,and the horrible sight would be embedded in my memory forever. 7. 美国大峡谷The American Great Canyon is known as one of the sever natural wonders of the world and
its scenic grandeur almost defies description.
8. 尽管有人向Even though he was issued an explicit warming he still insisted on having his own way,which
eventually led to this disaster.
9. 这本书自出版Since its publication this book has been under siege from all walks of life for the
vulgarity of its content. 10. 艾里斯觉得,一旦Alice feels that motherhood means overturning all the marital, housing, professional
and personal was expected to make in her 20s. 英译汉:
were the这都是卖苦力的人穿的衣服,除了准备好第二天卖苦力的人以外,这些衣服对于着装的人来说就没有多大意义了。
the 1950s,blue 20世纪50年代,对于那些想否定只重视获取的消费者社会价值观的人们来说,蓝色牛仔裤就成了他们的一纸宣言书。
had been a piece曾经作为美国传统文化一部分的蓝色牛仔裤却被传统文化抛弃了。
images found在那些曾经把灰西服和礼服奉为时代最理想的服装的人群中不乏牛仔裤的爱好者。
the student rebellion在随后发生的学生反叛和反战的运动中,蓝色牛仔裤和工作服与主流文化中清一色的服装形成了对比。
are the costume它们是解放了的妇女的服装,穿着束身,恰似旧时的束腰,但是看上去却使人觉得穿着随意、行动自如。
pursue the goal要寻求理解不仅要考虑布料本身,而且要趋时顺势,因为世人重视这一点。
ablity to understan我们对某种时装的理解力(譬如说,这里讲到的牛仔裤)说明,我们越是想理解它,就越发感到迷惑不解。
the role在工业化美国的社会政治历史背景下探讨时装的作用,有助于揭示美国社会的特征和各种可能性。
Unit 7
1. Witnesses or victims…may later testify in 12. You analyze…include: analytic, creative…
court. 1. I’ve told you time and again …
2. The national…hunt for novelty, has revived… 2. City residents…contributes to good health. 3. He jerked his foot off… 3. The value…feel in particular the threat… 4. Robot is a apparatus in the form… 4. The company … partly due to the fact…
5. For conferences and… but can be partition 5. In summer,… employees to cope with the large…
into… 6. Another important… able to integrate with the 6. They saw factory… this way they inverted the team.
ideas… 7. Pupils should… to respond to all… 7. The main…should be aggregated to produce… 8. The Civil war…did it bring about in the … 8. Lead is … which impairs the development… 9. The government…could cut off power… 9. The union…company mediated their… 10. The doctor…patient throwing up what… 10. Now…you might choose to visualize somewhere… 11. Ms. Mbogo…been involved in a campaign… 11. It’s a common… flash spontaneously into… 12. They believe…this idea conflicts with the… 1. Many English teachers testify enthusiastically to the importance they attach to
improvisation and role-play in exploring texts in the middle school.(很多英语老师…) 2. The first major attempt to use computer animation in a feature film became, to a large extent,
the novelty of the medium itself.(在故事片中…)
3. The moment I felt myself slipping back into that sad, old routine, I jerked myself back to
the reality of the moment.(我一感到…)
4. Close to the mill was the Steven Engineering Works, at which the boilers and apparatus for
making paper from wood were manufactured.(靠近磨坊的…)
5. In each building, one end was partitioned off for single girls, the other end for single
men, and the middle section was for families.(在每幢楼…)
6. According to the forecast of the department concerned in 1990,the demand for chemical
fertilizer will be around 500 million tons in the aggregate by the year 2011compared to just below 300million in 1990.(根据有关部门1990…)
7. For many years these traditions operated independently of each other, but recently they have
converged to give the field a much more integrated look.(多少年以来,…)
8. A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union
leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks.(既然雇主…)
9. Experiments with a model confirm that the meaning of many famous paintings can be negated
by inverting the picture.(范例实验…)
10. The Olympic Games is a world-wide sports meet, its success involves the joined efforts and
cooperation of the people from all walks of life in the host country.(奥运会是…)
1. 1951年,在人类实现太空飞行10多年前,一位航空医学专家就试图预测太空旅行对人体产生的一些医学方面的影响,
2. 但直到最近几年,随着数据积累的量和质的增加,科学工作者才开始了解人体对失重的反应。 3. 太空医学所带来的意想不到的成果,就是我们更加了解人体在地球上是怎样工作的。
4. 当太空旅行者抓住太空船舱壁,身体前后晃动时,他们说那种感觉就好像他们静止不动,而太空船在运动。
5. 无论我们是否认识到这一点,我们已逐步形成大量无声的、下意识反应来对付生活在一个重力向下的世界里所必须承
受的每日每时的压力。 只有当地球引力对人体的作用减少或增加时,我们才意识到它的存在。
6. 内耳的构造分为两部分:环状的、充满液体的液管,其作用是能感受头部所处的角度,以及两个充满浸在稠状液体的
7. 对脚、踝部位的触、压产生反应的神经也不发出向下的信号了。
8. 这些变化和其他一些变化使人产生方位错觉,例如感到身体或太空船突然自动改变方向。
9. 尽管绕地球飞行确实是自由落体运动——它与\正常\下落的惟一区别是太空船的超音速前进最终使它围绕着地球的
10. 在地面上,当儿童生长或人的体重发生大的变化时也会出现类似的变化。 人类是用什么方法控制身体平衡、避免摔