总 则 General
1. 程序 Procedure
When it is necessary to indicate that the IMO SMCP are to be used, the following message may be sent: “请使用《IMO标准海事通信用语》。”
―Please use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases.‖ “我将使用《IMO标准海事通信用语》”
―I will use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases.‖
2. 拼读 Spelling (参阅张晓峰、徐东华编著《船舶驾驶员实用英语口语》P4) 3. 信文标识 Message Markers
In shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication or radio communication in general, the following eight Message Markers may be used.
(1)指示 Instruction (2)建议 Advise (3)警告 Warning (4)信息 Information (5)询问 Question (6)回答 Answer (7)请求 Request (8)意图 Intention 4. 回答 responses
4.1 如果对问题的回答是肯定的,应说“是的”,后接完整语句。
When the answer to a question is in the affirmative, say: ―Yes, …‖—followed by the appropriate phrase in full. 4.2 如果对问题的回答是否定的,应说“不”,后接完整语句。
When the answer to a question is in the negative, say: ―No, …‖—followed by the appropriate phrase in full.
4.3 如果对需求的信息不能立即提供,可说“请稍等”,后接信息可适用的时间间隔。
When the information requested is not immediately available, say:
―Stand by …‖—followed by the time interval within which the information will be available. 4.4 如果不能获得对方需求的信息,可说“没有信息”。
When the information requested cannot be obtained, say: ―No information.‖
4.5 当由交管站、海军船舶或其他授权人士给出指令(INSTRUCTION)或建议(ADVISE)时,如果给予肯定的回答,则说“我将/能??”,后接完整的指令或建议。如果是否定的回答,则说“我将不/不能??”,后接完整的指令或建议。
When an INSTRUCTION (e.g. by a VTS Station, naval vessel or other fully authorized personnel) or an ADVISE is given, respond if in the affirmative:
―I will/ can …‖—followed by the instruction or advise in full; and, if in the negative, respond: ―I will not/ cannot …‖—followed by the instruction or advise in full.
Example: ―ADVISE. Do not overtake the vessel to the North of you.‖ 回答:“我不会追越我北面的船。”
Respond: ―I will not overtake the vessel to the North of me.‖
4.6在对外通信和船舶内部通信中,应答命令和对特别重要问题的回答,应使用标准用语中的语句。 5. 遇险/紧急/安全信文 Distress/ Urgency/ Safety signals 5.1 MAYDAY用于发布遇险信文。
MAYDAY to be used to announce a distress message. 5.2 PAN-PAN用于发布紧急信文。
PAN-PAN to be used to announce an urgency message. 5.3 SECURITE用于发布安全信文。
SECURITE to be used to announce a safety message. 6. 标准组织用语 Standard organizational phrases 6.1 “你收听(我)的声音怎样?”
―How do you read (me)?‖ 很差/1 信号强度为1(即极弱) bad/ one with signal strength one (i.e. barely perceptible) 很弱/2 信号强度为2(即很弱) Poor/ two with signal strength two (i.e. week) 我收听你的声音? I read you … 还好/3 信号强度为3(即还好) fair/ three with signal strength three (i.e. fairly good) 较好/4 信号强度为4(即较好) good/ four with signal strength four (i.e. good) 很好/5 信号强度为5(即很好) excellent/ five with signal strength five (i.e. very good) 6.2 当建议保持在某个VHF频道/频率上时,说:“请在VHF?频道/?频率上守听”。
When it is advisable to remain on a VHF Channel/ Frequency, say: ―Stand by on VHF channel …/ frequency …‖.
6.2.1 当同意保持在指定的VHF频道/频率上时,说:“在VHF?频道/?频率上守听”。
When it is accepted to remain on the VHF channel/ frequency indicated, say: ―Standing by on VHF channel …/ frequency …‖.
6.3 当建议转到另一VHF频道/频率上时,说:“请转到VHF?频道/?频率”。“请试VHF?频道/?频率”。
When it is advisable to change to another VHF channel/ frequency, say: ―Advise (you) change to VHF channel …/ frequency …‖. ―Advise (you) try VHF channel …/ frequency …‖.
6.3.1 当同意转到某VHF频道/频率接收时,说“转到VHF?频道/?频率”。
When the changing of a VHF channel/ frequency is accepted, say: ―Changing to VHF channel …/ frequency …‖ 7. 改正 Corrections
当信文出现错误时,说:“??错误”。随后说:“改正??”加上信文正确部分。 When a mistake is made in a message, say: ―… mistake‖ –followed by the word:
―Correction …‖ plus the corrected part of the message.
Example: ―My present speed is 14 knots –mistake. Correction, my present speed is 12 knots, one-two, knots.‖
8. 准备 Readiness
“我准备/还没准备好接收你的信文。” ―I am/ I am not ready to receive your message.‖ 9. 重复 Repetition
9.1 如果认为信文的某部分非常重要,为确保无误,可说:“重复??”随后是信文的相应部分。
If any part of the message is considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding, say: ―Repeat…‖ –followed by the corresponding part of the message. 例如:“我的吃水为12.6,重复,12.6米”
Example: ―My draft is 12.6, repeat, one-two decimal six meters.‖ 9.2 如果信息没有确切听到,说:“请再说一遍”。
When a message is not properly heard, say: ―Say again (please).‖ 10. 数字 Numbers
数字逐位读出:150 应读作:“一五零”,2.5 应读作:“二点五”。 Numbers are to be spoken in separate digits:
―One-five-zero‖ for 150; ―Two decimal five‖ or ―Two point five‖ for 2.5. 注:注意!当读舵角即舵令时,应按下列示例: 15,读“十五”;20读“二十”
Note: Attention! When rudder angles, e.g. in wheel orders, are given, say: ―Fifteen‖ for 15; ―Twenty‖ for 20, etc. 11. 位置 Positions
11.1 在使用经纬度时,应以度、分(如果需要,可以用分的小数)来表示,并应标出北纬或南纬,东经或西经。
11.2 当位置相对于某一标志时,该标志必须是海图上明确标出的物标,方位应以由物标位置的真北起算,以360°记法来表示。
When the position is related to a mark, the mark shall be a well-defined charted object. The bearing shall be in the 360 degrees notation from true north and shall be that of the position FROM the mark.
例如:“你的位置在Big Head灯塔137°,距离2.4海里。”
Example: ―Your position bearing 137 degrees from Big Head lighthouse distance 2.4 nautical miles.‖ 12. 方位 Bearings
The bearing of the mark or vessel concerned is the bearing in 360 degrees notation from north (true north unless otherwise stated), except in the case of relative bearings. Bearings may be either FROM the mark or FROM the vessel.
Example: ―Pilot boot is bearing 215 degrees from you.‖ 13. 航向 Courses
Always to be expressed in 360 degrees notation from north (true north unless otherwise stated). Whether this is to TO or FROM a mark can be stated. 14. 距离 Distances
To be expressed in nautical miles or cables, the unit always to be stated. 15. 速度 Speed
速度用节表示。 To be expressed in knots.
6.1 若无其他说明,则表示是相对于水的速度。
Without further notation, meaning speed through the water. 6.2 “对地速度”表示相对于海底的速度。
―Ground speed‖ means speed over the ground. 16. 时间 Times
Times should be expressed in the 24 hours UTC notation; if local time will be used in ports or harbors I t should clearly be stated.
17. 地理名称 Geographical names
Place names used should be those on the chart or in Sailing Directions in use. Should these not be understood, latitude and longitude should be given. 18. 多义词 Ambiguous words
18.1 条件词“可以may”、“可能might”、“应该should”和“可能could”。
May 可以 不能说:“我可以进入航道吗?” Do not say: ―May I enter the fairway?‖ 应说:“询问。允许进入航道吗?”
Say: ―QUESTION. Do I have permission to enter the fairway?‖ 不能说:“你可以进入航道。” Do not say: ―You may enter the fairway.‖ 应说:“回答。允许进入航道。”
Say: ―ANSWER. You have permission to enter the fairway.‖ Might 可能 不能说:“我将进入航道。” Do not say: ―I might enter the fairway.‖ 应说:“意图。我将进入航道。”
Say: ―INTENTION. I will enter the fairway.‖ Should 应该 不能说:“ 你应该在B3锚地抛锚。”
Do not say: ―You should anchor in anchorage B3.‖
Say: ―ADVISE. Anchor in anchorage B3.‖ Could 可能 不能说:“你可能正驶向危险。”
Do not say: ―You could be running into danger.‖ 应说:“警告。你正驶向危险。”
Say: ―WARNING. You are running into danger.‖ 18.2 词Can
“询问。在这个时间允许使用浅吃水道吗?”而不说: “在这个时间我可以使用浅吃水道吗?”
Say: ―QUESTION. Do I have permission to use the shallow draft fairway at this time?‖ Don not say: ―Can I use the shallow draft fairway at this time?‖
1. 一般术语 General Terms TERMS Abandon vessel 弃船 Accommodation ladder 舷梯 Adrift 漂移 MEANINGS To evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress. 遇险之后船员和旅客撤离船舶。 Ladder attached to platform at vessel’s side with flat stems and handrails enabling persons to embark/ disembark from water or shore. 连在船侧平台上的梯子,有平踏板和扶手,使人们能够从水上或岸上下船。 Uncontrolled movement at sea under the influence of current, tide or wind. 在海流、潮汐或风力的影响下不受控制地在海上移动。 Place on deck, in mass rooms, etc., assigned to crew and passengers where they have to meet according to the muster list when the corresponding alarm is released or announcement. 当发出相应的警报或发布通告后,船员和旅客必须按照应变部署表集中到指定的甲板上、餐厅里等地点。 Shift of wind direction in an anticlockwise manner. 风向按逆时针方向而变化。 To run a vessel up on a beach to prevent its sinking in deep water. 驾驶船舶驶上浅滩,以防止沉入水中。 1. A sea room to be kept for safety around a vessel, rock, platform, etc. 在船舶、礁石、平台等周围为安全而保留的水域等。 2. The place assigned to a vessel when anchored or lying alongside a pier, etc. 为船舶锚泊或靠泊码头等而指定的地点。 A whistle signal made by the vessel. 船舶汽笛发出的声号 An area which cannot be scanned by ship’s radar because it is shielded by parts of the superstructure, masts, etc. Assembly station 集合点 Backing 风向逆转 Beach (to) 抢滩 Berth 泊位 Blast 号笛声 Blind sector 盲区
标准海事通信用语 - 图文